Fallout 1 mod Fallout 1 Pre-Set Character Modding


First time out of the vault
I'm looking to make a mod to my fallout 1 game (with FIXT if that matters) so that I can import the characters I've rolled to the preset characters screen so they can have bio and all that. This is for a Let's Play series I hope to do sometime this year or next. I imagine that I'll have to straight up replace the original presets, and I think I've found the picture files and the stat files, but where is the biographical text stored for these presets?
The text files (.bio) are also stored in the same "premade" folder as picture (.frm) and stats (.gcd) files.
The text files (.bio) are also stored in the same "premade" folder as picture (.frm) and stats (.gcd) files.
I apologize for my very late reply, but thank you! I presume there's a tool to convert a standard picture file to an .frm file? Hopefully I'll get a chance to build my mod this weekend and can then report the results!