Fallout Tactics: Single play as non-human.

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I have a mission - I want to play the singleplayer campaign using one of the non-human races, however I have bumped into a few problems.

Most of them are because I want to design him (her/it) myself, hopefully with FTs own char creation screen.

Here is what I have allready tried:

First I went memory editor. The thought was, that they had to store the race info somewhere in memory, and that I could hack that. I went to the multi char creation screen and after a bit fiddling I found out, that the race is stored as a index into entities_0.bos tables/races.txt.
Only problem was, that I couldn't get it to update the screen after the change, so no special traits or skills above 10 (I don't even know if the race really did change).

New approach. In entities_0.bos I found entities/special/prefab/prefabX.ent (X is 1-5), I then tried to create a dir core/entities/special/prefab/ and extracted one of the .ent files from entities/recruits/ (a dc0X.ent because I wanted a Death Claw) to the new dir and renamed it to prefab1.ent.
This worked rather well, because I could then goto Singleplayer -> New game and choose to modify the first char who now were a Death Claw. My problem didn't show until I got into the game, the char kept his xp and started as level 7.

Hmm, now I could use a .ent editor so that I could reset the xp to 0, cause I couldn't figure xp out myself...

Oh well, next approach: Hex-edit the original prefabX.ent files the change the races.
I quickly found out, that it would be a good idea to only use copies of prefab1.ent because he dosn't have any traits selected. A robot born with gifted is bad, because robots shouldn't be able to pick that trait, he can't unselect it and there can only be selected one more.
I found out that it is the "Item Type" you should change, or to be more excact (probably old knowledge here):
It starts with an int '0900 0000' with the byte count of the next field, those 9 bytes are of course 'Item Type'. Then follows: '0400 0000 0700 0000 0300 0000 424F53', I think the first int (4) gives the byte count of the next interesting item. That item happens to be another int (7) that again gives the byte count of the next field: '0300 0000 424F53'. This also begins with an int (3) with a bytecount, and finally we have '424F53' wich translates to 'BOS' - the race. Why they wrap it into all these bytecounts is beyond me, I think they could at least have ommited the '0700 0000' - but maybe I just don't know enough about .ent files...
Anyway, I changed the '0700 0000 0300 0000 424F53' to eg. '0A00 0000 0600 0000 4D7574616E74' (the last part is 'Mutant'), and lo and behold my prefab-guy became a Super Mutant.
This time though the problem is, that no matter what I changed them to, the perk rate stayed 3 (even with robots, also my ghoul went to 2 after starting to "Fear th Reaper").

I then tried to cut allmost all the fields out of the .ent file (all attribute like fields went), but this only reduced him to a all stats 1 weenie (I am starting to wonder if my robots perk rate didn't go to 99 as it should, hmm?).

Well, anyway I am out of ideas and I was wondering if somebody here could help me with figuring out how to create a completely clean level 0 anyrace .ent char to use as a prefab guy (or gal).
Update: I think I just got it working... :)

I just found out where they store perk rate (and other race info). Interestingly enough they don't use the 'Item Type' field to figure out what race they are dealing with - or rather they only use it sometimes.
It appears that things like the race on the tab in the top of the char screen and the traits avaliable is defined by 'Item Type'. Other race stats like perk rate, natural damage resistance and the others in the box between the trait box and the hitpoint box is determined by a few bytes elsewhere in the file.

Now for some rather foggy directions: You are looking for a field starting with '<attrib>', it is the one that begins with the chars stats.
Anyway, the field starts with '<attribs>' then follows 0x128 (296 decimal) bytes, and finally 5 bytes. It is a 1 in one of these 5 bytes that designate the race.
The order is: Human, Ghoul, Mutant, Robot, DeathClaw.

I havn't found the Dog one yet, as the byte before Human is the Robots 'EMP Shield' trait, and both leaving them all blank and putting a 1 in the one after DeathClaw will turn it into a Robot.

Thus I now have a MOD that allows me to play as either of the races except Dog.
Just write here if you me to send it to you.
Hi Mr. Frog:

I was wondering... could you help me edit my save file? Specifically I would like to edit my Perks... There was this Superman savegame and everything but the guy's stats were just too high for me, so if you could mail me the info I would greatly greatly appreciate it! thank you very much!

Hi Mr. Frog:

I was wondering... could you help me edit my save file? Specifically I would like to edit my Perks... There was this Superman savegame and everything but the guy's stats were just too high for me, so if you could mail me the info I would greatly greatly appreciate it! thank you very much!

Sorry, but I only know how to edit .ent files. I did take a look at one of my save files, but I couldn't quickly figure out how to edit it and I'm not prepared to spend a lot of time trying to figure it out.

Maybe some of the others here can help you?
quick question, say I use a mod to play a ghoul. can I only use ghoul armor or can he wear the others. (I'm guessing not, they probably don't have any sprites of ghouls wearing metal armor). What would be really neat is if you could wear the brotherhood armor without the helmet so your perception wouldn't go down but you would still get the strength bonus.

yes I would love a copy of your mod
my e-mail is
i just have one question. i am playing as the pipboy, but i want to change the level because he is currently lvl 10. im not too good with hex-editing...all i did was change the pipboy.ent to prefab1.ent...how can i change his stats?
If you use the mod to play as a ghoul, then you are a ghoul and can get ghoul traits, perks and resistances and weaknesses - including only being able to use ghoul armor...
If you read my first post, then you will see that that was also one of my problems. I don't know how to edit his level, but his stats are stored in SPECIAL order (SPECIAL - read first letter of stats top down) as int's in the .ent file.

Now I am going to assume that you dont know anything about hex-editing, so just read lightly if you do.
In hex you count: 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F, 10,11... and hex numbers is normally written with 0x in front. Examples: 0xF = 15, 0x14 = 20, 0x20 = 32, 0xFF = 255.

In hex-editing you edit at byte level. A byte is a single ascii character or a value between 0 and 255 (both included). If you look a bit up, you can see that 0 = 0x00 and 255 = 0xFF, thus a byte can be represented as a pair of hex numbers.
An int (integer) is 4 bytes added together, eg. 0x00000100 = 256. But sometimes (like in the .ent files) they are written in reverse byte-order, so that 0x0010 0000 = 256 (written with space for easy reading).

As written, your stats are in SPECIAL order as reverse-byte ints. So what you need to look for is this:
0100 0000 0200 0000 0300 0000 0400 0000 0500 0000 0600 0000 0700 0000 (in case your stats are 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 - replace numbers as needed). Now that you found them, go ahead and edit your heart out - just remember to overwrite and _never_ insert/delete unless you know _excactly_ what you are doing. You should also be aware that making your stats insanely high may produce wierd results.

Oh dear, this became quite a bit longer than I planned - now I just hope it helped you... :)
Same prob!!

I tried the same thing with the tables.txt file to actually create a "new" race. I am trying a total conversion game, and I'm not the greatest at editing, but I have the basics. The race I was making was (don't laugh) "Vampire"-for a horror campaign. First I tried adding the new race in at the bottom in the same way as the others were. I added the name at the top under "usable races" and added the stats copied exactly from the human race-as it would be the same in appearance etc. That didn't work (and, yea I copied stats to all fields-punch and kick etc). So I decided to overwrite a race I dont use -humanoid robot. I basically over wrote every spot that had "huimanoid robot" in it. This time, the multiplayer race selection screen showed a blank spot for my new race (instead of nothing like it did before). I can't figure out what I'm missing, if all of the stats are the same for "human" copied exactly...what the heck is going on? There must be another file somewhere that I need to change, but I don't know where.

please help

RE: Same prob!!

Ok I fixed my own problem but have a new one! I was able to "make" two new races, by simply overwriting the Ghoul and Deathclaw races. In the race.txt (not races.txt) in game/locales dir. I just renamed them in the "tags" at the top of "playable races". then I went into tables/races.txt and changed the stats for my "new" races. I am making a Horror campaign and so ghouls and deatclaws serve better as werewolfs and vampires. Now I am trying to change the graphic for the ghoul (vampire) to a human one.
also, I am trying to edit ammo for the old fashion horror show "silver bullet". I was able to rename the 9mm jhp to "siler" and up the cost but I cant find a way to make it do more dmg to a werewolf (ala emp to robots-same diff)I know it's a hex edit function-but I am an amateur with hex editors! Please help if anyone knows.
I guess I should just make a note here, that I just put this mod up for download [link:www.daimi.au.dk/~u981127/Races.zip|here].
Hey, I really want to play as a robot. I loved that robot guy in the last Fallout. But I just can't deal with no perks. I already downloaded the prefab for a robot, but can you tell me how to set my perkrate back to the human standard? I have a hex editor, and an entity editor so I know what I'm doing, just need to know where that information is stored. Would also be cool if my robot could wear armor, but I'm sure that would screw up the graphics.
RE: heya

I am afraid I don't have it anymore...
Besides it was made before the patch, and I don't think it works anymore - for one: One of the files it replaced was changed in the patch, and my mod would then overwrite the patch... Probably not good :)

Ps. Since I don't really play FOT anymore, I won't spend time to update the mod.