Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada - Spanish Translation Help


First time out of the vault
Good evening, could anyone give me a pointer to how I can start translating Nevada to the spanish language?
I don't know how to even start to be honest, I have no problem with the translation of the dialogue and stuff - but I don't know where to access the files and such

Thanks beforehand
I can point you in the right direction.

You will need to translate all the files in the data/text/english folder. In the 'english' folder there are three subfolders, 'game', 'dialog' and 'cuts'. Pretty much everything in there has to be translated, though some of the files in 'game' can be brought over from a standard, original (if there is one) translation of Fallout 2.

Next you will need to get access to most of the files in data/art/intrface, either by extracting from the mods master.dat, or from the data folder itself if it is already extracted. In there are numerous files that will need spanish graphical fixes. Use titanium_frm_browser to go through those and extract all the ones you need (there is a bunch). If there is an original Fallout 2 spanish translation out there you can use the files from that.

You will also need to translate the files in data/premade to make the starting characters descriptions Spanish. You may need a hex editor to edit the characters names in the .GCD files.

If you want Spanish narration too, you will have to make Spanish versions of the files in sound/Speech/narrator

That about sums it up I think. If that was what you were looking for...
Thanks a lot for your help, I'll get to work with the graphical stuff first though I have no experience on it
Do you know how to add a font so the games uses it in dialogue? There is a fanmade FO2 spanish translation which adds a font with accent marks and stuff, it's right there in the files, but I don't know how to add them to Nevada
damn if You have the font files already made why struggle to make your own? it's ashitload of work, and the tools for the job never came out of early alpha.

Use Spanish fonts from the \fallout 2\data folder just copy it to fallout 2\Fo:Nevada\data\ set spanish as language in .cfg and you should be done with it. just be carefull with choosing the proper encoding of your translated files. it must match the one in the font files.
Yeah, the font is already there, I put it in that folder last night and I'm translating stuff already
However, I translated the character editor file and upon entering the game everything stuttered and the Editor didn't work, so I must have made a mistake. For now I'll translate normal characters, and take care of it later

Thanks a lot for the help guys, I hope everything goes well for you
For anyone interested in how this is going:

I have made some progress so far, around 250 files have been translated, which is not much, but I'm getting there

My only problems so far are:
I don't know how to edit the .frm files that do need to be translated, but I'll try to learn this eventually
When I translated the editor.msg file, the character editor stopped working and the game stuttered, I must have made a mistake somewhere...

If this goes well I'd like to translate Sonora later, from Cambragol's translation (if he allows it, of course)

That's it, I hope everyone is having a good day
If you ever manage to translate Sonora, I will be forced to name my son after you lol
Well, funnily enough, that's what I'm doing right now
I was contacted by someone here and we're both working on Sonora right now, so I left Nevada on pause so that we're both working on the same thing and progress goes faster
If this works out, we'll translate Nevada afterwards
My only problems so far are:
I don't know how to edit the .frm files that do need to be translated, but I'll try to learn this eventually
I don't know if this is still an issue for you, but I just noticed that the original Fallout has .frm files for all interface graphics right in the master.dat

EDIT: 'Spanish' .frm interface files obviously...
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as for .frm files try looking up some fallout modding sites like fodev or teamx's site. there are tools to convert frm to bmp, and from there it should be straightforward