Fallout 4 free this weekend on Steam

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
Hello all,

I don't think it is worth mentioning on the news page but for those who are interested, Fallout 4 is available for free this weekend on Steam.

So those of you who are still undecided on getting the game or not or just wanting to find out why a large number of Fallout fans dislike the game, this is your chance to try it out before having to pay money for it.
It also ensues a 50% off sale and the GOTY version is cheaper than just only getting the two worthwhile DLC+base game (35$ vs ~60+). That's not too bad as something to pimp bottom up with mods, I guess.
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No problemo, albeit realistically anyone who cared for it either got it already or decided not to, we're around 1/3 through the free trial margin anyway.
I was tempted to download the damn thing again when I saw the offer but I decided not to. Better to boot up FNV again.
I think Fallout 4 is definitely worth playing if you don't have to pay any of your own money for it.