Fallout Texas OOC

The Dutch Ghost

Grouchy old man of NMA
[FONT=Myriad Pro, sans-serif]It's a post apocalyptic wasteland Texas Style!

Separated from the West for almost two hundred years since the great war by a radioactive no man's land, and with most of its interior suffering from an almost year long radioactive dust bowl, the state once known as Texas has developed its own post nuclear apocalypse society as it seeks to rebuild.

Venture into what is now known as the Texas Wasteland, encounter new societies and governments such as the CSA inspired Lone Star Confederacy or the post apocalyptic communist state the System.[/FONT]

[FONT=Myriad Pro, sans-serif]Interact with the honorable New Texas Rangers who seek to bring order and justice to the Texas Wasteland, or engage in shady dealings with the Black Fist which seeks to profit from the strugling new civilization.[/FONT]
[FONT=Myriad Pro, sans-serif]Meet strange new cults based on pre war ideologies such as the strange Followers of the ATLANTIS; post humanist cyborg traders who seek to carve a new path for humanity, or the militaristic anti technologist Angels of the Apocalypse that seek to unite humanity under one faith and cleanse the wasteland of the remnants of the old world.[/FONT]

[FONT=Myriad Pro, sans-serif]The Texas Wasteland has become a varied place since the bombs fell, from Wild Western settings like Lone Star, the capital of the LSC, the anarchistic den known as the Corpse, to the mutant jungles of the Bloom that are slowly consuming the wasteland, and the mysterious high tech metropolis of Robot City that now exists on what used to be Austin and is ruled by ruthless machine intelligences.

The Texas Wasteland is out there, waiting to be explored, and challenges waiting to be faced by some brave adventurers out for glory, fame, caps, or who just want to have a good time.[/FONT]
Mr. Ghost has created an extremely diverse, detailed and wonderful fictional array of lore for this roleplay. So far there's two participants.
The roleplaying portion of this website has mostly died out in time, this is our chance to revive it, people!
I see some new activity in my RPG, expect an update soon.
If some more people want to join, the time is now, soon the little expedition will be heading toward Fort Ranger.
It plays like a sort of 'choose your own adventure' story but with some more choices from the player.
After having made up a character, decided what he or she is like as a person, if he or she is a fighter, scientist, thief etc (you have a lot of freedom but don't try to make him or her a Gary Stu or Mary Sue, make a balanced character), I (the game master) drop you into a certain setting or storyline and in general give you an assignment or quest (but we could in the future see what kind of situations the player could make up for me on which I make a response) with perhaps some basic rules, details and so on.

At that point you decide what to do next.

In the current storyline a group of adventurers has become indebted to a front of the Black Fist, who as repayment wants them to go East and find the source and formula of a powerful new narcotic that is sweeping through the business.
The Black Fist don't have it or control it and they want that to change.

Just check out the current entries I made and the others to get an idea of the feel.
Apologies for making people wait for so long, I will try not to make it take any longer from my side when it is my turn again in the future.
Hey, I just checked my previous posts and I noticed that I called my character by two names, William and Arthur, to correct this ( and since Ghost used the William name) my character will be named William. I will edited my post to avoid further confusion, sorry for any trouble.
Heh. In my first post I used the first and third person interchangeably, before editing that out. Stuff happens.
Hello all,

Though my RPG campaign 'Searching Bliss' suffered a bit of a slow down earlier, it is definitely not dead.
What it can use however is a few more players who are willing to join the team.
I have not put down the number of players yet in the team so there is still room for two or three more.

All any interesting participants have to do is come up with a basic character and details such as name, gender, strengths, weaknesses, reasonable gear (I don't mind a person having a laser gun or rifle from the start, but no stuff such as combat armor or power armor, remember this is sort of your character's first 'big' adventure)
Then check out the entries already made so far and try to think of a way how your character fits into this group (a mercenary, prospector, cultist, explorer, or researcher)

If you want your character to sign up later there is a chance to do so when the team arrives at Fort Ranger, and later Fuel Town.
I will post my character sheet that Dutch Ghost has been talking about, it helps me to keep a certain order of organization over my character.

Name: William Bark

: 26

: Male

: William is a very intelligent person due to his education and can handle machines and energy weapons with no problem.

: Egoism and have a superiority complex, also have a rare case of Stimpak addiction.

: Short messy black hair, eyeglasses and normal size.

Short Biography
: Raised in a small town, that is so small that most maps doesn't show where is. William Bark never knew his parents and like every orphan in town, he terrorized the locals, he threw rocks at people, poked the cattle and with his friends, used any kind of herbs and drugs they could get. William used little to no drugs, he was more of a guard to his friends, he treated his friends while they were ''away'' and kept an eye on the adults, his drug addiction came much later, in his teenage years where he was being educated by a doctor. Some people get hooked on Jet, others get hooked on Mentats, William got hooked on Stimpak. His addiction is a more masochist than a chemical one, he likes when he uses the needle and the sensation when the Stimpak starts to function, which lead him to have many needle spots on his arms and the overused of the chem could have lead some damage to his internal systems.

: Laser Gun and a social attire with some protective gear.

I will be posting in the main thread sometime this week.
I have mentioned a number of locations so far in my RPG setting, but I can understand that it might be a little confusing for current players which they all are, and perhaps it might also make my setting a little more appealing to new players if I mentioned them.
In time I would also like to add the factions, governments, and groups I have in mind.

For now I am going to keep it simple and not go to much into background details until it is necessary

The Lone Star Confederacy
Also known by its abbreviation 'LSC', the Lone Star Confederacy is a union of city states that have decided to get together for mutual protection and economic benefits.
Unlike the New California Government the government this union forms only handles matters of military nature or disasters that could affect all the members, and it mediates in political or social matters that could disrupt the Confederacy's economy and cooperation.
For the rest each city state handles matters such as politics, economy and local defence themselves.

That is what it officially says in its Constitution that was signed by all members.
Unofficially, Lone Star itself, the 'capital' of the Confederacy has a tendency to get involved in the politics and economic matters of its fellow city states, using its influence to further their own interests with the goal of ensuring that Lone Star itself benefits the most from this union of settlements.

The LSC consists of the following city states and a number of small towns and other settlements that allied or in another way part of these states.
Part of becoming a member of the LSC is that the city state member provides certain goods or services that are of use or benefit to all other members of the Confederacy.

Lone Star
Established on the ruins of Abilene, Lone Star was founded by the descendants of survivors of the old city and Vault Dwellers from a nearby Vault that has been reserved for military personnel and their families of the Dyess Air Force Base, who were brought together through mediation provided by the New Texas Rangers.
Lone Star is the capital of the LSC, it is its political heart and also the main base of the Confederacy's military forces.
The city is surrounded by a number of farms and also has some local industry but most of these is dedicated to the military.

A main provider of drinking water for Lone Star and other settlements. Sweetwater also has some agriculture and also provides some electricity through its windmill farms but not as much as Roscoe.

Roscoe/Aeolus Windmill Farm
A small town that was resettled through a grant provided by investors from Lone Star, Roscoe is located near the Aeolus Windmill Farm, a large pre war alternative energy source that was established by the Poseidon Energy Corporation as part of its strategy of renewable energy sources.
The town was resettled with the intention of restoring the windmill farm and selling electricity to surrounding settlements, but so far this has not worked out yet because of resistance by the Windmill People, tribals who hold religious importance to the 'wind giants', and who seek to prevent any 'civilized' people from exploiting them.

Snyder/Hide Town
A city that is in the process of becoming part of the LSC, Snyder's economy was originally based on ranching and farming as well as some salvage but in the last decades its pre war industrial areas have been brought back to working order again, giving it an industrial capability that could surpass that of even Lone Star.
Snyder also provided the LSC with a working locomotive engine that was kept at the Roscoe, Snyder, and Pacific Railroad Depot.
(reason why Snyder has these resources was because it was not a primary or secondary target during the war, most of the damage it suffered was from the fallout and the changes in climate)

The Gardens/San Antonio
The LSC's main supplier of food, before the war San Antonio had been chosen by the Federal Government as the site for an experimental Agriculture Research Station, one in a series throughout the Midwest which purpose was to produce food for the region and do agricultural research into crops and livestock such as new fertilizers, antibiotics, and genetic improvement. (actually San Antonio's government bribed the State government to get the Feds to build the Agriculture Research Station here after the city suffered from an economic decline when the nearby oil wells ran out)

The station was an experiment in creating local food production when it became clear that the energy crisis would shut down the nation wide infrastructure through which essentials such as food were transported to regions that had little to no food production of their own.
The station survive the war relatively well and also managed to preserve its more advanced pre war technology including security robots and computers.

San Antonio itself was not hit by any missiles, the city no longer being a priority target to Chinese Military Command once the nearby oil wells ran dry.
Still the city suffered from the after effects of the war which made society collapse here.
These days the ruins of the city are home to prospectors who run a salvage industry here. There is however talk about restoring some of the pre war industrial parks here and restart production of steel and related products

Fort Ranger
An outpost located on the most Eastern frontier of the LSC, the pre war settlement of Ranger was originally founded when oil was discovered nearby by the Texas and Pacific Oil Company.
Ranger was already abandoned before the War when the oil wells ran dry and the town was mostly torn down by the effects of the passage of time and the after effects of the War.

The LSC had Ranger resettled and turned into an outpost in order in order to deal with raider gangs such as the Texas Hellhounds that plague the Eastern parts of the Confederacy as well as standing guard and intercepting any Angel expedition parties or crusades before they manage to reach Lone Star itself.
Fort Ranger also watched over the road that connects the Confederacy with Fuel Town.

Divided River
Technically it should be called Brownwood and Early, two towns close to each other that are divided by the Pecan Bayou, ones of the tributaries of the Colorado river in Texas. Early was established after a conflict over the water rights.
Located nearby is Lake Brownwood which is a reservoir created by damming the bayou, and it is a source of water and even fish.
After the War the ownership over Lake Brownwood became a topic of dispute between the two settlements and it caused a series of brush wars.
It is this conflict that made outsiders rename the location Divided River and it was eventually even adopted by the locals as a secondary name.

The appearance of the LSC has not improved matters. Needing an outpost in the North East in order to monitor the System with local resources such as water, the LSC allowed Brownwood to join the Confederacy but not Early whose inhabitants were forced to watch as riches of the Confederacy came to their neighbours as well Confederacy support to Brownwood's claim on the Lake.

The System on its turn has sent representatives and aid to Early, seeking to encourage its inhabitants to claim the Lake and drive the people of Brownwood off.
If the LSC outpost in Brownwood would be cut of from its water source, the Confederacy would be forced to pull out and would leave Brownwood and Early open to be annexed by the System, putting its border dangerously close to LSC territory.

Fuel Town
Established roughly on the historical site of the mining town of Thurber (http://www.thurbertexas.com/history/), Fuel Town is established on the pre war Prometheus Coal mining site.
When the energy crisis hit the US before the Great War energy producing companies such as Poseidon Energy implemented a three way strategy, one was an increase in nuclear power generation such as fission (and work was done on industrial fusion), alternative energy sources such as wind, solar, and geo thermal, and third; reimplementing previously abandoned energy sources such as coal.

This last was possible when environmental treaties and laws were either rewritten or declared void because of the energy crisis.
Poseidon Energy through its subsidiary Prometheus Coal bought up a number of previously abandoned coal mines throughout the West and reopened them.
Thurber had been abandoned when trains switched over from coal burning engines to oil but the land still contained large quantities of coal.

Prometheus Coal opened the mines and constructed massive mining rigs here to dig up the coal as well as bringing in mining robots to increase production to meet the energy demand.

Right until the War happened the mining operation was in full swing.

Decades after the War new miners would come to the mining site and reopened the mines as new settlements, in particular city states such as Lone Star and the System Capital had a demand for fuel for power production and industry.
Fuel Town became the home for all the miners who work at the mines and mining rigs that surround the town, as well shopkeepers, technicians, and other people needed to keep the town and the machines running.

Fuel Town maintains its independence despite offers from both the Lone Star Confederacy and the System to join their nations, supplying both with the coal and other fuel types they need to compete with each other.
Neither nation can afford to try to annex Fuel Town with force, knowing that the other side would immediately send in its own troops, so instead the LSC and the System have to use the diplomatic path to try to get Fuel Town to join either of them of its own accord.

Because the Angels of the Apocalypse seek to destroy Fuel Town and its mining operation to deprive the LSC and the System of fuel (shutting down their industries and most of their technology which is the Angels' main goal) both governments have military forces in the area to make sure that the Angels can not reach the town.
This has occasionally led to tense situations and stand-offs when both sides encounters each other in the field.
Soldiers and officers from either side also frequently run into each other when they go to Fuel Town for supplies, the peace only kept because either side knows that any conflict might have bad repercussions on the trade between Fuel Town and their nations.
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I believe everyone in the RPG should be allowed to create their own character, so if you want to make up one of your own just do so and we'll pretend he or she has been part of the group since the start. Just that he or she has not been very talkative yet.
NAME: Dr Francis Almand-Trask
NICKNAME:The Doctor/ Dr Trask
SEX: Male
SPECIAL: 4, 6, 4, 6, 10 ,4 ,5
BUILD: Skinny
RACE: Caucasian
FACE & HAIR: Well defined, jagged face with pointed chin (quite ugly). Muddy brown eyes. Balding and greying brown, tightly combed over hair. He looks much older than he Is.
CLOTHING: A brown blood stained, heavy, long sleeved over coat, ending at his knees. A brown, crumbled fedora rests on his head and small circular sunglasses cover his eyes. Under his coat he wears a bloody white shirt with torn denim trousers, tucked into black walking boots.
EQUIPMENT: A 44. revolver is tucked inside his coat with 4/6 bullets. A large bowie knife rests at his hip. A large bag is slung onto his back, containing: surgical equipment, a heap of books and crumpled paper. In a addition to some drugs: 4 stimpacks, 2 Jet, 3 Phcyco, 5 med-x, 1 pack of mentats, 1 buffout and 1 Rad-away.
BACKSTORY: When the doctor wasn't a doctor he lived in a small village, he never new his father, but his mother was a medicine woman; she mixed natural herbs to create readies, cared for the sick, but oftentimes couldn't cure them, and she was only able to perform rudimentary amputations of limbs, that often ended in the amputees death. His mother had been training him as a medical man but he grew sick of its basic nature. He started to cut open animals: dogs, lizards and cattle, to discover what made them tick. The village was sickened by this, but put up with it. Until he went too far for the villagers comfort. At the age 16 he lured a 12 year old to an abandoned building, before experimenting on her for 14 days. The doctor, after being chased from town, wondered the wastes testing on unwilling patients, for the greater good of knowledge. He has leared almost everything about the human anatomy, par how the brain works. He intendeds to learn it's secrets. No matter the cost.
Welcome to the game, guess we have our first 'questionable PC' (nothing wrong with that ;) )
I also have seen you made an entry on the RPG. When I have time tomorrow I will follow up on.