Fallout 1 and the mayor of the boneyard[minor spoiler]


First time out of the vault
For those who have played Fallout 1 various times, you have probably noticed that no matter what you do there is no way to reveal the truth to the mayor of the boneyard without having him killed by the regulators.Should you pause the game right after showing the holo disk to the mayor, you could kill the regulator who is about to kill him. But then, the mayor will become permanently hostile. A developer told me that's because the plot of the boneyard was originally meant to be closer to Mad Max 2 and had to be re-written at the last minute.

I think this could be among the few plot elements that could be fixed:re-written if Fallout 1 ever gets a remastered edition. There were originally stories involving Necropolis, the boneyard, and the hub that couldn't be added in the game, which is why the endings of the hub are unavailable in the game without unofficial patches.

If this was made through a mod, I would imagine that after revealing the truth to the mayor, you would have a small chance of saving him, and then the mayor would move to the Blades and thank you.
If this was made through a mod, I would imagine that after revealing the truth to the mayor, you would have a small chance of saving him, and then the mayor would move to the Blades and thank you.

It's an option in Et Tu.

If you kill the Regulator fast enough then Zimmerman will act as a friendly character during the battle. If he survives he has a floating line thanking you.