Fallout - ProtoManager

Fallout 2 utility Fallout - ProtoManager v1.3.0.5 Unofficial


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Lexx submitted a new resource:

Fallout - ProtoManager - Items and critters prototype file editor for Fallout 1/2

The editor allows you to edit all the parameters of the critters and items, as well as create new, delete or duplicate prototypes of objects.
  • Editing Critter pro files.
  • Editing Items pro files.
  • Editing AI-packet.
  • Creates a CSV table, with selected item or critter parametrs, for editing in an external editor, for example MS-Excel.
The editor does not need to unpack resources from the game, he does it himself.

Read more about this resource...
Lexx updated Fallout - ProtoManager with a new update entry:


The editor allows you to edit all the parameters of the critters and items, as well as create new, delete or duplicate prototypes of objects.
  • Edits Critter pro files.
  • Edits Item pro files.
  • Edits AI Packets.
  • Creates a CSV table, with selected item or critter parameters, for editing in an external editor, e.g. MS Excel.
The editor does not need to unpack resources from the game manually; it will do that by itself.

This is an unofficial build based on the source code...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Hi, it's great to see this program being maintained and updated! Thank you for your work.

That said, I've been having some issues with this version:
I was previously using Proto Manager v1.03 while working on my mod, but I am unable to edit new protos I've made with that version as this version labels then as 'not being of the correct format'.

Is there any way I could fix this or would I have to remake the protos from scratch?

Thank you in advance for the help!


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    Screenshot 2024-05-20 202258.png
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