Fallout 2 makes the news (for stupid reasons)

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Eurogamer posted a new article about Fallout 2 and a formula the developers used for the sexual encounters. Chris Avellone is in it so there is that. Hey at least it's not about Fallout 4!

Eurogamer said:
When you weren't trying to save your village in Fallout 2, you might have dabbled in a little extracurricular activity. That's cool, I'm not here to judge. Crack on.

But here's a thing! Fallout 2, it turns out, has a surprisingly involved formula that works behind the scenes to determine exactly how good your character is when it comes to, y'know, a little afternoon delight.

This sounds daft, doesn't it? Well it is. And that makes for a pretty fun story, I reckon. Join me in this week's episode as we take a look at the formula itself and share some insights from its actually-quite-famous-creators, Chris Avellone and Tom French.

I actually like Eurogamer, they are at least somewhat decent.

Still, it really say something about a franchise when the only thing you hear about it from a game outside 3&4 is about the sex mechanics.

But it's something at least.
A unique news post only for the sex scenes. Just an attempt to stir the same shit as that Rimworld drama thing from a while ago?

Anyway... For anyone wondering, here's the code related to the sex-mechanic:
// is_sex_god is temporary for when the player gets the sex perk ***
#define is_sex_god               ((global_var(GVAR_PLAYER_SEX_LEVEL)>=100) or (dude_has_porn_star_rep))
#define have_sex_time_obj(x)     (((get_critter_stat(x,STAT_en)) * random(4,8)) * ONE_GAME_MINUTE)
#define have_sex_time            have_sex_time_obj(dude_obj)
#define advance_sex_time         game_time_advance(have_sex_time)
// these are to be compared to sex_rating
#define sex_rating_great         (9)
#define sex_rating_good          (7)
#define sex_rating_normal        (5)
#define sex_rating_bad           (3)
#define sex_rating_horrible      (2)
// returns a value between 1 and 10 on how good the sex was
#define obj_sex_rating(x)        ((((get_critter_stat(x,STAT_ch)*50) +                    \
                                    (get_critter_stat(x,STAT_en)*25) +                    \
                                    (get_critter_stat(x,STAT_ag)*13) +                    \
                                    (get_critter_stat(x,STAT_st)*12))/100) +              \
                                    (has_trait(TRAIT_PERK,x,PERK_kama_sutra_perk) * 2) +  \
                                    (has_trait(TRAIT_TRAIT,x,TRAIT_sex_appeal)) +         \
                                    (is_sex_god * 2 * (x == dude_obj)))
#define dude_sex_rating          obj_sex_rating(dude_obj)
#define self_sex_rating          obj_sex_rating(self_obj)
#define up_sex_status_amt(x)     inc_global_var_amt(GVAR_PLAYER_SEX_LEVEL, dude_sex_rating * x);   \
                                 if (global_var(GVAR_SEX_COUNTER) >= 9) then begin                 \
                                    set_global_var(GVAR_SEXPERT, 1);                               \
                                 end                                                               \
                                 if (dude_sex_rating >= sex_rating_great) then begin               \
                                    set_global_var(GVAR_GIGALO, 1);                                \
                                 end                                                               \
                                 inc_global_var_amt(GVAR_SEX_COUNTER, x)
#define up_sex_status            up_sex_status_amt(1)
#define do_default_sex           advance_sex_time;    \

Basically it influences how much time passes / how long the sex lasts, and how good it is (for the New Reno porn studio stuff, etc).