Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Crusade (1.2)

I finished it, really enjoyed. Lots of cool action

I didn't expect major as machine :)

I need to play it again and resolve quests that I wasn't this time. I hope we will get someday expanded edition (and Firefly too).
Cool! Did you find it easy or hard? Late game balance was my major concern in the last days of development. With the right companions and gear, it can be a breeze, but sometimes I got my ass kicked hard. On one hand, I don't take myself as a good FT player, on the other, I knew exactly what's going to happen next.
Also, how annoying was the bleeding? Did you have lots of bandages?

I don't know how likely it is that I will ever make another campaign, but I'd like to expand this one. Some day... maybe...
Huh, hard question I'm not an expert and pro FT player :D I played it on easy and there was only one difficult battle, but I'll describe all in spoiler.

For first try I took Isabel and Nara, but Isabel with perception = 1 was totally useless in Battlefield map and they almost kicked my ass. For second try I took Osbert with Power Armor and with him it was much easier. But I thought that final battle against The Preacher may be harder. In comparision to Battlefield it was like walk in the park.

Bleeding is really fine addon, it makes game a little harder, also all (de)buffs from food are fine, also make game a litle more complicated.

I keep fingers crossed for expanding, new campaign ;)
For first try I took Isabel and Nara, but Isabel with perception = 1 was totally useless in Battlefield map and they almost kicked my ass. For second try I took Osbert with Power Armor and with him it was much easier. But I thought that final battle against The Preacher may be harder. In comparision to Battlefield it was like walk in the park.

Bleeding is really fine addon, it makes game a little harder, also all (de)buffs from food are fine, also make game a litle more complicated.
Yeah, Isabel isn't suited for open field battles, but even on that map there are places where she can spray enemies with SMG from short range. Either in the trenches, waiting for enemies to come close, or in the sewers. Osbert, on the other hand, is overall the best warrior you can have (perhaps rivalled by Amanda with the best sniper rifle) so he naturally makes that mission much easier.
Planning to give this mod a go. Are they lesser weapons overall vs vanilla FOT and any new weapons, items or armor ?
The number of weapons is smaller since the game is much shorter. There are some new weapons and most of the old ones are slightly reworked to fit the progression. Armors are slightly reworked as well. Their number is similar to vanilla. Lot of them are unique, but you'll command fewer characters.
Thanks you for reply.

>>>Quests Description into barter (books) - blinks frequently.
>>>Can you be more specific? Frankly, I don't really understand what you mean.
Reinstalling the mod solved the problem

There are no intro videos in the mod, created a "stub".

Installer version
  • Install FT 1.27
  • Install mod into FT folder.
  • Run from desktop or start menu shortcuts.
* FT Improver by jarekfall.
* Hi-Res Patch 1.0 by Mash.
* HD Icon for mod.
* Added a dummy for video clips.
* Create installer.
* Rename mod folder "Crusade_Core".
Installer version link not working.
The number of weapons is smaller since the game is much shorter. There are some new weapons and most of the old ones are slightly reworked to fit the progression. Armors are slightly reworked as well. Their number is similar to vanilla. Lot of them are unique, but you'll command fewer characters.
Did you nerf the regular sniper rifle (7.62mm version)? I was finding it has the same range and was giving me the exact same hit chances at all ranges as the FN-FAL or M4 assault rifle, so it was inferior to the hunting rifle in both range and accuracy (better damage than a hunting rifle, lol - but it is a heavier caliber so should hit harder.) Never noticed that in vanilla or other mods I'd played.

[edit] - nevermind, I figured out what "Snipe" does, lol. Thought at first it was something like Burst but I see now it raises accuracy (and range?) for the Sniper rifles. I actually like that a lot.
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As you say. Snipe is for long range, while the classic single is for "omg he's around the corner!". On top of that, the 7.62 mm ammo has 15% armor penetration I think (while 5.56 has none). This will increase the actual damage done against most opponents without being visible in the inventory screen.
As you say. Snipe is for long range, while the classic single is for "omg he's around the corner!". On top of that, the 7.62 mm ammo has 15% armor penetration I think (while 5.56 has none). This will increase the actual damage done against most opponents without being visible in the inventory screen.
Thank you for the reply. Yeah, once I played with Snipe a bit I decided I do like how the function works. Somewhat surprised it's not an option for the hunting rifle, seems like that weapon would be a good fit for Snipe as well.

As for the crash issue I reported on Mod DB, not sure what that was all about. I hadn't done anything hinky with a save editor or anything, it just decided it didn't like going to another map after La Salle. I did try stopping and saving on the world map but it didn't change anything. I also went back to a previous save before La Salle and redid the mission (my least favorite, fwiw - I don't really like stealth missions and am not that good with them, that's why I always ended up just wiping out the entire force to finish that mission.) I reinstalled and started over and it went fine the next time. The corrupted saves are long gone, so no diagnosing them, sorry.

Speaking of installing, it seems the biggest issue with this mod is the dialog system you designed, my experience with that was pretty hit-or-miss. Sometimes it just wouldn't work from the get-go on the opening map. If that was the case, I'd restart, but sometimes it wouldn't work no matter how many times I restarted and I ended up doing 6-7 re-installs from scratch while trying out various stat combinations and play styles for my character. In the end I decided the easiest playthrough was with a 10 CHA player with Osbert, Amanda, and Nara in my party. Nara's medical tag seemed pretty wasted though as medkits were basically useless (a 10 AP, 5 use bandage?) and doctors' bags were so rare I basically just wandered the wastes to kill time until serious injuries healed naturally.
As for the crash issue I reported on Mod DB, not sure what that was all about. I hadn't done anything hinky with a save editor or anything, it just decided it didn't like going to another map after La Salle. I did try stopping and saving on the world map but it didn't change anything. I also went back to a previous save before La Salle and redid the mission (my least favorite, fwiw - I don't really like stealth missions and am not that good with them, that's why I always ended up just wiping out the entire force to finish that mission.) I reinstalled and started over and it went fine the next time. The corrupted saves are long gone, so no diagnosing them, sorry.
Well, it's really strange that it happens only to some people and only sometimes. With no way of looking under the hood, there's basically nothing I can do about it.

I also went back to a previous save before La Salle and redid the mission (my least favorite, fwiw - I don't really like stealth missions and am not that good with them, that's why I always ended up just wiping out the entire force to finish that mission.)
Killing everyone is a viable solution, if you have the firepower. It also makes the next mission easier.

Speaking of installing, it seems the biggest issue with this mod is the dialog system you designed, my experience with that was pretty hit-or-miss. Sometimes it just wouldn't work from the get-go on the opening map. If that was the case, I'd restart, but sometimes it wouldn't work no matter how many times I restarted and I ended up doing 6-7 re-installs from scratch while trying out various stat combinations and play styles for my character.
I am truly sorry you had to go through that. It makes me sad every time someone has issue with the mod - be it the bugs related to loss of tag name or the crashes on loading visited locations. I am aware of them and I know it's not in my power to fix it, unless I fix it accidentaly. After several years of working on the mod, it ended up being kind of a mess, at least for some people.

In the end I decided the easiest playthrough was with a 10 CHA player with Osbert, Amanda, and Nara in my party. Nara's medical tag seemed pretty wasted though as medkits were basically useless (a 10 AP, 5 use bandage?) and doctors' bags were so rare I basically just wandered the wastes to kill time until serious injuries healed naturally.
Hmm, this is strange. I am not sure now, but the medkit should be a lower tier doctor's bag (or shouldn't be present at all). I'll have to look into it. Anyway, I wanted the meds to be rare so if you get rekt in combat too often, you have to deal with it. Since you don't get xp from kills (1 xp), you can just avoid the combat.
Hmm, this is strange. I am not sure now, but the medkit should be a lower tier doctor's bag (or shouldn't be present at all). I'll have to look into it. Anyway, I wanted the meds to be rare so if you get rekt in combat too often, you have to deal with it. Since you don't get xp from kills (1 xp), you can just avoid the combat.
By medkit I meant the First Aid Kit. IIRC the kit's description says it does not heal, only stops bleeding. But as I said, that effectively makes it a 5-use bandage that takes 10 AP each time, instead of 2 AP for a regular bandage, which there are plenty of. And yeah, figured that was your intent with limited doctor's bags/medical supplies and in this setting I really have no issue with that. Always seemed kind of silly to me that by a quarter way through the game I was lugging around hundreds of stimpacks... which hadn't been manufactured in 80 years or whatever. But since the doctor skill can't be used to heal without a bag, it really makes the Doctor tag feel rather wasted. Would have liked to see a lower-end homemade tribal version of a doctor's bag to compensate. (Even so, her other stats and abilities made Nara my 3rd team member, ahead of Isabel and her 1 Perc liability.)
Ok, maybe I'm stupid, but I don't remember how to run Crusade. I installed FT, then Crusade in the same folder and FT Improver. Then I copied all .txt files from Crusade_DATA folder to Improver_Data, added '-path Crusade' to FT Improver shortcut, but still Tactics start instead of Crusade :/

Oh, very simple. You don't need to put anything into Improver_Data folder. You place everything in the "Crusade" folder (like "-path Crusade" indicates) next to the core folder, but not in it (if I remember correctly). It will work!
Hi guys. I released FT: Crusade version 1.2.

It fixes the one major issue Crusade had - the loss of tag name after loading the game. It might also address the "unable to load mission" bug, as I removed the loader maps. Besides these two major, game breaking issues, I fixed some minor stuff and added a little bit of new content.

I really enjoyed re-reading the story, the mission briefings and companion backgrounds. Immediately I regretted Fallout Tactics is so limited and clunky. I was thinking of porting it to some other game, but doing something this big in F:NV or F4 would take me 10 years, so no... Then I was thinking of making a completely new, stand-alone game, for example in Unity. And I might, sometime. I can see it as a sidescroller action RPG, something like Dex. Nice and easy 2D with low-fidelity or pixel art sprites, something I can do on my own and/or with the help of generative AI. But with the heap of projects I already have, I don't know if I ever find the time for this. That being said, if there's a programmer who would like to team up (read: to write the boring core of the game, I would do the fun part of programming like dialogue systems and stuff) to make an original post-apo game, let me know.
I'll check it out when I get a chance. I know you did two other mods and this one sort of evolved from the planned third part; any chance you'd bundle them together into one campaign or would that be unlikely at this time?
I don't think it makes sense. The two Children of the Apocalypse campaigns maybe... at least storywise. The second campaign continues where the first ended, sort of. But it would be a lot of work to merge them sensibly. As the player character usually has at least 150 points in primary combat skill by the end of the first campaign, the maps in the second one would have to be bigger, enemies stronger. Weapon and armor progressions remade (for example you can have power armor in 1, but not in 2).
FT: Crusade is a new story in a different setting, time, location, factions etc. It started as CotA 3, but was changed very early in development.
It would be like merging Fallout 1 + 2 and New Vegas (pretend for a while they are in the same game engine).

While I would love to boast a big, 21-mission long campaign that will take 20 hours to complete, I simply don't see the benefits outweighing the work required to make it happen. If I wanted to spend another several months (well, more likely years) working on a FT mod, I would revive my Firefly Tactics project to create more fresh content instead (again packed in a short, 8-mission campaign).

BTW: One of the reasons my campaigns are short (all of them have 7 main missions, FT:C has several small quests on top of that) is that the scope of the project remains feasible for one guy doing it as a hobby - that I can finish the content. Or that I am able to playtest it myself without going crazy. :)