whirlingdervish said:
Apparently you don't get it autoduel.
Do you really think the people that are getting a "hands-on" with the game are getting to play the entire game as it will be shipped?
If not, then they are playing a shorter version of it.
Unless Todd is going to stand next to them and tell them all "you can't go there" every time they start heading in a direction they shouldn't see, in what has been described repeatedly by Bethesda as an open sandbox game, then it is artificially shortened in some form to keep them in the "demo" areas.
No...you don't get it. I don't know why, but for some reason you have an extremely poor grasp of how games exist as programs and are shown at E3.
First of all, SO FAR, Todd (or Pete) HAS been exactly standing right there telling them where and where not to go. Have you been reading these previews? They've all said that been demoed with them standing right there and telling them what to do and what not to do.
Its likely going to be the same at E3. This is just a press only event and, at E3, every devs booth/area/room that they have is staffed by their employees monitoring whats going on.
In addition, they CAN also physically keep you out of areas in a FULL BUILD of a game, if they need to, through simply putting in dev codes to BLOCK OFF areas. And that is exactly what companies do when they put their games out on the E3 floor, rather than making shortened versions of the game.
That doesn't make it a shortened version of the game. That's the full game, with areas blocked off. Which means, A) its too big for a demo download and B) downloaders would quickly hack the ability to access the rest of the program.
Honestly, its a pretty simple concept that shouldn't have taken you more than one post to understand.