Fallout: A post apocalyptic reality?


Fmr. President of racism.
Okay so im not a writer or anything but i had an appifany recently and i want to share it with you guys on NMA since this seems the most appropriate place to share my thoughts. I hope you follow what im saying because this shit is almost freaking me out so sorry and please forgive the structure i will probably suck.

The whole thing started today when i asked myself: What the hell is with all the "End of the World" programming on my used to be favorite channel National Geographic? "Life After Humans!" and "NOSTRADAMUS blah blah" you get it. Even a shitty reality show where people are supposed to act like theyre the last of civilization and have to fend off "raiders!". :roll: Im pretty sure Discovery and History are also guilty of heavy doomsday programming lately.

So i just assumed, today i was actually convinced, fear is the new propaganda. O0o scary we all know its true for a year after 9/11 we were inundated with fear media untill everyone was like "Kill Haji!" I remember it being that way at least. It is still going on today. Now its the 2012 thing, and the above programming, even the post apocalyptic videogame gerne is taking off. But for what reason? It all is there and is designed to do.... something. I dont think its a entertainment trend, if it is, im moving out of the country. Im beginning to think it is all to prepare us for.... something. Im just trying to put it together.

A few years ago i read a book called Behold a Pale Horse by William Cooper. Im sure if you know the subject matter you may be rolling your eyes right now but trust me this rant has nothing to do with UFOs but rather the few parts that did seem plausable at the time and now seem more so given the current state of events unfolding today right before my eyes.

The book was published in 1991, William Cooper died in 2001. You need to know that.

The part that really was burned in my mind from that book, was a quote from Eisenhower after WW2 about how (i hope i dont fuck this up i gave the book away) thanks to improvements in medecine, lower mortality rate of infantry in battles, and a few other things,(hitler being dead?) thanks to all that stuff, the world's population would double in 50 years, and continue to do so, at a rate never experienced by the human race, and he was afraid of the strain that population would create on our worlds resources, which are not infinite.

Bill, who was as into the whole NWO Illuminati thing as he was UFOs, then PREDICTED events that seem to be unfolding today, nine years after his death.

Something about how the only way to get the entire world to come together, and realize the goals of these Illuminati, (to make a new world order, ) was if the world was faced with some sort of event, real or imagined, that would require the human race to give up all the internal conflict and band as one. Notice i said real OR imagined, IE shoved down our throats by the media, or more clever means, like plausable deniability. IE "We could never fake UFOs, or create global catastrophe, we dont have the technology"

He went through a few possible ways this could be brought about, from some sort of UFO invasion, possibly completely faked by the governments of the world, to some global catastrophe, again he stressed being either real or faked; all of which seemed like they could band the world together. Remember Reagans speech about aliens? yeah. It all sounds so implausable untill you hear it from a fuckin president's mouth.

So here we are, 19 years after that was printed, and 2012 is coming. Thats how i really began putting it all together.

A few months ago, i could give a shit about 2012. Just another bullshit ride people just love to get all worked up over like Y2K or the other 5 billion end of the world prophesies since the beginning of the written language.

Then today i stumbled on a site about 2012 and its just insane how well these people use science! to convince you that the world really is coming to an end this time, because science! proves it.

This concernes me because it seems these people are the people who want a new world order to come about, and what better way to make people believe than to use "evidence" and "science" to prove that we were made by aliens, or that religions arent real, or that disaster is coming, or whatever.

Heres why im scared. What if some sort of disaster is coming, real, or made to appear real, that will take care of Ike's problem with the population of the world? Im no scientist, but i definately know where the fuck hes coming from. Two birds with one stone even, if the Illuminati or whatever want a NWO, what better way to actually start clean by wiping say, 3/4 of the humans off the globe? If nothing is done now, then what will happen in another 50 years? What would the earth be like with 15-20 billion people on it?

Why the fuck is "How it's Made" on tv other than to help the new civilization rebuild itself after the bombs or whatever drop? Same channel as nostradamus.

Okay so i watch too much tv? what the fuck is going on here am i losing it? :crazy: Guess we will all know come 2012! :wink:
thanks to all that stuff, the world's population would double in 50 years, and continue to do so, at a rate never experienced by the human race, and he was afraid of the strain that population would create on our worlds resources, which are not infinite.

Actual tests show that mammals that are getting too croweded experience a sharp drop in natality. So i wouldn't realy worry about that.

Bill, who was as into the whole NWO Illuminati thing as he was UFOs, then PREDICTED events that seem to be unfolding today, nine years after his death.

What did he predict? 9.11? Ddn't WW2 also bring people together against the axis? 9.11 is not such a big deal for let's say. the Chinese... or the Russians. They all experienced death and destruction on their own soil. Believing that 9.11 would bring together humanity is too americentrist of a view....
So here we are, 19 years after that was printed, and 2012 is coming. Thats how i really began putting it all together.

Boooohoooohoooo!!! Ima ghost
Then today i stumbled on a site about 2012 and its just insane how well these people use science! to convince you that the world really is coming to an end this time, because science! proves it.

They don't use real science, just some twisted made up crap.

This concernes me because it seems these people are the people who want a new world order to come about, and what better way to make people believe than to use "evidence" and "science" to prove that we were made by aliens, or that religions arent real, or that disaster is coming, or whatever.

Religions aren't real = governments aren't real. Cause religion is just a sick form of population control.
About the aliens part... science doesn't point to that. It is the need of some people to believe that humans were created. It would give, in their eyes, a better purpose to life.

What if some sort of disaster is coming, real, or made to appear real, that will take care of Ike's problem with the population of the world?
Ya know, the fear you experience could be exactly what the Illuminati want you to feel. That being said, there is nothing you can do about anything because the life of an individual is insignificant.

Two birds with one stone even, if the Illuminati or whatever want a NWO, what better way to actually start clean by wiping say, 3/4 of the humans off the globe? If nothing is done now, then what will happen in another 50 years? What would the earth be like with 15-20 billion people on it?

This plan could backfire in so many ways, no organisation would try it. It is simply cheaper to use birth control (like i told you, in a crowded area, people drop in fertility) and raise the living and education standards. Why is Europe at such a low natality? Apply what we do here to the world.

Why the fuck is "How it's Made" on tv other than to help the new civilization rebuild itself after the bombs or whatever drop? Same channel as nostradamus.

Yeah, cause after the disaster, one would find all the automated production lines and construction robots lying around everywhere.
How it's made doesn't teach people anything. it's just pretty machines doing stuff. And surely people would need lollypops and ipods in the wasteland.

The same problem you are telling me now was raised by other pepople in the past, some of them people i know, and when i say past i say well before 9.11.

The end isn't coming, for the vast majority. Yet for some it's just around the corner. The Cold War didn't kill us, 9.11 diidn't kill us. It's just not profitable to kill so many.
If humanity doesn't change the way it works and affects it's surroundings radically in the following century I personally doubt that it is actually worth saving...or that there will be anything left for someone to save.

And as for the NWO and the like - who gives a crap? As blakut said it, you our way to average, insignificant and unskillful (as any next average guy/girl) to affect such a global change in any manner powerful enough to stop it let alone prevent it. So why the fuck bother? Better go outside and drink a couple a beers with your friends and play some guitar than bang your head with that sort of stuff.
Actual tests show that mammals that are getting too croweded experience a sharp drop in natality. So i wouldn't realy worry about that.

Humans are the only species to use technology to affect that outcome. Meanwhile you have people trying to save the babies or eradicate disease from third world countries. Birth control isnt enough obviously if the world pop doubled since 1960.

What did he predict? 9.11? Ddn't WW2 also bring people together against the axis? 9.11 is not such a big deal for let's say. the Chinese... or the Russians. They all experienced death and destruction on their own soil. Believing that 9.11 would bring together humanity is too americentrist of a view....

That was not what i meant at all, my apoligies. I only mentioned 9/11 in regards to the fear media propaganda after 9/11 to bring americans behind going to war in Afganistan and Iraq.

Bill only gave possible scenarios (i saw that as a prediction) that could be used to bring about a NWO, which would be a world wide event or disaster.

The propagation of the whole 2012 disaster, its use of "science" or fact to convince people the end is at least plausable, (look what "science" did for scientology) combined with the proliferation of dooms day programming on the fear channels is what i see as evidence such a scenario may be in the works.

Boooohoooohoooo!!! Ima ghost


They don't use real science, just some twisted made up crap.

Yeah i tried to type science! with the ! to denote sarcasm, fail.

Religions aren't real = governments aren't real. Cause religion is just a sick form of population control.
About the aliens part... science doesn't point to that. It is the need of some people to believe that humans were created. It would give, in their eyes, a better purpose to life.

Or a more logical explanation as to why we're here, since religions of old dont really do that too well without it souning like a fairy tale. People today want evidence, and fact, and what scares me is in todays realm of information, misinformation is easily overlooked by the stupid as fact.

Ya know, the fear you experience could be exactly what the Illuminati want you to feel..

Indeed that very thought has crossed my mind, very perceptive of you to point it out though.

That being said, there is nothing you can do about anything because the life of an individual is insignificant.
Yes i realize that for a while now, especiall after reading the Pale Horse.

This plan could backfire in so many ways, no organisation would try it. It is simply cheaper to use birth control (like i told you, in a crowded area, people drop in fertility) and raise the living and education standards. Why is Europe at such a low natality? Apply what we do here to the world.

Again, birth control is not natural, it is technology and is not very effective if like i said the world pop has doubled since 1960. The people who are in power had to have realized this, extending my fear that more drastic measures may have to be used, which would require technology, since you would basicly need to forget all the medical knowledge humans have gained in order for a "natural" decline in population to happen.

Yeah, cause after the disaster, one would find all the automated production lines and construction robots lying around everywhere.
How it's made doesn't teach people anything. it's just pretty machines doing stuff. And surely people would need lollypops and ipods in the wasteland.

Hahah far fetched i know.

The end isn't coming, for the vast majority. Yet for some it's just around the corner. The Cold War didn't kill us, 9.11 diidn't kill us. It's just not profitable to kill so many.

I dont think profit is the goal, it is the survival of the human race under radically different rules to ensure our survival. I think at some point in history, the people in power realized without some sort of drastic change, the way humans are overpopulating if left unchecked, could mean total destruction. At some point, technology wouldnt be able to support the global pop, and it really would go back to "natural" ways of pop. control. IE. Us killing each other in the streets for a gallon of unleaded.
They could wait untill it is too late to do anything, or try to affect change before it is too late.
If there is a shadow government out there, some Bildenberg Group or whatever, that is molding and shaping this New World Order you speak of, then it sucks at doing so.

All I see is disorder.
alec said:
If there is a shadow government out there, some Bildenberg Group or whatever, that is molding and shaping this New World Order you speak of, then it sucks at doing so.

All I see is disorder.

I don't think that'll convince a conspiracy theorist though. Obviously "they" (the Enclave?) want to create disorder in order to break people's spirit and sense of democracy, and make people desire a "strong leader" to put everything right. It's all part of the plan!!11one!11!

Of course, we don't really need a conspiracy theory to fear TEOTWAWKI. There are some ominous signs of a global economical collapse being just around the corner anyway. Good thing we've put all those hours into playing Fallout. :)
yes its quite frightening how close we are to a economical colapse again (if anything the last crisis was just a warning to what might still come ... ) and yet even if most if not all know it the world continues like never anything happend.
yes its quite frightening how close we are to a economical colapse again (if anything the last crisis was just a warning to what might still come ... ) and yet even if most if not all know it the world continues like never anything happend.

This is just China awakening. No collapse... 8-)
Blakut said:
yes its quite frightening how close we are to a economical colapse again (if anything the last crisis was just a warning to what might still come ... ) and yet even if most if not all know it the world continues like never anything happend.

This is just China awakening. No collapse... 8-)
I am talking about our banks and the gamblers.
The huge and growing U.S. public debt (over 13 trillion dollars) is a cause for concern. In Europe there's the ongoing crisis in Greece, and Spain and Portugal could be next.
Jet1337 said:

: :mrgreen:

I´ll give about another 10 years till the economical collapse will intrude the rest of our social life...

In the meantime there are already more an more people in an outrageous behavior...
Blakut said:
yes its quite frightening how close we are to a economical colapse again (if anything the last crisis was just a warning to what might still come ... ) and yet even if most if not all know it the world continues like never anything happend.

This is just China awakening. No collapse... 8-)

by god why does everyone overestimate China? Its so paradoxical, the same media you guys agree that alienate and hide things from you tells you that China is going to be the future superpower (false), and lots of people really believe that. Thats all bullshit
Heinz said:
by god why does everyone overestimate China? Its so paradoxical, the same media you guys agree that alienate and hide things from you tells you that China is going to be the future superpower (false), and lots of people really believe that. Thats all bullshit
So why would the largest country in the world with a fast-growing economy not be a future (if not current) superpower?
you know that the prophecy of the 2012 said that maybe the world will end or we will get a great knownage....so, is 50-50.

still this is not the first time the media try to scare us and ill not be the last
Let me state first that I know China has a good amount of relevance in the actual balance of power. I just think they're not going to be a new empire, neither going to take US place, as most of people apparently like to think. And their economic control over the US through bonds is the most overestimated thing in all of this. They respond only to 23,4% of the American bonds of foreign ownership (which in its total represents only 29% of the total of American Bonds). Even if they sold ALL of theirs Bonds, the hit on the economy wouldn't be THAT strong.

Sander said:
So why would the largest country in the world with a fast-growing economy


First that we not even really know whats the magnitude of their growth. China have enough control over themselves to falsify their statistics, and plenty of reasons as well. And who would punish them for doing so, or even prove they're wrong?

Of course, there is GDP growth, but affirming official statistics of meteoric growth are right is naive.

And to be a superpower, you gotta to have a LOT of international relevance. For now, I grant them the status of regional power, as their real political influence doesn't goes much further than the ASEAN borders.
alec said:
If there is a shadow government out there, some Bildenberg Group or whatever, that is molding and shaping this New World Order you speak of, then it sucks at doing so.

All I see is disorder.

"Out of chaos comes order"
dont bother commenting on this if you do not understand the context.