Expansion to Wasteland 2: What would you like to see?


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member
If Wasteland 2 sells well on the consoles InXile might figure that an expansion to grab some additional cash would be a good idea. What would you like to see in an expansion?
Since they are anti-DLC this would be an expansion of bigger scope I figure.

My ideas:
The Dutch Ghost talked about som cut content so I would like that to be restored obviously:
What I also really wished is that all the missing content had been returned such as the La Brea Tar Pits/The Gippers, the Refinery, Port of LA, and give the Seal Beach location some more details (including floors where the Children of the Citadel would actual live and work, I was rather disappointed that all we saw was just a basement)
Reviewers called the Arizona wasteland a bit empty so I obviously would like to have some more locations there. They also called the world map devoid of features so it would be cool with some more features next to the existing requirement of refilling water every now and then. No idea of what that could be though.

I would also like a sneak skill and pickpocket. I don't know why they are missing. But they have to be integrated in a good why. I can already see the player sneak past guards etc. and maybe steal a key or whatever.

Another idea would be to evolve the locations Highpool and Ag Center. For example: if you save Highpool Ag Center gets destroyed and vice versa. So my idea would be that the Rangers take it upon themselves to help rebuild the location that gets destroyed. So if you save Highpool then Ag Center will get destroyed but then you can help rebuild that location from scratch. It would function kind of like a players stronghold. On your travels in the Arizona wasteland you could find skilled people that you could convince or force to go and rebuild Ag Center. Depending on which people you choose the location would turn out differently. So if you are playing as evil then you could choose evil persons to go rebuild Ag Center and then maybe the location would turn out to be a horrible place to live. Or something.

Also Santa Fe Springs on the California map could also use some sort of player stronghold mechanic. There is already a quest where you have to repair the walls. But I would like if you could build thicker walls with old cars and tires. And then maybe build a barracks and a field hospital and accept recruits into the Rangers to man the place. It would also be cool if you could build turrets and other buildings. And then have to defend to place from attacks etc. So evolve Santa Fe Spirngs into some sort of player stronghold that you have to build up and defend. This would of course be to helt establish the Rangers in the region and give them a fothold.

What would you like to see in an expansion?
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I'd like to see the Desert Rangers scouting into the Rocky Mountains, or maybe going to New Mexico. Something new.

I'd say revisit Fountain of Dreams, but I'm going to write a story based heavily upon it taking place in the Fallout universe. If they bring it back, I'm ruined. XD
Story about Angela would be fine.'
and adding quests and events to change companion's fate will be great.
we should cure poor hobo's alcohol addiction!

Personally, I prefer new game than expansion.
Wasteland 2 is lacking of something as a sequel of Wasteland 1.
1. Physical skills
climbing up rope, mountain, wall and etc

2. practicing skills
I think Wasteland seriest should not follow the rule of Fallout but
Jagged alliance 2's rule. because you can't practice skills at Fallouts but JA2.
and I think Fallout's rules have critical problem.

3.Non-linear gameplay
I really hate when I have to report Vargas to proceed to next stage while playing WL2.

4. Night and day
Should I explain?

WL2 is find game and I like it.
but I just want more than that.
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Thanks! I've played Fountain of Dreams a few times now, and I don't understand all the negativity about it. In fact, I loved the story so much I decided to make something based upon it- and you see where I'm going with that.
Story about Angela would be fine.'
and adding quests and events to change companion's fate will be great.
we should cure poor hobo's alcohol addiction!

Personally, I prefer new game than expansion.
Wasteland 2 is lacking of something as a sequel of Wasteland 1.
1. Physical skills
climbing up rope, mountain, wall and etc

2. practicing skills
I think Wasteland seriest should not follow the rule of Fallout but
Jagged alliance 2's rule. because you can't practice skills at Fallouts but JA2.
and I think Fallout's rules have critical problem.

3.Non-linear gameplay
I really hate when I have to report Vargas to proceed to next stage while playing WL2.

4. Night and day
Should I explain?

WL2 is find game and I like it.
but I just want more than that.
Good ideas! Especially day and night-cycle, I forgot about that! Since it's an expansion it should expand on original content rather than adding more story I think. Maybe add more quests to the Hollywood location as well? That could be a mayor town!
My experience of playing Wasteland 2 was a bit mixed and in a bad way mixed. Apart from bugs and lag due to unoptimized product I was severely disappointed to find that there is no power armor (the magical armor slot doesn't cut it for me, I wanna see my dude in a suit of powered armor not a flak jacket!). After getting my GTX 980 card I just didn't feel like playing the game anymore as I've lost interest in it so if there is going to be an expansion for that game.. I seriously wanna see at least one ingame power armor model that you can equip on your rangers.
My experience of playing Wasteland 2 was a bit mixed and in a bad way mixed. Apart from bugs and lag due to unoptimized product I was severely disappointed to find that there is no power armor (the magical armor slot doesn't cut it for me, I wanna see my dude in a suit of powered armor not a flak jacket!). After getting my GTX 980 card I just didn't feel like playing the game anymore as I've lost interest in it so if there is going to be an expansion for that game.. I seriously wanna see at least one ingame power armor model that you can equip on your rangers.
Wasteland 2 is not a Fallout.
and, if I remember correctly, soldiers of Angel Oracle are wearing power armor.
I don't think it's asking much to want actual power armor in the game. The Guardians were basically the inspiration for the BoS. The armor in Wasteland sucked. None of it looks worth a damn.
I would love to see and expansion to wasteland 2 with some basic things they covered the need for water well but what about the need for food ect

with this said would love to see the following

cooking skill added to game that would let you make food for temp buff to group for x amount of minutes after eating. with this they would also have a need for harvest-able plants you could find out in the wild to use in cooking also if the plants go in they should add in ability to make custom meds from plants an example would be like old mans beard dressing ect.

also armorsmithing and modable armor would be nice instead to have something like steel plate combat armor - with mods like lining - bullet proof material behind it to give extra protection from ranged attacks trade off would be the increase weight makes char have even less combat speed or material its made out of say a leather vest can change it from type of leather would make a need for some hunting type skills of skinning and curing pelts ect to be used in armor making-

modable fist weapons nothing to fancy here like other melee weapons they alrdy swing fast enough don't a grip type style mod but instead lets say you can add rail spikes or something to sap gloves giving a bonus chance to cause a bleeding effect or critcal damage or the old weights in the bottom of the glove trick to increase its min max capabilities

ability to use shovel on dead bodies during the random encounters to make a makeshift grave of sorts - nothing gained by doing so just a pure role playing thing could see a ranger who just fought and killed raiders that killed a group of wastelanders or innocents stopping to make a makeshift grave of sorts for them.

more to the random encounters then just a battle maybe add in survivors that you can use surgeon on or hidden buried caches inside or maybe a mine field between you and the enemies that you have to disable ec or random encounter of cannibals or crazed people who've been out in the desert heat to long..
while the game has animals of both normal and infected variety would love to see some mutated animal encounters added in with all that radiation lets face it there's bound to be a two headed dog or something out there these naturally should be immune to animal whisperer skill as they've been mutated so far their beyond all reason.

any ability with outdoors-man skill to make a army style base camp while in this have the ability to talk to fellow ranger team members, cook a meal, get companion quests from members that join you after base four team leave citadel. also a mentor type system where a senior ranger in the team can help a newer member say like ralphy get up to speed as he was just given to you by his parent that way during the mentor proccess could gain say mentors personality quirk maybe some perks he might not otherwise of had after hours of the grueling training since he starts with 3 skill lines maybe a 4th hidden skill could be unlocked with enough of the training special and unique to the character- maybe in ralphys case a throw back to his native American culture and have a bow skill or some foraging properties to make spears and arrows... maybe add in the ability to partner up with one of your fellow rangers the partner couple should have higher team work basically closer they stick to each other more effective they are - if partner dies maybe a random chance remaining ranger kills themself or if they are severally injured they go out of control for remainder of the battle. - romance options

with the game already covering arizonia and moving into california would love to see the expansion continue the trend maybe covering up north more say oregon, washington areas to see how they faired or even into the rocky mountains or down south to mexico
with the extra area and the distance growing between ranger citadel maybe add in some extra outposts or ability to have mechanical repair be able to fix up old vehicles to be used traveling long distances.. which can also serve as a mobile storage container like in the earlier fallout series of games
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Yes they most definitely must add more varied random encounters and maybe add some classic enemies from Wasteland 1 like Shadowclaws and other critters that are not present in the sequel. To create more variation and fun encounters.

I have also seen people complain about the limited range of weapons. The way that weapon progression works in WL2 makes alot of weapons obsolete and reduntant and you just replace your previous weapon with a better one. There is seldom a situation where you have to choose between to equaly good but different weapons.

Expanded weapons & armor customization as suggested by duncanmacleod08 would probably add to this although I have personally never crafted or modded a weapon in a game. I have never ever had any use for features like that. It's just a gimmick. But some people seem to enjoy features like that.
I don't think it's asking much to want actual power armor in the game. The Guardians were basically the inspiration for the BoS. The armor in Wasteland sucked. None of it looks worth a damn.

Somewhat related, I would like to see the option (or a mod) in which we see the player party actually wear the armor I equip them with.
I know from an earlier article or Q&A on this issue that the designers thought that it would make the player party look to much like generic soldiers instead of them all having their own 'flavor' of appearance when you make them up in the character creation menu.

I understand their reasoning and I am not against it, I just wish this option was there as well as I myself do want them to eventually look like well equipped para military survivalists wearing the best in pre and post war armor.
I'd prefer a major content update instead of an "expansion". Like, in retrospect, what did InXile miss? If you go to the Radio Tower and grab Ace's badge and then return to Angela at the Citadel, why can't you give it to her there? Stuff like that. I'd also like for places to get more content to them, more characters to talk to, more quests, more quest solutions.

I'd want for the main game to be fleshed out upon as much as possible. An expansion most likely means a side-adventure, it'll be fun to go on, sure, but it won't help expand the main game.

Hell, maybe add in a questline that allows us to betray the Rangers and still get a full and complete story out of the betrayal.

Post-solution content. Like when you've helped out Highpool and finished off the Wreckers, fixed the irrigation system and held the vote why does the place have nothing new to it? Like, once you get the rad-suits to go to Canyon Of Titan why couldn't Highpool call the Rangers up with a new problem? Or after they've hit Damonta?

And what about cross-location content? Remember meeting the guy in Vault City that wants you to take a briefcase to Reno? Stuff like that.

A content update of this scope ain't easy to do. An expansion pack would be way easier to develop. But to me, if you're going to expand on a game then expand on the 'actual game'. We can type in words for example, but the characters we talk to rarely say anything about anything. They should release a little update where they've written in tons of dialogue for keywords you type in. It'd help flesh out the world.

But if I 'had' to go with an expansion pack then I guess I'd want a radiation wall to the south-east of Arizona to open up and for us to take control of a different faction down there who ends up having a bad encounter with the Rangers and depending on what path you go down it'll either lead to the Rangers' death, the new faction's death, the death of both, an eventual alliance between both or just a live and let live kind of agreement. It'd take place after the game itself so you'd need to finish the game in order to play this one and it'd carry on the choices you've made in the game. When you enter Arizona with this new faction the more people who are in support of the Rangers the harder it'll be for you to avoid bringing the Rangers down on your ass. The faction you belong to shouldn't be "evil" or anything, but they're out for their own self-interest and there should be a reason for why they want to go to these locations and for why they'd want control over them or why they want a certain something something they've got. This would inevitably piss off the Rangers though.

It'd be more political in a way than it'd be world-ending threat.

Along with this expansion there could be a few new locations in Arizona that you could visit pre-expansion pack to help give Arizona a bit more content. These new locations could also be vital for the story of the expansion pack.

And of course, the rad-free pocket the new faction comes from (albeit a little smaller than the one the Rangers roam around in) would have its own locations and factions and stuff in it.

This could paint the Desert Rangers in a different light. Where you come in, do favors for Highpool, get their trust a lot, ask them for water but it means they won't have enough to send to the Rangers and so the Rangers get pissy because you're doing more to help Highpool than they themselves do. How much is too much for the patience of the Rangers to break and for them to declare war?
I'd prefer a major content update instead of an "expansion". Like, in retrospect, what did InXile miss? If you go to the Radio Tower and grab Ace's badge and then return to Angela at the Citadel, why can't you give it to her there? Stuff like that. I'd also like for places to get more content to them, more characters to talk to, more quests, more quest solutions.

I'd want for the main game to be fleshed out upon as much as possible.
This was what I meant! An expansion that expands on the original content. But you put it much better! There needs to be alot more reactivity in the game. If they just could flesh it out a bit more it actually might be pretty good!
Despite all its bugs and clear lack of polish I think Wasteland 2 had more depth than the other "RPG's" we are receiving. Those stories, factions, and characters are so deep compared to Vault 111 dweller that I am happy to dive back into Wasteland.

Would like to see Wasteland 3 some day.

I mean the simple act of writing a short, one or two sentence text background for a small character like Hungry Hungerford that you have to read instead of look at created a more appealing world than any of the visual design of the new Bethesda games.