Fallout Tactics Multiplayer

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First time out of the vault
Hey, I was just making this thread to see if anyone wanted to play Fallout Tactics Multiplayer sometime, The multiplayer still works in 2020 and I can even show people how to set it up if they don't know how, feel free to message me here or I can even give my Discord if anyone wants to message me directly.
If you are familiar with french language, Fallout Generation will do a lot of Fallout Tactics multiplayer cessions in 2021.
If you are familiar with french language, Fallout Generation will do a lot of Fallout Tactics multiplayer cessions in 2021.
I not really familiar with French that well, but if it means Fallout Tactics then I'm sure I can brute force my way through a game, don't need to speak to shoot at people. Thanks for the information, I'll look into it.