I am level 6. I have a leather jacket. my agility and int are 10. my str, luck, endurance are 5. i think my charisma is 6 or 7.
I have 123% chance with small guns.
vic has a 10mm pistol.
so do I.
sulik has his hammer
doctor ghoul (Henry? lenny?) has a knife. thought he would heal me in combat with first aid or the stimpaks I gave him. NOPE!
anyway, I have 3 stimpaks and the ghoul has two.
in the random encounters with bandits, I got killed even though I used all three stimpaks.
and earlier, when I had no stimpaks, the 10 dogs waxed me, vic and sulik (well just me, the others had not been fucking ripped to pieces by dogs)
I think I might be able to do the dogs with some stimpaks.
I have very litlle money right now. alot of ammo. maybe I bought too much.
getting frustrated.
I have 123% chance with small guns.
vic has a 10mm pistol.
so do I.
sulik has his hammer
doctor ghoul (Henry? lenny?) has a knife. thought he would heal me in combat with first aid or the stimpaks I gave him. NOPE!
anyway, I have 3 stimpaks and the ghoul has two.
in the random encounters with bandits, I got killed even though I used all three stimpaks.
and earlier, when I had no stimpaks, the 10 dogs waxed me, vic and sulik (well just me, the others had not been fucking ripped to pieces by dogs)
I think I might be able to do the dogs with some stimpaks.
I have very litlle money right now. alot of ammo. maybe I bought too much.
getting frustrated.