Fallouts 1 and 2: Is playing both equally a good idea?


First time out of the vault
If I get Fallouts 1 and 2, I plan to play them both equally. First 1, then 2, and then either one in a random order. (Example: 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2)

Do you guys think this is a good idea?

P.S, I plan to use Fallout et tu and the FO2 Restoration Patch to play both games.
Sure, the only difference between them is the loot all button, combat control for companions, the lack of the Say button (Which is only for flavour anyway) and Charisma dictating how many companions you can have.

Might be some other smaller differences I can't remember at the moment but the two games are relatively similar to one another so you can just hop in between them as much as you want to really.
I'd take a different approach, if I were you.

I plan to use Fallout et tu and the FO2 Restoration Patch to play both games.
I'd put this on hold for now. You can give Et Tu a try after beating vanilla Fallout 1. I definitely wouldn't suggest using Et Tu for a blind playthrough.
RP doesn't make subtle edits, so I'd recommend only installing things that could enhance your "blind" Fallout experience, things like the graphics overhaul that adds colors to those Vaut-Boy drawings, perhaps global shader(s), or other things that change the game a tiny bit.
Don't install the Restoration Patch for your first playthrough, which is actually the Restoration Project / Restoration mod, there's no such thing as Restoration Patch.
You could install UP (Unofficial Patch) over your Fallout 2 installation, I guess, since it'll squash hundreds of bugs, too many to count. There's the "Unoffical Patch Updated" somewhere on GitHub, if you're interested. That patch is actively receiving updates (the latest version came out in july).

About starting playthroughs for both games, I think it's fine. I don't see how this would make any one of them unplayable / ruin the experience.
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I agree, if you're going to play them multiple times, you should definitely go through at least once with only bug fix patches
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If I get Fallouts 1 and 2, I plan to play them both equally. First 1, then 2, and then either one in a random order. (Example: 1, 2, 2, 1, 2, 1, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 2)

Do you guys think this is a good idea?

P.S, I plan to use Fallout et tu and the FO2 Restoration Patch to play both games.
Yes, this is a good idea. This is basically how I spend my gaming time since past two months. I got hooked into classic Fallouts again after 10 years. Testing different builds etc.
I'm using F1 Et Tu and F2 with RPU 3.0 + updated RP maps + Talking Heads mod (without voice overs).

I've played vanilla F1 and F2 back in 2000, then again circa 2014. Fan editions of these games are way better, I don't see any point of playing vanilla F1 or F2 ever again.
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Sure, the only difference between them is the loot all button, combat control for companions, the lack of the Say button (Which is only for flavour anyway) and Charisma dictating how many companions you can have.

Might be some other smaller differences I can't remember at the moment but the two games are relatively similar to one another so you can just hop in between them as much as you want to really.
When looting/trading 1 has a max of 999, 2 has a higher limit.
Mostly affects caps/cash since you rarely deal in quantities like that since ammo is moved by the brick not quantity.