Firearms and their relation to crime figures


Antediluvian as Feck
It's a pity the anti gun thread was vatted (why?) - but I thought people might be interested to know that in Singapore it is illegal to own a gun (unless you join a club), and consequently there is practically no gun crime. What guns that do exist are kept at the gun clubs, and not the owners homes. Mind you every male citizen must do 3 years national service, and they use the SAR 21.


Now if you did happen to get you hands on a gun and use it in any form of crime in Singapore - the penalty is the death sentence. So the gangsters generally stick to choppers and knifes. Singapore is a country that encourages those individuals who love firearms to join the appropriate clubs, and shoot clay pigeons or targets - just like the Olympic.


Crime Statistics > Gun violence > Homicides > Firearm homicide rate > per 100,000 pop. (most recent) by country.

# 1 South Africa: 74.5748..........
# 2 Colombia: 51.7683
# 3 Thailand: 33.0016
# 4 Guatemala: 18.5
# 5 Paraguay: 7.3508
# 6 Zimbabwe: 4.746
# 7 Mexico: 3.6622
# 8 United States: 3.6 ............
# 9 Belarus: 3.31

# 30 New Zealand: 0.1827
# 31 Chile: 0.1776
# 32 Singapore: 0.0249 ...........

So South Africa is practically a free for all shooting comparison, the USA isn't too bad.

Now how's this for a beautiful firearm - Pepperbox Revolver

Both sides of the fence, if you can't keep a level head and refrain from flames in this thread, don't post at all. Strikes will be applied liberally to both parties.

This has been a public service announcement from your benevolent overlords. Carry on.
Murders per 100,000
(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1
(8) Houston, USA 18.0
(9) New York City, USA 16.8
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8
(18) Paris, France 3.3
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9
Also, I think it's a bit wrong to say in the OP that the reason for no gun crime in Signapore is that it's illegal for civilians to own guns. It's illegal for non-LEO's civs to own guns in Mexico. Aside from that analogy, correlation is not causation. It is inaccurate and wrong to assume that one A causes B without evidence backing it up and with no evidence to the contrary. Though, of course, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.
Wintermind said:
Also, I think it's a bit wrong to say in the OP that the reason for no gun crime in Signapore is that it's illegal for civilians to own guns. It's illegal for non-LEO's civs to own guns in Mexico. Aside from that analogy, correlation is not causation. It is inaccurate and wrong to assume that one A causes B without evidence backing it up and with no evidence to the contrary. Though, of course, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

It's all about demographics baby - I'll illustrate this with the previously posted murder stats:

Murders per 100,000

(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3 - lots of negros and gun control
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4 - lots of negros and gun control
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8 - lots of negros and mexicans
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8 - lots of negros, mexicans, and gun control
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5 - lots of negros total handgun ban
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1 - lots of mexicans
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1 - it's fucking russia dude
(8) Houston, USA 18.0 - lots of negros and mexicans
(9) New York City, USA 16.8 - lots of negros and lots of gun control
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5 - it's finland, those are probably all suicides
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7 - never trust the portugese...
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0 - lots of mexicans, negros, and gun control
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7 - hah! good fun!
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4 - it's the fuckin' irish fer christ's sake
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2 - again, probably all suicides
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0 - danes, not so great when mixed with muslims
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8 - I blame hitler
(18) Paris, France 3.3 - muslims
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0 - muslims
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9 - hello, it's the czech's

Hope that helps...
Wintermind said:
Also, I think it's a bit wrong to say in the OP that the reason for no gun crime in Signapore is that it's illegal for civilians to own guns. It's illegal for non-LEO's civs to own guns in Mexico. Aside from that analogy, correlation is not causation. It is inaccurate and wrong to assume that one A causes B without evidence backing it up and with no evidence to the contrary. Though, of course, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

I think with the knowledge that the Government will hang you if you use a firearm in a crime also helps. Singapore has some very interesting laws, considering it is fully developed country - but with a completely repressive government. Such as...

Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country. 

Penal Code
Chapter 224, 1985 Edition

Section 377: "Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animals, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine."

Section 377A: "Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years."

Of course other countries are more understanding...

Everything is fare in love and war but not everytime. A Sudanese man, Tombe was forced to marry a goat after he was found having sex with the animal. The owner of the goat, Alifi caught the accused red-handed having sex with his goat. Then he did the most ridiculous thing by asking a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) from Tombe by quoting that he used to use the goat as his wife. 

What can we do now else than wishing the lovely couple the very best for their marital life?

DammitBoy said:
That's really big of you right there. I mean, I don't have words for it.

DammitBoy said:
Hope that helps...

Yes, it did.

.Pixote. said:
Wintermind said:
Also, I think it's a bit wrong to say in the OP that the reason for no gun crime in Signapore is that it's illegal for civilians to own guns. It's illegal for non-LEO's civs to own guns in Mexico. Aside from that analogy, correlation is not causation. It is inaccurate and wrong to assume that one A causes B without evidence backing it up and with no evidence to the contrary. Though, of course, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.

I think with the knowledge that the Government will hang you if you use a firearm in a crime also helps. Singapore has some very interesting laws, considering it is fully developed country - but with a completely repressive government. Such as...

Homosexuals are not allowed to live in the country. 

Penal Code
Chapter 224, 1985 Edition

Section 377: "Whoever voluntarily has carnal intercourse against the order of nature with any man, woman or animals, shall be punished with imprisonment for life, or with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years, and shall also be liable to fine."

Section 377A: "Any male person who, in public or private, commits, or abets the commission of, or procures or attempts to procure the commission by any male person of, any act of gross indecency with another male person, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to 2 years."

Of course other countries are more understanding...

Everything is fare in love and war but not everytime. A Sudanese man, Tombe was forced to marry a goat after he was found having sex with the animal. The owner of the goat, Alifi caught the accused red-handed having sex with his goat. Then he did the most ridiculous thing by asking a dowry of 15,000 Sudanese dinars ($50) from Tombe by quoting that he used to use the goat as his wife. 

What can we do now else than wishing the lovely couple the very best for their marital life?


I wouldn't be surprised, but you need some kind of proof. Less the ban, more the hanging. I'd like to see what it looks when it's not banned, but using a firearm in commission of a crime does warrant the death penalty. See what happens.

Of course, Singapore is a weird country. They banned chewing gum. Chewing gum. Chewing. Gum.

Also, Im' surprised baltimore isn't in that list. They get a stupid amount of murders. That's not for a lack of a better adjective or me being lazy; it's the best way to describe the amount of murders in places like Baltimore or DC.

Gotta wish the happy new couple the best.

By the way, you shouldn't blame the high crime on 'negros' or anybody, but, rather, things like the drug trade or other forms of organized crime. Or the literal drug war in Mexico. Which would better be called a civil war at this point.
.Pixote. said:
Sicblades said:
Where did you get those figure? Where are the rest of the G20 nations?

I found them at NationMaster...but the source is Wikipedia: Gun violence.

Actually the gun homicide per 100 000 - stats are slightly different in the Wikipedia link but no biggie.

And another wiki-link, List of countries by intentional homicide rate. Numbers are relatively recent, unlike in that link Dammitboy posted.

Another map-thingy where you can look at not just homicides but other factors that all combine to form the "peace index" of a nation.
Wintermind said:
Also, I think it's a bit wrong to say in the OP that the reason for no gun crime in Signapore is that it's illegal for civilians to own guns. It's illegal for non-LEO's civs to own guns in Mexico. Aside from that analogy, correlation is not causation. It is inaccurate and wrong to assume that one A causes B without evidence backing it up and with no evidence to the contrary. Though, of course, 'absence of evidence is not evidence of absence'.
You can't compare two completely different countries. Singapore doesn't have a country with minimal gun regulation as a neighbor. There are also a crap load of other factors besides gun availability such as culture, income, education, employment, unemployment, etc.

Wintermind said:
Of course, Singapore is a weird country. They banned chewing gum. Chewing gum. Chewing. Gum.
Weird as it is, the ban on chewing gum really isn't that weird. It was done for sanitation reasons (combination of litter and disease control). Considering that gum is stuck on pretty much every type of surface in the US, I can't say that it's as unreasonable as it sounds.
DammitBoy said:
It's all about demographics baby - I'll illustrate this with the previously posted murder stats:

Murders per 100,000

(1) Washington, D.C., USA 69.3 - lots of negros and gun control
(2) Philadelphia, USA 27.4 - lots of negros and gun control
(3) Dallas, USA 24.8 - lots of negros and mexicans
(4) Los Angeles, USA 22.8 - lots of negros, mexicans, and gun control
(5) Chicago, USA 20.5 - lots of negros total handgun ban
(6) Phoenix, USA 19.1 - lots of mexicans
(7) Moscow, Russia 18.1 - it's fucking russia dude
(8) Houston, USA 18.0 - lots of negros and mexicans
(9) New York City, USA 16.8 - lots of negros and lots of gun control
(10) Helsinki, Finland 12.5 - it's finland, those are probably all suicides
(11) Lisbon, Portugal 9.7 - never trust the portugese...
(12) San Diego, USA 8.0 - lots of mexicans, negros, and gun control
(13) Amsterdam, Netherlands 7.7 - hah! good fun!
(14) Belfast, N.Ireland, UK 4.4 - it's the fuckin' irish fer christ's sake
(15) Geneva, Switzerland 4.2 - again, probably all suicides
(16) Copenhagen, Denmark 4.0 - danes, not so great when mixed with muslims
(17) Berlin, Germany 3.8 - I blame hitler
(18) Paris, France 3.3 - muslims
(19) Stockholm, Sweden 3.0 - muslims
(20) Prague, Czechoslovakia 2.9 - hello, it's the czech's

Hope that helps...

That's not murders by guns though is it?
Wintermind said:
Also, Im' surprised baltimore isn't in that list. They get a stupid amount of murders. That's not for a lack of a better adjective or me being lazy; it's the best way to describe the amount of murders in places like Baltimore or DC.

By the way, you shouldn't blame the high crime on 'negros' or anybody, but, rather, things like the drug trade or other forms of organized crime.

Guess what baltimore and D.C. have in common? They are both huge welfare pockets of concentrated negros.

Nobody needs to 'blame' blacks for high crime rates in the urban jungles that make up the highest murder rates. It's fact. You can check the fbi crime stats if you wish. Young black inner-city males drive the crime stats.

The recipe for having the highest murder rate is always the same. Lots and lots of welfare recipients, lots of black residents, crammed into an urban environment, usually run by democrats.
I'd say gun culture including different types of gun violence, armed gangs, spree shootings, school shootings, is mainly an American phenomenon that is being spread around the world by the media and by the US weapon industry. And also by gun smugglers into places like Mexico where gun violence is off the charts.

Btw, "negros"? What is this, the 50's? The US has never really been held accountable for the legacy of slavery. There have been figures tossed around as to what the appropriate figure would be for reparations for slavery and its a pretty big figure.

I for one am glad to live in a nation that doesn't have to worry about reparations for slavery.
Sicblades said:
That's not murders by guns though is it?
Murders by guns are worse than murders by non-guns then?

DammitBoy said:
The recipe for having the highest murder rate is always the same. Lots and lots of welfare recipients, lots of black residents, crammed into an urban environment, usually run by democrats.
In other words: poverty.
MutantScalper said:
Btw, "negros"? What is this, the 50's? The US has never really been held accountable for the legacy of slavery. There have been figures tossed around as to what the appropriate figure would be for reparations for slavery and its a pretty big figure.

I for one am glad to live in a nation that doesn't have to worry about reparations for slavery.

WTF are you talking about? No one in the US is worried about reparations for slavery, except for a small and not even vocal minority of backwards black extremist who thinks the world still cares (they don't). It is pretty much accepted at this point that slavery has ended and enough has been done for the black man that they should move the fuck on and get over it.

And yes, DB is pretty much spot on with those relations to crime and inner city blacks. It is not very politically correct and many don't like talking about it (instead choosing as you do to try and push the blame somewhere else) but the numbers are pretty concrete.



Bal-Sagoth said:
WTF are you talking about? No one in the US is worried about reparations for slavery, except for a small and not even vocal minority of backwards black extremist who thinks the world still cares (they don't). It is pretty much accepted at this point that slavery has ended and enough has been done for the black man that they should move the fuck on and get over it.

And yes, DB is pretty much spot on with those relations to crime and inner city blacks. It is not very politically correct and many don't like talking about it (instead choosing as you do to try and push the blame somewhere else) but the numbers are pretty concrete.
There's a correlation between poor, inner-city blacks and crime. Correlation is not the same as causation.

You may notice that there is no increased correlation between rich black people and crime. That's because race has fuck-all to do with it.