Fallout soundtrack


Still Mildly Glowing
I'm not talking about "Maybe" or "A kiss to Build a Dream On" But the in-game music, the environment music. I love it, all of them, but I can't get it anywere. Anybody know how can I get them? I would love to be working in the computer and listening to the Arroyo soundtrack :D

say is it possible to get the shooting/reloading sounds to?.........ive tried the acm2wav on those but it turns out that they are stored in fast play, and i dont wanna waste time on fixing that
My sound effects, interestingly, were not on fast play when I converted them, but the voices were, giving an amusing chipmonk rendition of "War, war never changes".
well, nevermind....i was gonna try to have fallout-sounds on the weapons in CS......
well i know its been posted before so im just gonna ask here, where can i get a like to the song "Maybe", this is my second post so dont call me a newb!
what the!!!! your sig says "member of the khans".....

im the leader, Kahgan=great khan ergo leader of the khans

PS: i can send you "maby"
Farva said:
well i know its been posted before so im just gonna ask here, where can i get a like to the song "Maybe", this is my second post so dont call me a newb!
Silencer said:
You can also use the acm2wav.exe to decompress the *.acm files found in data/music directory into playable *.wav files. Just drag the file onto the program icon and enjoy!
Fallout Soundtrack - where to get it?

From where can I download Fallout soundtrack?
But I need stable source, not p2p source...
Slightly off topic, but just in case you don't know already, the FO:T ambient soundtrack mp3s are on CD 2, if you look in