Excerpt from Interplay's bible, and why this game was made.


Half-way Through My Half-life
How Shit Happens

Today's reading is from the Book of Corporate Life,
Chapter 1 , Verses 1-15:

1. In the beginning there was the Plan.

2. And then came the Assumptions.

3. And the Assumptions were without form.

4. And the Plan was without Substance.

5. And darkness was upon the face of the Workers.

6. And the Workers spoke among themselves saying, "It
is a crock of shit and it stinks."

7. And the Workers went unto their Supervisors and
said, "It is a crock of dung and we cannot live with
the smell."

8. And the Supervisors went unto their Managers
saying, "It is a container of organic waste, and it is
very strong, such that none may abide by it."

9. And the Managers went unto their Directors, saying,
"It is a vessel of fertilizer, and none may abide its

10. And the Directors spoke among themselves, saying
to one another, "It contains that which aids plant
growth, and it is very strong."

11. And the directors went to the Vice Presidents,
saying unto them, "It promotes growth, and it is very

12. And the Vice Presidents went to the President,
saying unto him, "It has very powerful effects."

13. And the President looked upon the Plan and saw
that it was good.

14. And the Plan became Policy.

15. And that is how shit happens.

Stolen from consumptionjunction.com
So it's the directors' fault.

Who the hell are the directors anyways....the figurative monkey wrenches in the cogs of an otherwise smooth operation....?
lol, good list, but heres my version:

1. In the beginning there was Fallout 1 and 2.

2. And then came the Tactics and BOS.

3. And the Fallout was without need of improvement.

4. And the BOS was without decent anything.

5. And darkness was upon the face of the Gamers.

6. And the Gamers spoke among themselves saying, "BOS
is a crock of shit and it has utterly destroyed the series."

7. And the Gamers went unto their InterP reps and
said, "BOS is a crock of dung and has displaced the series."

8. And the InterP reps went unto their Managers
saying, "BOS is a container of organic waste, and it has left room for another game."

9. And the InterP Managers went unto their Directors, saying,
"BOS is a vessel of fertilizer, and it has left room for another genre."

10. And the InterP Directors spoke among themselves, saying
to one another, "BOS contains that which aids plant
growth, and it creates opportunity for combat games."

11. And the directors went to the InterP Vice Presidents,
saying unto them, "BOS promotes growth, and it will lead to more combat games."

12. And the InterP Vice Presidents went to the President,
saying unto him, "BOS has very powerful potential for more combat games."

13. And the InterP President looked upon BOS and saw
that the genre was good.

14. And the they never went back to RPG's.

15. And that is how InterP's bullshit happens.