Fallout Watch Party Tonight


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
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Board Cop oTO

Amazon is hosting a live watch party starting at 5.30 PM PT on April 10th, to celebrate the premiere of Fallout, the TV series. You will be able to select a faction and interact with other participants via chat. A live stream of episode 1 starts at 6 PM PT.

To join, head over to Amazon and register your interest:

Additional info from Amazon
We encourage you to log in as early as possible to ensure that you are properly set up for viewing.

We suggest using Google Chrome on a laptop or desktop computer zoomed in no more than 100%, with reliable internet connection of at least 10mb/s. If you're using an iPad/iPad Pro/iPhone, please use Safari as your browser.

For enhanced viewing, cast to a TV using an Apple TV or connect an HDMI cable to your TV. Do not Airplay mirror from your browser - use the icons in the player.
Damn, looking for dad again?

I hope they used the classic "I'm looking for middle aged guy" line.
The reviews are looking like it's at least watchable, which is all I wanted. I'm gonna watch with some friends.
Reviews mean nothing, you can't trust any of that bullshit. :D
Lots of people saying it’s good, which is fine, but then they’re also contrasting it with bad adaptions like Halo and Rings of Power by saying it “respects the lore” n shit. I suppose if their only frame of reference is 3, NV, and 4, then fine, but it’s a little frustrating how people can say this unironically when it is (seemingly) so incongruent with the original games. Particularly because it takes place in the same region.

But to be fair I haven’t watched it so maybe it isn’t as lore-breaking as it looks. As if there is any lore left unbroken in this series…

Also, imagine how mind blowing it is for Tim Cain that the turn based combat system you slapped together for fun in the mid 90s would snowball into a high budget TV show.
Oh so it's a reddit show for reddit sois? So it'll make a bunch of money and we'll all be told how genius it is then like 5 or so years they'll be endless video essays about how terrible it was?
Yup, the usual cycle. Can't wait for the 10 hours videos telling me how much it sucks.
I think it could be a great show, but seeing things like the following RT review just undermines the trust so badly. Stop throwing things like this in my face! It hurts.

It's truly laughable how inaccurate "Gaming Journalists" are, none of them do research passed what's popular or well known.
Those guys are paid to write this shit. They probably hate their job just like anyone else does, and they get forced to write about everything, even the crap they don't care about. None of this is reliable for people like us who are shitting on Bethsoft Fallouts already anyways.

The only way to know if this is going to be watchable or not is... to watch it yourself. Personally I think it's probably going to be ok-ish, but I'm prepared to really hate how they butchered element X of the classic games. So... here we are. :D
Yes, it's unfortunate that this is where we are. Paid media munch.

I will be watching the entire thing though and I do believe it will be a good show. Some good actors. Gore and laughs. It will be fine.

Just wish they had bought a different franchise.