Fallout 2 utility Femics Fallout 2 Modding Guide


First time out of the vault
Hello NMA.

I would like to present you my recently started project - Fallout 2 Modding Guide.

My goal is to gather every knowledge ever released about Fallout 2 modding at one place.
The guide is still a draft and far away from being complete.
I think it will always be work in progress because there is always something to change, add or cleanse.

If you have any suggestion, question, find an error or want to chat about it, just post it here.

Thank you for the attention.
Absolutely amazing work! Been looking to get into the modding community myself. Have a bit of a background in scripting already, just figured there were additional tools to help unpack the .dat's and get started. Awesome guide!
Thank you very much. I'm glad that you like it. It's work in progress and alot is still missing. Stay tuned :)
@Femic If I end up publishing my lip sync tool and the other various support scripts I have then I'd love to have a section on lip sync / talking heads added to the how to. I know you already have the section on creating artwork, to my knowledge automated generation of .LIP's is new and I'm the first to do it.

Here's an example:

@Black_Electric I'd be glad to add your lip synch tool, scripts and how-to to the guide.

A user named soda_fr sent me a lip synch how-to. Maybe we can merge the knowledge.
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This isn't the finished product but here is a demo of the lip sync process that I have put together. None of the scripts are available yet so not worth putting in the modding guide but just wanted to show case a bit what the process currently looks like. Eventually I will have a user-friendly interface put together that I can write a tutorial on.

Here I am wondering how great it would be to have a more up-to-date modding guide. Really cool to see activity like this. Making modding more accessible is vital to grow the community.
Hi Phobos2077.
Thanks for your kind words.
I welcome you and everyone to make commits.
I'm working on the guide from time to time but if anyone has an idea or wants to change something, feel free to participate.
Modding this game was always hard. After many years of absence, I have to rebuild my modding setup from scratch. A lot of new tools came out, some things were forgotten. I use your guide as a reference and it's very helpful.
Some minor feedback as I am following along the tutorial:
The Ladders and Stairs section should come after Map Exits, as it involves the 'maps.txt' file and editing it, which was only properly introduced in 'Map Exits'. Otherwise, if following the tutorial in sequence, you are unable to complete the Ladders and Stairs section without jumping ahead to Map Exits.
Hi ClemPersonal. Thanks for your feedback. I'm going to consider this in my next tutorial update.

@ClemPersonal fixed. Please check.
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