Fallout 1/2 Iron Man help With Random Encounters


It Wandered In From the Wastes
Is there any way when playing on hard combat difficulty to avoid instantly dying to random encounters every once in a while? I've tried pumping outdoorsman, getting perks to effect them, but every once in a while I just get blown up instantly.
I'd pump Sneak, as it's broken if you have early Sequence and allows you to hide in one turn.
Just move away from enemy one less tile than your APs allow you to and then turn on Sneak and end combat.

Motion Sensor in 2 (also 1 if you use Et Tu mod) is a pretty easy way to pump Outdoorsman, as it gives bonus 20 points.
Fair enough. I'm trying not to just run straight to the end of the game though because it's too easy. I want to go to each area and do all the stuff as if I'm playing the game casually, just without dying.