I'am just curious but what are your guys favorite weapon. Not so much the best but the favorite. My personal favorite is the .233 pistol(head shots) point blank.
well, the .223 is good, and so are the grease gun, at least the few times I used it, cuz ammo is hard to get. I like all the energy weapons and guass weapons too, expecialy plasma and pulse weapons.
For some reason i always liked the shotgun type weapons (Mad max maybe) Like the combat shotgun and H&w Caws.But the bozar quickly became my fave when i got it too
The gauss rifle and the vindicator minigun.The rifle is good for causing damn lot of damage in one shot and the minigun will kill anyone with a critical hit (except Horrigan of course).
.223 pistol against "primitive" enemys
YK42B rifle against "medium" enemys
Vindicator Minigun against multiple medium enemys
M72 rifle against all other advanced enemys and "big bad bosses"
my fave is definitely the bozar. the downside is that you can only get off 2 bursts before you have to reload, but i once killed 9 people with those two bursts! unfortuantely, there are only two places to get it in the whole game- one by becoming a mordino mademan and going to the new renic arms and asking for his special stock, the other bye stealing from busters guards in the ncr.
I love this shot gun. I've only ever found the one so far though. I lifted it off a dead body in a random encounter. Goes through ammo like crazy though. I also like the sniper rifle, though the AP to use it is nuts. The assault rifle on aimed shot is good too. One shot to the eyes, then finish them off.
hmmmmm well I'de say the Gauss Pistol or the .223 Pistol. I'm a big fan of blade runner soooo.....that ones great. But I like the Gauss Pistol cause of its lower AP cost and the fact that the damage is good.
The sawed-off shotgun is l33t! You just feel so cool having one in your hand. You feel very manly.
Btw, nice name there, Lahtaaja .
Lahtaaja = A dude who slaughters a lot of other dudes.
i like any weapon that will make someone explode. some of the plasma guns are good for just ripping a big chunk out of people. i like the modified H&K CAWS that you can lift off hubologists in random encounters.
Fave anti-personnel weapon: Sniper Rifle
Fave anti-animal weapon : Wakizashi blade( I just love carvin)
Fave anti-Enclave weapon : Turbo Plasma Rifle
Fave anti-aliens weapon : H&KG11E
For killing children, I love the flamethrower, it gives a crisp and burning sound and any grenades.Especially the pulse ones. Kill them slowly.After all, it's only a game