[FO2] Ass getting kicked alot. need pointers.


First time out of the vault
I am level 6. I have a leather jacket. my agility and int are 10. my str, luck, endurance are 5. i think my charisma is 6 or 7.

I have 123% chance with small guns.

vic has a 10mm pistol.
so do I.
sulik has his hammer
doctor ghoul (Henry? lenny?) has a knife. thought he would heal me in combat with first aid or the stimpaks I gave him. NOPE!

anyway, I have 3 stimpaks and the ghoul has two.

in the random encounters with bandits, I got killed even though I used all three stimpaks.

and earlier, when I had no stimpaks, the 10 dogs waxed me, vic and sulik (well just me, the others had not been fucking ripped to pieces by dogs)

I think I might be able to do the dogs with some stimpaks.

I have very litlle money right now. alot of ammo. maybe I bought too much.

getting frustrated.
If you've been to Gecko, the 10mm Pistol is pretty weak for this stage of the game. You should notice a difference just upgrading to .44 Magnums or something. There are some cheap things you can do like hanging around Vault City until you meet a patrol fighting marauders, then looting some random corpses, otherwise you can always just do stuff and loot everyone's bookcases and avoid combat.
I would recommend doing the Modoc quests before going to Gecko/VC. It all depends on your choice of action, but if you end up being the good guy and do everything right, the rewards include and assault riffle and a combat leather jacket. Very cool for this early in the game!

Don't give Lenny a knife. Give him a pistol. Ultimately I gave him a .223 pistol.

It is not possible to use first aid or doctor in combat - these skills take time. 30 minutes (or so?) go by whenever you use them.

From my understanding: don't expect any NPC to heal YOU in combat (with stimpacks), either. They can heal themselves with them, though.

Last but not least:
1) Want money and loot fast? Steal everything from everyone! (requires a lot of patience and load/reload)
2) I always buy EVERY stimpack I see in stores, you should probably do the same.
sweet. thanks.

I bought with my little dough combat leather. and I gave the leather jacket to vic who seems to be a better shot since I levelled.

sulik is an idiot in battle sometimes.

I will do the modoc stuff next. I met the ghost town inhabitants. need to go find the drunk farmer.

I have a .44 I have little ammo for it though...I do have a bit of loot I got when i *finally* beat a bunch of bandits who were fighting a caravan. Vic shot a guard so we had to take them out.

as for stealing, will I take a big karma hit for theft? I have steal at like 30%.
As far as I know, there is no karma loss for any theft in the whole game, with the exception of -3 karma if you try to steal from the Arroyo Villagers (who don't have anything to steal, anyway).

So go for it.

Be ready to reaload A LOT with 30% only, though!
Apparently you want some light spoilers so here you go:

Sulik is useless after you leave Klamath (unless you have Killap's RP)

Go to Vault City and get Cassidy, he's the best human follower.

Get the .44 REVOLVER until you can use something like a burst shotgun or a good SMG (assault rifles suck).

Vic isn't that good

Get metal armor in Vault City coutyard from happy harry, for everyone in your party.

Get Marcus, just be careful when giving him burst weapons cause he can wipe out your whole party

Make sure you've done all the quests for every location before travelling too far away while you're still weak
I am doing much better with the armor and assault rifle. however, I got to vault city after doing the modoc and ghost town and getting a quest in gecko, and I went to go kill the raiders. WOW. unless I resorted to killing one, and then running away to a safe grid, and healing and coming back,
I am not sure how to take out this many people with sulik, vic and lenny as my sidekicks.
What level are you now?

You have a high small guns skill level, so you should be able to do decent aimed shot at eyes. Go for critical hits, with a hunting rifle for example (keep a distance).


texaspete said:
I went to go kill the raiders.

edit: oh, you mean the raider cave, I don't think you are ready for that this early unless you know what you are doing.
Hunting rifle,aimed shots,always aim for the eyes, above that,get better armor, and save very often.
Also, you can change the difficulty to easy, and if that dosent fix it, go to San Francisco while avoiding all encounters, start the quest to get the vertibird plans for the brotherhood of steel, then go to navaro,get yourself some power armor and the vertibird plans, its really easy and worth it seeing as you get 20.000 exp and power armor, also once your done go down to the brotherhood facility and get the YK42B pulse rifle and the pistol, very powerful weapons.
Also,some people think getting the power armor early is cheating and for ,,noobs'',but guess what mofo, its the post apocalypse, if you can get an edge over your opponents,GET IT! :D
SerbianWarrior said:
Also,some people think getting the power armor early is cheating and for ,,noobs'',but guess what mofo, its the post apocalypse, if you can get an edge over your opponents,GET IT! :D
Thinks? It is cheating!!!
No one who has never been there in an earlier game will just stumble upon Navarro and survive.
Besides, what's wrong with a bit of challenge? Makes it feel so much sweeter when you finally make it.
So don't give that kinda bullshit advice, please.
Darek said:
SerbianWarrior said:
Also,some people think getting the power armor early is cheating and for ,,noobs'',but guess what mofo, its the post apocalypse, if you can get an edge over your opponents,GET IT! :D
Thinks? It is cheating!!!
No one who has never been there in an earlier game will just stumble upon Navarro and survive.
Besides, what's wrong with a bit of challenge? Makes it feel so much sweeter when you finally make it.
So don't give that kinda bullshit advice, please.
See thats what im talking about, its up for a persons play style to decide if he wants to get the armor early or not,some people like to be able to blow everything away from the beginning others to work for it.
Anyway, it's game-killer cheat, especially for first play. Don't you think? :wink:
don't worry. If you can't defeat raiders, don't do it. Leave the cave, visit nearest cities, solve some quests and return back to the raiders later - with better equipment.

You may always try some combat drugs, Psycho will boost up your damage resistance temporarily, it's great against bullets.
Exactly, forget about beating the raiders in their cave for now - it *is* a tough battle!

Don't do the San Francisco/Navarro thing, that's a game-killing exploit, seriously, don't do it! At least not in your first play-through.
Hmmm, when talking about the raider cave, how do i get past the traps?Should i leave my companions behind? Because the dumb fuckers always manage to fall into a pit or trigger the explosion traps despite me discovering them...
i am not ready for the raiders but the traps i did this way

1) tell followers to wait.
2) try to go slow and disarm as many as possible. there is one in the middle you can't get i think. I got about half of them.

3) save and reload as often as you like but I got tired of that and had almost half left.

4) be at full health. then run through the tunnel once. heal yourself up if you need to. do it again.

I took only half my HP and i have only 54 hp.
I did the same, I disarmed all traps first. Leaving your NPCs behind could be the ultimate solution to preventing them from stepping on them, but I didn't need to, I just disarmed them pretty quickly.

Unfortunately, however, I found that my NPCs would always fall in the damn holes, even if they were already there, in their faces. This would make the entire party fall. It was very annoying.

As far as I know, this can't be prevented. Thank goodness it only happens in this spot in the entire game...?
Wait... he's trying to defeat the raiders near VC with a level 6 character and a 10mm pistol?

That explains a lot...