Fallout 4: New Vegas


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

So this is an attempt to recreate Fallout New Vegas in the "Fallout" 4 engine. As demonstrated in the video they have brought back skills and traits. If they manage to get this done within a short enough time span it will be a huge achievement.

The benefit over good ol' New Vegas would be the better gun play and AI.
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I mean, I don't hate the idea. However, IT seems like a huge waste of time to me. Mods like project Nevada, weapons of millenia, EVE would have to be ported or made from scratch. Fully modded new Vegas is already very good.
I'm not going to buy a copy of Fallout 4 just to play New Vegas - I already have New Vegas. If you already had Fallout 4, that's why we can't have nice things, and you don't deserve New Vegas.

So it seems kinda pointless.
I admire what they already did (bringing back skills, Vegas perk menu and intro), but I don't feel that they succeed.

We've had FO1 and 2 in NV and the recent FO3 in FO4, but everyone eventually burned through their enthusiasm and those mods got cancelled.
We've had FO1 and 2 in NV and the recent FO3 in FO4, but everyone eventually burned through their enthusiasm and those mods got cancelled.
The Fallout 2 in NV is still going strong. I keep in contact with their team.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that mod is called "The way of Chosen". Made by the "Molten Clouds" team.
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Yeah I also tend to agree that these ambitious projects in general never get finished because they turn out to big or to long for even a very enthusiastic modding team to be finished. Remember Fallout Lonestar? (the actual mod, not the dream project I would like to make)

Fallout New Vegas for Fallout 4 is perhaps still ongoing but I expect that within the next six months we will get the message that the project is temporarily being paused because team members have Real Life matters they have to deal with and that then he project will eventually be cancelled.

Kind of a shame that Fallout 1 for FNV got cancelled because I had wanted to see it, especially if it had brought back some of the cut material from FO1 and perhaps even added some new material.

The way of the Chosen, I found out about this one rather late. I really would like to see it get finished but I don't hold my hopes up.
I mean, I don't hate the idea. However, IT seems like a huge waste of time to me. Mods like project Nevada, weapons of millenia, EVE would have to be ported or made from scratch. Fully modded new Vegas is already very good.

Huh? It won't be hard to port weapon mods from Fallout 4 into Fallout 4: New Vegas. Weapons of Millenia will be easily outclassed by Fallout 4's superior animation systems. EVE as well.. Project Nevada is the only thing.
I admire what they already did (bringing back skills, Vegas perk menu and intro), but I don't feel that they succeed.

We've had FO1 and 2 in NV and the recent FO3 in FO4, but everyone eventually burned through their enthusiasm and those mods got cancelled.

Nobody cares enough about FO1 or FO2 to have good community support/outreach to have it ported into the shitty Gamebyro engine that Fallout NV uses. Sorry, tough truths. Fallout 3 got cancelled because they didn't want to re-do the dialogue themselves, but F:NV as evidenced by this video are obviously doing just that. If I could donate to Fallout 4:NV, I would.

If anything i'm glad Fallout 3 remake got canned, I hope the modders that are still enthusisatic about recreating a Fallout game in the 4 engine shifted their talent over to the Fallout: NV remake.
I read this summary of the mod status on the Codex. Sound pretty sweet:

Perkel said:
I listened to podcast by sim settlements creator and he had lead for F4NV so i have some details:

- It is not just FNV with better graphics. Prime motivation for F4NV is to bring good changes from F4 into NV like much much much better gunplay or weapon mod system, power armor, improved ferals but at the same time take from FNV what was great about it like DT system, different ammos etc. Hardcore system from FNV will be replaced with Survivor and naturally world space will have to acknowledge that (like adding beds for save). The core is to have FNV gameplay with benefits of F4 improvements to gun plays and stuff rather than having F4 gameplay in FNV. Settlement system is not core of game and will be released as an option as they say it doesn't fit well with FNV theme.

- Gameplay system wise most of the hard stuff is already done. Like XDI which brings back more than 4 menu options for dialog, skillupmenu which brings back skills and nv like menu. Most of those changes are straight up engine changes so they are not buggy nor they cause problems long therm and don't feel like they are bandaid. Currently the biggest problem for them they are working on is creature behavior system. F4 has no behavior system to mod so you can't effectively make creatures other than just coming straight at you. They are currently reverse engineering that and progress looks good (mainly this is about securitrons which have wide tasks in game) this is the biggest hurdle for them.

- Around 150 people working on project right now including voice actors including actual people who work in game industry right now as level designers, programmers etc. This is more pro than pretty much any mod out there.

- Show don't tell approach. They don't want feature creep so they will be only releasing progress when they finish some feature or milestone. No "this is feature we are working on but it might change in future". This is why they show finalized parts of game like skill system, opening sequence etc and not work in progress.

- Finish module = release. Everything they will do they will be release for people to play with. They already did that with their frameworks like extended dialog system or skillupmenu, DT as well as assets as you can download already some of the guns and armors from nexus. While it will take a while for whole mod to release they don't want to work on something and then something happens and everyone multi-year work is down in toilet. They have contingency plans for their work so if they will not be able to continue they will be releasing what they have and this is also reason why they go for achievable goals that can be released first rather than take 100 different things and each of them in various forms of completion. So before release of NV you will see most of their work like guns, armors, props etc being brought into F4. The stuff they make models for etc for now are stuff that can be brought into Fallout 4 so modders can see their work being done and don't get burned out of project like other big mods out there.

- Around 80% of NV wasteland is "touched" rest 20% is height-map. Rather like most of big project going hard on landscape to hype people up and then realizing they have issues with gameplay/ai/monsters/etc that kills their project and can't continue they want to sort out every problem first and then go into full production as landscape has least issues to deal with. As for landscape itself it will not be 1=1 version. First of all F4 engine had some serious rework on what is allowed in it when it comes to size of cells and so on and they want to take advantage of that. For example Freeside in NV is a mess. It is way to sparse and could use up some tightening and freeside shouldn't be split. So in this case they will change it to be smaller. On other hand true desert areas in NV are really small and they plan to expand them so they actually feel like deserts rather than sandbox for kids.

- It will not be compatible with fallout 4 world space. NV will not be a new place you can visit but you start NV when you click new game with new main menu UI for F4NV. They say that there are simply to many changes to internals of F4 systems to even try to get both working at the same time and F4 worldspace quests etc will be just broken. Though they say that some autist maybe will be able to do that but this is not their focus and they don't plan TTW like integration.

- They will be not using NV voices because of Beth didn't gave them ok as US union for those actors created some insane stuff that severely limits reuse of voice even in fan modifications. For now voice work is their SECONDARY goal. The most important part is to remake game. So if they will finish doing that but they still don't have all voices recorded they will release it without those voices and slowly update over time with new voices. Obviously there is nothing stopping someone writing some scripts to extract voice from FNV and change new voice acting for old but they won't do it. The crux of licensing problems is in extraction of files from their archives. TTW gets around that by not actually extracting any voice files while you need to do that for F4 as NV format is different than in F4. What is more weird is that they have original FNV voice actors who want to reprise their role for F4NV for free and they can't use them either as Betsheda can't fuck with union. All in all they have to record around 15 000 lines and they know this will for sure take longer than creating game itself. They have effectively two teams working. One on game and other one on voice acting and both of them are almost completely separate from each other.

- It will require for player to have copy of FNV installed but it won't take anything from that copy. It is license requirement they made with Bethesda.

- They focus on vanilla game so no story DLCs. DLC will be done after vanilla if they will have strength at that point to continue. Though they will be bringing some of DLC stuff into base game like some weapons, perks etc. Gunrunners and various stashes (pre order packs) will be in base game and they will suggest themselves on that with JESawyer mod (integration)
i remember saying somewhere that this mod will never happen. looks like they're going to shut my mouth and i really hope they will. new vegas on F4 engine would be one of the best things ever

one thing that bothers me is the voice acting. i understand that they can't use the original files but the voice acting in the intro sequence wasn't good. i think it would be better to leave it out and put the resources in other areas
Does anyone know if they will add the cut Legion content/add the east Colorado part of the map? If they will develop Legion as nicely as New Vegas did the NCR, I'll worship the creators of this mod for many years.
I think it is unlikely, the Legion material was dropped very early during FNV's development. There is little known of what the Legion territory would have been like.
I also meant just adding more world space. Besides, videos like this one show, in my opinion, that there is something to ''restore''. But yeah, realistically speaking modders will have to invent much portion of that content. I prefer Van Buren version of the Legion though, where they are much less misogynistic and they use female agents. Makes more sense. Sawyer did admit on his tumblr that they would've made Legion different now.
Sawyer did admit on his tumblr that they would've made Legion different now.

Yeah but that sounds more out of the sake of what is "acceptable" now rather than because of artistic vision.

What they should have shown in FNV were the female priestesses who served Caesar, or perhaps the Daughters of Hecate should also have been included as a source of trouble for the Legion, secretly working behind the scenes to make the Legion weaker through their knowledge of genetic selection (switching healthy babies with sick or weak ones) while their male soldiers the Hounds of Hecate ambushes groups of Legionnaires.

I don't think Caesar had female agents as in female Legionnaires but his organization did employ female bounty hunters from the outside.
I'm not too sure about that. Did you mean that nowadays you can't make a game that features misogynistic characters?

I agree with the second part, but it comes down to conclusion that more content is what Legion needed and still needs. Yes, by agents I meant secret agents like Trisha. Bounty hunters too, and a female Courier can work for Legion too. Caesar is highly pragmatic, he won't stick to his own rules if that would cause his failure. Anyway, working for Legion as a woman and being paid while still being free is arguably better than being a legionnaire.

https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64337 <- do you know this mod? I'm definitely waiting for it. New land, at least one Legion town, Mars priestesses and more!
I'm not too sure about that. Did you mean that nowadays you can't make a game that features misogynistic characters?

Yeah, if the journalists don't get all PC then it is the loud crowd on twitter, even if the misogyny makes sense.

I agree with the second part, but it comes down to conclusion that more content is what Legion needed and still needs. Yes, by agents I meant secret agents like Trisha. Bounty hunters too, and a female Courier can work for Legion too. Caesar is highly pragmatic, he won't stick to his own rules if that would cause his failure. Anyway, working for Legion as a woman and being paid while still being free is arguably better than being a legionnaire.

I am not saying you are wrong but a little more context/information would have been needed. Does she know what status women have inside the Legion while trying to gain Caesar's favor or is she ignorant of it?
Could be that if the player had learned about the Legion and how women are treated and tell Trisha this that she might change her mind.
It doesn't mention if she was recruited by the Legion to begin with, that is kind of important to know in this case.

https://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/64337 <- do you know this mod? I'm definitely waiting for it. New land, at least one Legion town, Mars priestesses and more!

Probably very vaguely but I have not been following it because these mods often tend not get finished.
Personally I think alot of these Total Conversion mods are a waste of time. Most will collapse, I'm up for exploring the Capitol Wasteland and the Mojave in the Fallout 4 engine but I'd rather I did it as the Sole Survivor, no matter how unlikely it would be for them to get there. Real life, conflicts, time constraints, burnout and general loss of interest put the final nail in the coffin for a good deal of these types of mods. If they do make it to the finish line, then I'll be pleased but if they don't I won't be surprised.
This stuff is cool as a curiosity but it'll never replace New Vegas proper. Seems like a lot of effort to try and jury rig Fallout 4 to function how 3/NV did natively and without the 10+ years of mods that those games have. All Fallout 4 has over them is better gunplay and visuals (kinda, Fallout 4 is still horrifically ugly) both of which can be taken care of by the aforementioned mods.