Fallout 3 poll

What do you think of fallout 3?

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  • Poll closed .
I would've liked to vote "I hate it", but if it wasn't called "Fallout" I would've shrugged off the whole thing as a meh. So... "It would be way better if it wasn't called Fallout" it is, even though it wouldn't have been "way better", just more easily negligible.
Do not post anything related to Fallout 3 on this board.

EDIT: Oh, right, he got banned anyway.
I think he made an alt account and made that "Fallout Fans" thread saying that the people that like Fallout 3 and 4 should be lynched.

People like that have waaaaaaay too much free time to waste.

Kinda like that mfk-whatever but I see it's still active on RPGCodex somehow (not even sure how it hasn't been banned from each forum it goes onto).

People like that have waaaaaaay too much free time to waste.

Kinda like that mfk-whatever but I see it's still active on RPGCodex somehow (not even sure how it hasn't been banned from each forum it goes onto).

I think the Codex kind of likes him, he's fun to slap around and stuff

He's pretty harmless all things considered, just incredibly stupid
So the town bicycle then?

Or rather the town punching bag from how easily users beat down its points.
His "Do people still rank Fallout 2 over Fallout 3?" thread went well over 100 pages and now he has one asking why some many people on the Codex hate Oblivion.

He pretty much lost his "appeal" as a shitposter at this point though. He made the Oblivion thread two weeks ago and it has only 10 pages or so.
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His "Do people still rank Fallout 2 over Fallout 3?" thread went well over 100 pages and now he has one asking some many people on the Codex hate Oblivion.

He pretty much lost his "appeal" as a shitposter at this point though. He made the Oblivion thread two weeks ago and it has only 10 pages or so.

He's losing steam, yeah. He's going to need a new schtick sooner or later. Of course, he stands a good chance of getting locked away in Prosperium or just being fucking banned if he tries anything too radical

Gotta admit though, shittalking Thief:TDP was a bold move
How? The Dark Project is one of those games I find it hard to imagine someone hating.
Oh don't worry this dumbass found a way. Hold on, I'll copypaste some of his greatest hits on Thief

The Thief games are a product of their time. First person stealth is garbage. The early Splinter Cell games are the pinnacle of stealth games. Metal Gear Solid would be the runner up.
The major flaw of stealth FPS is that if you can see 'them', 'they' can see you. It involves too much trial and error, saving and reloading that breaks the immersion. Since you can never be sure if its safe or not to poke your head out, you often end up just sitting there waiting and waiting..... 3rd person perspective allows to see more and automatically involves more strategy. Overall its more about 3rd person> FPS than SC/MGS > Thief. FPS is more immersive and realistic but it isnt fun.
I dont see how the FPS perspective can make you more aware of your surroundings when it limits your PoV.
Game still has issues, lets say you come to turn a L shaped corridor and you hear footsteps coming, you kinda have to sit there hoping that the guard doesnt turn the corner, otherwise you gotta backtrack without even knowing the guards patrol area. Overall its much more tedious to have to learn the patrol zones bit by bit, with trial and error. It comes to a point where you just start running around for a 'dry' run to learn the patterns, then die and reload. Thief games just have too much 'dead time' that is spent sitting there waiting for the sound of footsteps to fade.
What he said about first-person stealth is one of the dumbest things I've seen online.
Has he even played Thief or SC and MGS?
After he called the Vault Dweller, the protag of Fallout 1, the Lone Wanderer, the protag of Fallout 3, i started to question if he actually played any of the games he claims he has.

It seems he just played the modern games and just got butthurt a lot of people hate them. So he pretends to be a fan of the older games to get "cool points". In some cases though he shits on an old game like Fallout 2 and pretends he's a fan of the first one to not look like a Bethestard.
I specially loved the "all these quests are just get this or kill this, they all suck because they are fetch quests". Of course completely missing the context of why the quests are like that because he was reading from a wiki. Then people would post all the quests of Fallout 3 and show how most of them are all fetch quests.
I specially loved the "all these quests are just get this or kill this, they all suck because they are fetch quests". Of course completely missing the context of why the quests are like that because he was reading from a wiki. Then people would post all the quests of Fallout 3 and show how most of them are all fetch quests.

Don't know who the hell you're all talking about but someone who writes that sounds like a troll. An obvious one too.
Don't know who the hell you're all talking about but someone who writes that sounds like a troll. An obvious one too.

Oh we know he's most likely a troll. We get bored easy on the Codex, though, and any opportunity to curbstomp someone's flawed reasoning is pretty much always welcome.