Fallout Et Tu (Mouse lag then freeze)


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone, I am new here and made this account to try and get help for the issue I'm having.

When I install Fallout Et Tu everything seems fine in the installation but when I boot the game up, I'm having an issue where once I exit the cave and get to the world map, my game is working, but my mouse completely stops working. If I tab out of the window and come back my mouse will work very temporarily for about 2-4 seconds while experiencing cursor skipping then proceed to freeze again. It will also do the same thing if I click on load game from the main menu. Please help, I really want to play this version of the game and I've never played Fallout 1, I want this experience.

If it matters, my resolution is 3440x1440, I play on a curved WQHD monitor. The base game works, and so does Fallout Fixt, but I'm only down for Et Tu. Please help.
Technical malfunctions aside... the game is originally 640x480. The mods enlarge the screen area, but not the art itself. I could not recommend playing the game at higher than the minimum graphics mode supported by your video card/OS; (eg. 800x600 to 1280 x 960~ish).

The game is pixel art, not vector/generated art. It doesn't scale well at all. and does not improve at higher screen resolution.
Well I have tried fallout fixt and the base game both work fine. It's only fdallout et tu that will freeze whenever i go to the world map, I can't figure out why it does that. It also freezes when I click load game from the main menu.
Fixt is not the same as ettu, comparing the performance makes no sense. Try changing graphics mode in the ddraw.ini of ettu.
You said the game freezes whenever you direct the program to load data from one of the slots, which raises the question:
What were you trying to load post Et Tu installation?? FIXT save files??

And when you say that it freezes, it freezes immediately after the map is loaded, or it doesn’t even go that far? Can you still hear in-game sounds? I’ve had errors that got me stuck in the old Fallouts, like in ring fights, but I could still hear sounds of the game, so it wasn’t completely frozen. Some times I got lucky and an opponent’s turn ended after I patiently waited, to my relief.

About the world map issue, could you test this out:
Launch the game, then Ctrl+R, and select one of the maps (but one that has an exit grid), name it whatever you like, and leave the location.
If you can’t even load the “travel mode” like this, I’d say it’s your cue to completely remove your game, and install it properly, this time, op.
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Slightly separate issue, but I’ll mention it incase it helps you.

Sfall doesn’t like driver-level FPS caps. It makes the game and mouse inputs extremely laggy/jerky, even if the game is running at 60+ FPS.

Try disabling any global/driver-level fps cap and forced vsync, and see if the issue persists. If you have an integrated GPU as well as discrete, ensure et tu is rendering on the discrete. Also wouldn’t hurt to check gpu-z for clock speed increases when in-game. I’ve seen some games/drivers not detected correctly, and the gpu never clocks-up from desktop mode into game mode for an old game.
I'm having the exact same issue. Vanilla Fallout 1 and 2 both work perfectly fine, but in Et Tu the mouse stutters and then freezes after a few seconds in both the load game screen, and the map, and the only way to regain control is to alt tab, which wouldn't be an issue except the problem happens immediately again. I changed just about every setting I can think of in ddraw.ini, f2_res.ini, and even nvidia control panel, with no luck. I played Et Tu a couple years ago and didn't have this issue, so I'm stumped.

Edit: Completely uninstalling all of my display drivers, including the native windows one, and reinstalling them seems to have fixed the issue. Simply updating my drivers didn't work on its own. I think this is an issue caused by Windows 11.

Edit 2: Further testing shows that anything that hooks into the game, including capture software like OBS or Shadowplay, will cause this issue as well. And sometimes alt tabbing out of the game and back in will cause it until it restarts? I'm so confused as to the actual cause to be honest.
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