Fallout 2, Is there a way to keep the Wanamingo mine and hire miners to mine the gold?


First time out of the vault
They keep telling me about Wanamingo mine being the best in gold, and there's this contention about who is going to eventually own Redding. So, naturally, I figured if Wanamingo mine is the best gold-mine of all of the wastes, whomever owns the gold is going to own Redding, and one of the taverns there actually sells payment stubs for the two currently competing mines, then why shouldn't I, the player, keep Wanamingo mines and hire miners to mine the Wanamingo mine, and I can take over Redding. It can be my town because I will control the gold.

So, is it possible to simply hold onto Wanamingo after clearing it and find a way to hire miners to mine it.
I really don't think there's anyway to do that. I'm not sure the game's mechanics work like that. Maybe with a mod but I wouldn't know of any that can do that.
I really don't think there's anyway to do that. I'm not sure the game's mechanics work like that. Maybe with a mod but I wouldn't know of any that can do that.
Oh well. I don't know how to mod games, nor do I likely have the time to do something that big. Just seems like something the game makers would have thought of. Game makers love to drop hints that don't mean anything, especially this game I'm seeing.
I would just buy the deed to the mine and not sell it back to the mayor so that my character can stay a gold mine owner, even if I can't make money off of it during normal gameplay and its just for a roleplaying purpose. Like who would ever give up a gold mine for only $1000 in profit