Fallout Fixt vs. Fallout et tu


First time out of the vault
I plan to play both of the two classic Fallout games, but I need a mod that makes Fallout 1 and Fallout 2 feel like the same game. For me, consistency is key.

I know there are two mods that put the first Fallout into Fallout 2's engine. Those two mods are Fallout Fixt and Fallout et tu. Both of them recreate the first Fallout game in the engine of Fallout 2, while adding more stuff like bug fixes.

But I'm not sure which one I should get to make the definitive classic Fallout experience for me. I want to have both games be consistent with each other, and have stuff from Fallout 2 be put into Fallout 1 (unless it's not canon, like Jet appearing before it's canon creation).

And I just want the mod that generally makes the game more smoother, eliminating the mouse lag from the travel and save menus.

Which mod do you guys think is better for making the definitive classic Fallout experience, and for what reason(s) why?
Hm, what are the differences between the two games now again...
No "Take all" button when looting.
Can't loot armor off of corpses.
Charisma determines party limit.
Removal of "Say" button.
Adding the "Combat Control" feature for party members.

And then the usual new weapons and shit. Anything else that I'm forgetting?
I’m pretty sure Fallout Fixt hasn’t been updated for a while, whereas Et Tu is still being worked on. Also, Fallout Fixt doesn’t put Fallout into the Fallout 2 engine iirc.
FIXT is a mod for FO1, Et Tu is the genuine FO1-in-FO2 engine port.

FIXT is also not as purist as it could be. There's quite a bit of stuff Lexx had to remove which came from either Et Tu or TeamX patches.

I don't think there's any good reason to use FIXT in 2023
Fallout paranoia is a great new mod. If you stand too close to a kids they chant " Paedo, paedo your a fuckin weirdo." Then a whole town will turn vigilante and hang you.