Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.2)


First time out of the vault
After a while, I am back with another FT campaign.
It's not finished yet, but I am almost there. Thanks to Weyland and his interest in translating my first campaign. I replayed it and it sparked my interest in finishing this one, which has been in the work since late 2015, immediately after releasing Children of the Apocalypse 2.

So what is it about?
I beg pardon but I will copy the stuff from ModDB...

Singleplayer campaign aiming to enhance Tactics experience with RPG elements.

Defend the free city state of Victoria against a crusade launched by fanatics of the New Church. Play as lone wolf or with up to three companions, chosen from six. Each has unique interactions with the environments, some may help you with quests. Speaking of which, most have multiple solutions. Non-combat skills matter, charisma matters, no more dump stats.

Reworked combat: All firearms and blades inflict bleeding, making prolonged fights deadly. Amount of drugs was drastically reduced. Food items were enhanced, now they give short stat bonuses. You can choose from fewer weapons, but each has its role.

Download here.

You can watch the trailer on ModDB. Here are few screenshots for taste (more on the same site):

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Woohooo, I'm just thinking about new campaign, I was curious it may be sth new or CotA 3 :)
Woohooo, I'm just thinking about new campaign, I was curious it may be sth new or CotA 3 :)
Original idea was indeed to continue the CotA story, but then I decided it would be better to start anew, in a fresh setting. The location remained, though, and I used some of the ideas. For example limited amount of companions. In the CotA 3 scenario the player would be playing alone with a dog as the only companion, which would be removed from party in areas where I wanted to check stats. Then I came with an idea how to check PC stats even with full party. I am glad I scrapped that dog companion idea, because I later learned (after F4 release) that it's pretty mainstream and normies like it and I don't want to be a part of that "society".
Those maps on ModDB look really great, I'm intrigued to see what's next. Since you're posting it now, how far along is the project? Not asking for an ETA, but I'm just curious if it's making good progress.
Those maps on ModDB look really great, I'm intrigued to see what's next. Since you're posting it now, how far along is the project? Not asking for an ETA, but I'm just curious if it's making good progress.
Well, right now the progress is astonishing. I am in some kind of mania-like state. My previous estimates were that I will finish it by the end of november and in december I'll do the testing and balancing. Right now, though, I feel like I might be done in two weeks. The big question mark is whether I'll keep the pace or burn out. Just completed the 5th main quest mission, moving on to finishing touches on 6th mission out of 8. Those 8 missions are only like 50 % of the game though. There are several maps irrelevant to the main quest and those are all done already.
Well, right now the progress is astonishing. I am in some kind of mania-like state. My previous estimates were that I will finish it by the end of november and in december I'll do the testing and balancing. Right now, though, I feel like I might be done in two weeks. The big question mark is whether I'll keep the pace or burn out. Just completed the 5th main quest mission, moving on to finishing touches on 6th mission out of 8. Those 8 missions are only like 50 % of the game though. There are several maps irrelevant to the main quest and those are all done already.
Well, I hope you're able to keep up the pace! I love seeing new Fallout adventures.
Good job, nice to see a mod like this on FO:T once in a while. I was going to make one too, a reboot, since 2018, but stopped the progress since I saw how much time it takes me to do all those maps alone tile by tile.. I will be releasing them anyway, even if they're unfinished. Some.
Well, I almost didn't touch the campaign for like 4 years straight. Then one day I was looking at all the stuff I've done and I though about never releasing it (imagine the young priest in Fifth Element at the end). But then, after playing the first campaign, something changed in me. I found the strength to continue. And now it's only two missions and it's done. I had to scrap a lot of stuff to make it more feasible. Maybe one day I will release a definitive edition that will contain all that cropped content, heh.
Right now I am messing around with the tiles, too. But I quite like it, because I like to try new approaches, create fresh sceneries not seen everywhere, see what the editor lets me do and what can I create with the tiles originally meant for something else. Also, after nearly 20 years with the editor, I can still learn new features (recently the function to update all tiles used and what it does to tile flags).
Almost there. The maps are nearly done, I am finishing the last two missions. I've run into a problem with them though. I've done everything I wanted, all that was listed in my design document, but the final product isn't quite what I'd like it to be. I have to think about it and expand the gameplay a bit.
I am also quite tired and drained from work as there's a lot of deadlines before christmas, so I don't work on the mod as hard as I'd like to. This will probably lead to a delay in release, but I am confident it will still be this december. When my vacation starts on 19th, I will hopefully finish the mod in the next 4-5 days.
I'll definitely try it when it's out! Courage with this last session of work!

I already done some christmas launch and if I remember correctly, that was both exciting and fun to do, in a period where we have holidays so many time to work on something without stress.
Today I learned that loading a game erases tag applied to entities spawned by the SinglePlayerSpawn. This means if you fuck up early in mission and load, you will not pass a stat check later in the mission. It should be fine in most maps. There's only one mission you can't leave before finishing that has a check in a later phase. Still, it's a pretty nasty bug and a major letdown. After all those years in making, it looks like FT:C will be one of those "it is what it is, sorry for this mess" release. :???:
Today I learned that loading a game erases tag applied to entities spawned by the SinglePlayerSpawn. This means if you fuck up early in mission and load, you will not pass a stat check later in the mission. It should be fine in most maps. There's only one mission you can't leave before finishing that has a check in a later phase. Still, it's a pretty nasty bug and a major letdown. After all those years in making, it looks like FT:C will be one of those "it is what it is, sorry for this mess" release. :???:

You might be able to save this quickly using one of these options :

1) Forget all about giving tags with spawnpoints (never quite worked for me...) and instead give the char an invisible item (non lootable) with a tagname. The easiest and more sure way I do it is by placing an invisible NPC close to the spawn point and give the item as soon as the map open with an "always" condition. You can then "deactivate" that NPC player to make sure its dot dissapears from the minimap.

This is not a perfect solution, because with it you can only set triggers, not actions. Meaning you can use "If Player 1 has more than 0 itemTagged 'MySuperCondition'", but you can't use the action "move entity 'MySuperTagname'". But it has the advantage of being removable. You use the reverse function and can take off a tag anytime you want. Really depends on what you need.

2) Install Melindil's FTSE if you didn't do it already. https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-tactics-scripting-engine-0-50a.216025/ There are some .exe patch in it, and one in particular makes assigned tagnames be more stable. With it, they are not ereased by a blank tagname entry on map change, for example. It might do it for you I don't know.
You might be able to save this quickly using one of these options :

1) Forget all about giving tags with spawnpoints (never quite worked for me...) and instead give the char an invisible item (non lootable) with a tagname. The easiest and more sure way I do it is by placing an invisible NPC close to the spawn point and give the item as soon as the map open with an "always" condition. You can then "deactivate" that NPC player to make sure its dot dissapears from the minimap.

This is not a perfect solution, because with it you can only set triggers, not actions. Meaning you can use "If Player 1 has more than 0 itemTagged 'MySuperCondition'", but you can't use the action "move entity 'MySuperTagname'". But it has the advantage of being removable. You use the reverse function and can take off a tag anytime you want. Really depends on what you need.

2) Install Melindil's FTSE if you didn't do it already. https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/fallout-tactics-scripting-engine-0-50a.216025/ There are some .exe patch in it, and one in particular makes assigned tagnames be more stable. With it, they are not ereased by a blank tagname entry on map change, for example. It might do it for you I don't know.
Option 1 is a no go. I want to check for a specific stat number (PC charisma being checked most often) or a stance (for the dialogue).
I tried FTSE and it actually erased the tagname from spawned chars. I don't know if it retains tag names of actors if they have the tag assigned in the editor and not by spawn point. If yes, I could give the tag name to prefab characters and disable creating custom chars. In any case, with FTSE, the game often crashes for me and at least one other person so it's off the table. Maybe if Melindil outdoes himself and fixes that weird bug...
Alright guys, here is the download link. It's finished. Finally.
It's not perfect, it will never be. I just hope I didn't forget to remove some debug trigger or entity or something. I guess there's a patch coming in a few days because I can't imagine the mod is bugfree.
I reworked some of the triggers so I don't check for the player entity, which means the aforementioned problem should have minimal impact if any at all.

I am so relieved it's off my shoulders at last! Why do I always have to start a new campaign after I finish the previous one? It's like i can't live without having a work in progress FT mod. Yeah, I have another campaign on the table, but I am not going to start working on it for some time.
Wow, great news, I'll check it in a days.

Hahah, it's curious when (if yes) new mod arrives. :D
Ok I checked it today, after two hours it is really cool. Big respect for dialog options and possibility to resolve quests in couple of ways. Bleeding and other changes are cool, I think all fights may be more difficult.

But for now I have three bad things
1 I don't see pavements in Victoria, there is black between road and buildings, but it may be releated to playing on virtual machine
2 In Pipboy I see only last received quest, is it engine limitation?
I cannot complete Gary's quest, I brought pills in Victoria but when I came back there is no dialogue options, no barter, no other possibility to give him a pills. Before I buy I talked to Isabell and Bartender and received another quest, but even if I finish it I can't do anything with Gary and his wife.
Ok I checked it today, after two hours it is really cool. Big respect for dialog options and possibility to resolve quests in couple of ways. Bleeding and other changes are cool, I think all fights may be more difficult.

But for now I have three bad things
1 I don't see pavements in Victoria, there is black between road and buildings, but it may be releated to playing on virtual machine
2 In Pipboy I see only last received quest, is it engine limitation?
I cannot complete Gary's quest, I brought pills in Victoria but when I came back there is no dialogue options, no barter, no other possibility to give him a pills. Before I buy I talked to Isabell and Bartender and received another quest, but even if I finish it I can't do anything with Gary and his wife.
1) The tiles used there are added by the mod, they're not in vanilla FT. Check your Crusade directory, there should be folder tiles, inside that another folder MYTILES and inside that more than 200 tiles, including for example Vault_Floor_Metal_METALplate_F_.
2) I don't exactly know what's a problem there. Anyway, Pipboy only shows quests for the current location. Sometimes I doubled that for the quest pickup location and the location where the quest is being done, but often you're not told where to do the quest so showing it in pipboy would "reveal a secret" :)
3) I tried to complete that quest right now and it was okay. I tried various stuff to break it but no go, still works. No idea why it doesn't work for you. :scratch: Did you do anything unusual between picking the quest item and handing it? Maybe there's some problem in FT engine and the tag name of the item gets deleted, so it is no longer marked as the quest item needed. I know it is bugged like that for characters, but items always worked for me.
1. Ok, I'll check it later.
2. Ok, I didn't think about that
3. No, I did only what I mention, I'll start again from the beginning and see.