Fallout 4 has now gone gold


Not Australian
<center><blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Oct 23rd - the bombs have fallen. Fallout 4 is complete. All 27 versions. <a href="https://t.co/AwkWOoTEgt">pic.twitter.com/AwkWOoTEgt</a></p>&mdash; BethesdaGameStudios (@BethesdaStudios) <a href="https://twitter.com/BethesdaStudios/status/657572737364398080">October 23, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Must have gone gold a while ago if they have shrink-wrapped retail discs there. Gold means they pressed their gold master for replication. Those boxes are from replication. :P
Must have gone gold a while ago if they have shrink-wrapped retail discs there. Gold means they pressed their gold master for replication. Those boxes are from replication. :P

I changed the title it at the last second, not that gold really has much meaning any more anyway.
Can't say I am very excited about this. I liked Fallout 3 for what it was (I've even finished the game), was very excited about New Vegas (and somewhat disappointed), but this, I don't know. It's a new Fallout game (from Bethesda), it's all shiny and stuff, but I know I'll get bored from gameplay very soon and it is not like it will be able to offer anything more than exploration... Guess I am getting old.
Yeah, I'll confess - I ordered the Pip-Boy Edition a long time ago, but only because I want to wear it and creep people out in my local supermarket.
I am debating buying it now, not because I am excited for it but because it seems like a good way to kickstart my Youtube channel.
Don't waste your money, Walp. Unless you're monopolising it, all you're doing is increasing your number with zeroes.
But man, that Youtube money. It might just be the thing if the calm Movie Analysis don't get off the ground fast.
But man, that Youtube money. It might just be the thing if the calm Movie Analysis don't get off the ground fast.

Cynical first reaction: So destroying your beloved franchise further simply because of earning money...? :)

To be serious again there will be literally thousends Fallout 4 Lets Plays on youtube. Better do something more creative.
But all of those Let's plays will be fanboy let's plays. Also my Youtube channel is about analyzing movies and games with animated presentations so I can then make an expose on why I think the game is balls with cutout puppets.