Fallout 2 Unofficial Patch installation help


First time out of the vault
Ive just recently joined this awesome community of wastelanders and downloaded the FO2 Unofficial Patch (insta) version because it supposedly was going to handle all the file changing and technical stuff that frankly I have no idea how to do. But much to my dismay it did nothing but sit in my downloads file waiting for me to manually install it. When attempting to manually install it I tried to just make a new file with a random name which it wouldnt allow me to do. Then i tried to install it to the FO2 installation directory which again it wouldnt let me. It keeps telling me that the FO2 directory file already exists and that i should install the game itself in another location. surly there is something Im missing and there is an easy explanation. someone please help, Im jonzing to play!
Installation is very straight forward.

  1. Install Fallout2 (humongous install) anywhere, but not in your program files directory. For example: C:\games\fallout2 would do fine.
  2. Install either the Unofficial patch or the restoration pack (not both) in your designated fallout2 directory. You’ll get a notice that the directory already exists, which might be confusing. Install it anyway.
  3. Set up your resolution in the high res patch (included in the RP, so no need to separately install it).
  4. Play the game.

Now, this probably belongs in the unofficial patch thread on the fallout modding forum. If you still run in to problems, post it there and include additional info like your OS, Fallout version etc.