Bethesda has finally released the first teaser trailer for Fallout 3, revealing that the game will be released come Fall 2008.
Pete Hines commented on the video at Voodoo Extreme:<blockquote>1) Yes, that's in-engine (in-engine means it's done with game assets in our rendering engine, but isn't done real-time. If it was done in real-time, that'd be gameplay footage. This isn't something, for example, that was sent to some house [e.g. Blue Studios] so they could build assets and render it out, and create something for us to release [e.g. Dawn of War 40K intro cinematic]). 2) Yes, that's The Ink Spots singing "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire" 3) Yes, that's Ron Perlman [voiceover man extraordinaire of Fallout 1 and 2</blockquote>He also responded to inquires by Duck and Cover:<blockquote>Pete Hines has graciously confirmed to DAC that the recording of Ron Perlman in the Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer is, in fact, brand new. He recorded it specifically for Bethesda.
In addition, when asked about the release of more information, Pete had this to say:
Still slow for a while, but not long now. We aren't planning to fill in any more blanks for the time being.</blockquote>Thanks, King of Creation.
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Pete Hines commented on the video at Voodoo Extreme:<blockquote>1) Yes, that's in-engine (in-engine means it's done with game assets in our rendering engine, but isn't done real-time. If it was done in real-time, that'd be gameplay footage. This isn't something, for example, that was sent to some house [e.g. Blue Studios] so they could build assets and render it out, and create something for us to release [e.g. Dawn of War 40K intro cinematic]). 2) Yes, that's The Ink Spots singing "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire" 3) Yes, that's Ron Perlman [voiceover man extraordinaire of Fallout 1 and 2</blockquote>He also responded to inquires by Duck and Cover:<blockquote>Pete Hines has graciously confirmed to DAC that the recording of Ron Perlman in the Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer is, in fact, brand new. He recorded it specifically for Bethesda.
In addition, when asked about the release of more information, Pete had this to say:
Still slow for a while, but not long now. We aren't planning to fill in any more blanks for the time being.</blockquote>Thanks, King of Creation.
NMA YouTube link
NMA 3D Downloads Link
Official Fallout 3 Website
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