Far Cry 3:Blood Dragon


The voice of reason

If anything was ever going to get me to pay attention to the Far Cry series, it would have to be something this rad.
Haha, some gameplay was leaked along with the game itself, it looks like a pretty cheesy addition to the series but it also looks pretty badass so I'm definitely going to purchase it once it's being sold.
heh, like Duty Calls


Parodys in games can be pretty fun.
Hello there,

I am also definitely interested in this game.
Growing up in the 80s I loved the little parody trailer they made in the vein of the 'cartoon-toy-commercials' and the game itself also has some homages to 80s movies like The Terminator, Running man and even the original Battlestar Galactica (the Cylon voices).

I do wonder what the gameplay in general is going to be like though.
While I like the idea of a sandbox shooter it hasn't always worked out that well in reality in my opinion.
Not saying that games like the original Far Cry were impossible but I didn't always like having to reload all the time because the weapons and damage system work very different from some of the more linear shooters I have played.
sea said:
That fake cartoon show is a million times more entertaining than the actual DLC will be.

It's actually a $15 game that doesn't need FC3 to play, so that makes it 7824x better than regular FC3 already.
Stanislao Moulinsky said:
Props to Ubisoft to greenlight something this weird.

It's not really THAT weird, it's just a self parodying game that still plays pretty much like Far Cry 3. I definitely like a change in tone and artstyle though.
Yeah, for $15 and not needing to own Farcry 3, I can't see any reason not to get this game. You just don't get awesome retro-80s themed shooters every day. I have the nagging suspicion that it's going to be rather short, though, just from the price.
Kyuu said:
Yeah, for $15 and not needing to own Farcry 3, I can't see any reason not to get this game. You just don't get awesome retro-80s themed shooters every day. I have the nagging suspicion that it's going to be rather short, though, just from the price.

Reports from people who have played it (Harr! HAAARR!!) pin it to 8-10 hours which is more than some full-price shooters. Of course, considering both Blood Dragon and the original Far Cry 3 have free roaming, it's difficult to do a proper assessment of play time.

EDIT: I liked Far Cry 3, and Blood Dragon seems to do away with some of the things I didn't like about it (incredibly stupid story that takes itself far too seriously) but unfortunately apparently keeps some others (mission areas getting closed off until you finish a story mission).

I'm pretty sure I'm going to get it though, because the incredibly cheesy setting gives me the chance to do stuff like luring a BLOOD DRAGON into an enemy camp and letting it go on a killer spree of enemy cyborgs.
Still that Far Cry 3 thing no? Or a movie about the last Metal Gear game! No one knows!

Game is Most Excellent.

Had a blast and for only $15 you still end up with around the same length of modern FPS games(which says a lot about modern FPS brown dust urban simulators).

TheGM's recommendation: Play it.
This game is pretty much a recommend from me. It seems it plays much like Far Cry 3 which I wouldn't know (haven't played), but it's amusing gameplay and good gunplay for the 8-10 hours you get from it. Story missions are short. But mostly the game's just damn funny, inside cutscenes and out. The game world is amusing, the story corny, and Biehn is great in it. An entertaining ride, even if by the end of it, mechanically it's still just a modern shooter.
Crni Vuk said:
Dinosours in Flashy colours shoting lasers out of their mouth? What could go wrong?