Fallout 3 Trailer


This ghoul has seen it all
Staff member
Bethesda has finally released the first teaser trailer for Fallout 3, revealing that the game will be released come Fall 2008.

Pete Hines commented on the video at Voodoo Extreme:<blockquote>1) Yes, that's in-engine (in-engine means it's done with game assets in our rendering engine, but isn't done real-time. If it was done in real-time, that'd be gameplay footage. This isn't something, for example, that was sent to some house [e.g. Blue Studios] so they could build assets and render it out, and create something for us to release [e.g. Dawn of War 40K intro cinematic]). 2) Yes, that's The Ink Spots singing "I Don't Want to Set the World On Fire" 3) Yes, that's Ron Perlman [voiceover man extraordinaire of Fallout 1 and 2</blockquote>He also responded to inquires by Duck and Cover:<blockquote>Pete Hines has graciously confirmed to DAC that the recording of Ron Perlman in the Fallout 3 Teaser Trailer is, in fact, brand new. He recorded it specifically for Bethesda.

In addition, when asked about the release of more information, Pete had this to say:
Still slow for a while, but not long now. We aren't planning to fill in any more blanks for the time being.</blockquote>Thanks, King of Creation.

NMA YouTube link
NMA 3D Downloads Link
Official Fallout 3 Website
<a href="http://digg.com/pc_games/Fallout_3_Teaser_Trailer_released">
Fileshack mirror
Fileplanet HD mirror
Voodoo Extreme mirror
Filefront link
Gamevideos link
Gamershell mirror

<a href="http://digg.com/pc_games/Fallout_3_Teaser_Trailer_released">

Ugh... I'm downloading in 16 kbs. Are there any mirrors?

Edit: And now it seems the videos are unavailiable again!My download was cancelled and my stream has stopped!
There's a mirror up at worthplaying.com

But worthplaying is down too :)

edit: Fileshack mirror too, it's up but slooooow!
yeah fileshack is working fine... albeit slow...

15 minutes to post-apoc nirvana.

*crosses fingers*
Man, you have to press like a hundred buttons to get to the download on Fileshack - and every single page takes a week or so to load. And THEN there's a fifteen minute wait until the download starts.
Whoah! I dont want to se the world on fire by the Ink Spots is here!

It feels so strange looking at the lamp player and hearing the song supposed to be f1 title track.

But seeing nothing else because of server choking is nothing new at all, though.
Dunno if theres something wrong with my Quicktime but I only get a ?

I do have the latest version :(
This has to be the worst "relase" ever. At least they could have released a torrent?

Well, guess i need to wait my 10 minuttes (if the server doesnt catches fire)