Fallout the MOD

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quite some time ago on the interplay Fallout 2 board a few people where talking about makeing a new fallout game useing fallout2's engin or something like that aka new maps story music guys speech ect.
Would this be possible and how long do you think it would take them, if they had a good amount of people.
I know they couldn't add music or video.
>quite some time ago on the
>interplay Fallout 2 board a
>few people where talking about
>makeing a new fallout game
>useing fallout2's engin or something
>like that aka new maps
>story music guys speech ect.
>Would this be possible


and how
>long do you think it
>would take them, if they
>had a good amount of

1 maybe 2 years. They wouldn't be paid so they would probably get lazy as well.

>I know they couldn't add music
>or video.
Yup. Unless IP releases their ACM file format. Which they may do soon if we convince them to. But so far no one has tried.

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[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
Yeah, it could be possible.
But, get in mind that this is not a common 'moddable' game... It wasn't originally made for that, so, in difference with Quake, Jedi Knight, etc. etc. It needs to be researched to the maximum to know how the engine works.

At this time, we (The Mod Squad) know almost everything related to the extensions files used in Fallout, but there are several things that needs to be researched out...

If anyone could help us finding info about:

- .INT reverse engineering/decompilation
- WAV to ACM conversion

It would be excellent!

About the
> I know they couldn't add music or video.

Don't be so sure, like Smack said, if we could convince BiS to release a coding utility like wav2acm, like 60% of the research would be completed!

But, I think that it's almost impossible to convince them, when Return 0; released acm2wav, IP's contacted him and asked to don't distribute the program! So... they're very interested in retaining his Fallout engine secrets :(

Sorry for the looooooong post!!
I know I wish thoes dam suits would take that plug out of there behinds and let fans do what fans do best mod the game into nothingness(is that spelt right?)
anyways I would be on a total fallout mod project "snaps his fingers" like that, but until they release some of there "special" programs we will have to do with weapon stat changes and other little things.
has anyone been able to edit the fallout maps?
not change the loaction of each, but change litems buildings. I dont mean have it done and on the net more like has anyone figured out how to.

what is the AK or AH mod not sure what its called. Im not reallt sure what that is?
You're right about the acm convertor. However, they could release a map editor of some sort. As I mention a few times before, this is an old engine, why would it be a pain to relase map maker? I mean they don't have to do it officially, just ive it to people who need it. Hell, I would even volontier to distribute it. why not?
scripts would be the problem here. it would be a pain to crate mini quests.
Miroslav, miroslav@gamestats.com
No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
Miro, the problem is that interplay have 3 things which are vital to us modders:

1)ACM format (we know we can't get this).

2)INT format. This is a compiled script which contains every ounce of useful data. And so far know one has deciphered it successfully.

3)Map editor. There may be a chance that IP will repease this.

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[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
About Map editor, answer to Neo's question also

Would you guys like me to try to mail Interplay directly? you just give me email contacts, and what should I ask them. What is the cause, why should they release it and such. I'll just try to use NMA name to obtain something from them :-) like a map editor or something... it can't hurt... or maybe... nah, I'm protected in Yugoslavia, who would bother to come after me here :))))
Miroslav, miroslav@gamestats.com
No Mutants Allowed - Fallout WebSite
RE: About Map editor, answer to Neo's question also

>Would you guys like me to
>try to mail Interplay directly?
>you just give me email
>contacts, and what should I
>ask them.

I only know mail contacts. Dave Hendee's email is DHendee@BlackIsle.com, but I don't know how useful he would be to email.

What is the
>cause, why should they release
>it and such. I'll just
>try to use NMA name
>to obtain something from them
>:-) like a map editor
>or something...

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[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
RE: About Map editor, answer to Neo's question also

If you do tell hims its for moding and, for the music it would be put back into the mod, or changed so people wont have a chance to get at the music. Im sure thast what they are worried about. Im sure most of the "working" fallout mod team already have the means to extract the ACM music, just not convert into ACM (is ACM right cant remember)
RE: About Map editor, answer to Neo's question also

>If you do tell hims its
>for moding and, for the
>music it would be put
>back into the mod, or
>changed so people wont have
>a chance to get at
>the music. Im sure thast
>what they are worried about.
>Im sure most of the
>"working" fallout mod team already
>have the means to extract
>the ACM music, just not
>convert into ACM (is ACM
>right cant remember)

Any company in their right frame of mind would never trust someone with a copyrighted file format unless they got some benefit from it. And yes, ACM is the correct file format. As well as the compiled scripts, INTs.

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[TABLE border=0' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#000000][TR][TD]
[TD][center][font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="red][a href=mailto: [email]sea_man_stains__@hotmail.com[/email]]Smackrazor[/a][/center]
[font face=arial, helvetica, ms sans serif" color="silver]Webmaster: [a href=//www.pipboy2000le.f2s.com]PIPBoy 2000 LE[/a]
Co-webmaster: [a href=//www.diepokemon.f2s.com]NPA[/A][/TD][/TR]
RE: About Map editor, answer to Neo's question also

I have been talking a lot with Return 0; (acm2wav creator)...
There is antoher mod team, a russian one, it's on http://www.fallout.ru. He told me that they have been advancing a lot on map, acm, even int files...
The bad thing is that everything is russian, and, I'm sure that 99% of us don't understand it :(

They are the cool people who created f2re, acm2wav, fime, etc.

About maps, it's very easy to mod them, they are totally uncompressed, and you just need to know what ASCII code means what object, etc. etc.

The INT file format is not compressed but compiled, it's like to make a xxx.c to a .exe, so, it's almost impossible to decompile it if a group of like 3 people, don't start to work it 2 hours a day!

For the ACM, I have hear some rumours that they use a MPEG Layer 1 compression (something like .MP1)...
But I didn't find any player for that.. :(
Somebody knows of one???