Fallout 2 mod Fix for crashing at The Den using Killap's Restoration Project


First time out of the vault
First, make sure you havent installed BOTH the Unofficial Patch and the Restoration Project because you only need the RP and installing the UP will fuck up the other one.
If you have royally screwed yourself dont worry, backup your saves and reinstall the game, this time installing JUST the RP, if your problem persists then go to your map files, it should look like this depending on where you installed it to.
C:\Users\YourLogin\ExampleInstallationLocation\Fallout 2\data\maps

Now, look for the map file "denbus1.map" and remove it.

And that's it! you should be able to walk around and get pickpocketed by thieving little children now and do anything in The Den.

I am yet to find a solution to the Umbra Tribe black screen issue but if you find one please reply in this thread.

From what i've gathered this removes the ability to access the "Den Residential Area" from the den itself but you can still access it from the map area provided you helped Lara take over position guarding the church. (you can press 3 on the map area to gain access to the residential area and complete the orphan quests, you will be able to go back to the rest of the den from the residential area exit grid but not visa versa for some reason dont ask me theres currently not a fix)
I ran into the same problem and your sollutions didn't work for me :(

Today i got around it by extracting "denres1.map" using the dat explorer by dims to the maps folder.
Note for future people: This is a really bad workaround. It basically resets the map to vanilla Fo2, which means god knows what stuff in the RP version of the Den could be broken now.
There was a secret Brotherhood base accessible after killing Frank Horrigan, this fix removes that!