Fallout et tu 1.5 and a new release of sfall


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
Staff member

These are old news by now but back on February 4 Lexx released Fallout et tu version 1.5. The full changelog can be found here.

At the top of the changelog it says that Sfall has been updated to version 4.2.9. One of the new features of Sfall 4.2.9 that caught my eye was "Added a new mode to NPC combat control mod to let you order party members to attack specified targets instead of controlling them directly". If you have played the recent ATOM RPG it will probably be quite familiar. A demonstration of the new feature is included in the spoiler tag below.

A quick guide on how to use the new "order to attack" (mode 3) in NPC combat control mod:

1. When in your combat turn, switch to the command cursor, click on the party member you want to order and hold it, and there should be a new command icon appears:

2. Use the new target cursor that doesn't show ToHit chance to pick a target. The available target will change to pulsing red outline when you hover the cursor on it, and the party member should have a floating message after clicking on the target:

3. The party member will start to attack the specified target in his/her turn. Note that if a target is in grey outline, that means it does not yet enter combat:

This usually happens when you start the combat first, after your first attack the target should be available. No need to attack every target before specifying it for party members, just one in the enemy group is enough (to draw the team into combat). Also, you can only specify non-friendly critters as attack targets in this mode. (Why would you want to attack friendlies?)

Please note that the disposition in the control panel of the party member must be set to "Custom", otherwise the target for the party member will be replaced by a new one according to the preset behavior pattern after the attack.

The mode is suitable for people who don't want to control critters one by one manually (it might get a bit tiresome for a large/lengthy combat scenario) but still want them to attack targets that need to be dealt with ASAP.