Fallout 76 vs. Destiny

CT Phipps

Carbon Dated and Proud
I think what irritates me most about Fallout 76 is that they were clearly trying to rip off Destiny for this and the thing is, they did a WORSE job of it. Nothing prevents the game from being a Fallout themed Destiny but they refuse to go the full hog.

* Make Vault 76 a hub with NPCs
* Add some more hubs with NPCs
* Make the gameplay not complete ass for shooting and looting.
* Some faction-based quests.
* Ways of teaming up for Raids and Questslines with your fellow Vault-goers.

I mean if you're going to be a Destiny clone, at least do a decent job. But they didn't even bother trying to add the elements of Destiny people liked.
I don't think it was trying to be a Destiny clone, but it does have elements that are similar to it. The public events that spawn, for example.

I would say Fallout 76 is a mashed together hybrid of several game types. It's attempting to be RPG, MMOFPS, and Survival all at the same time...
Phipps didn’t you play 76 for like ever? It took you this long to realize that?