FO2: Ironman Build

Capt Vee

First time out of the vault
Was wondering if anybody had any minor tips or hints on how to best survive an Ironman build in FO2.

Having played the game a lot, I'm thinking the problem areas will be:

The long slog from The Den to Modoc and Vault City
Risking the Zeta Scan in NCR for the luck bonus
Ripped to shreds by the turrets at sierra depot
Rocket bot in lower level of Toxic Caves
Super Mutant base
Drug addiction

Obviously some of those can be avoided until you're sure you can handle them (the Vault City walk though can't be), does anyone else have any other possible serious problem spots?

Also what do you suppose is the best way to ensure survival? Lots of hit points (high endurance and lifegiver)? Lots of NPCs or none (to save on charisma points and allow unrestrained burst fire)? Can the sneak skill be bumped up enough to escape tough battles?

I guess my general plan is not to try and get cute and just load up whatever will help me survive (weapons, armor, perks, etc.) and maybe have to sacrifice a few mini-quests and neat perks in the process.

Thoughts, ideas?
Running away from tough battles is always a good idea. As is not taking any risks with 'I'll kill him if I hit him with this shot' and then getting killed because you missed.

The turrets at the SAD are actually quite easy to handle if you stay out of their reach and use a hunting rifle or sniper rifle.
Sander said:
The turrets at the SAD are actually quite easy to handle if you stay out of their reach and use a hunting rifle or sniper rifle.
In my non-ironman games I never was able to do this. Do you need a level of small guns above 100% or is there some other key. Basically if I could hit them, they could hit me. Basically I would just have to pluck out their sensors before they landed a sufficient hit on me to kill me. If they did, reload. Could always get one by using the guard booth for cover, but the others usually leave me exposed.

And of course, I could always skip it, but there's good stuff to be had there (plasma rifle)
Capt Vee said:
In my non-ironman games I never was able to do this. Do you need a level of small guns above 100% or is there some other key. Basically if I could hit them, they could hit me. Basically I would just have to pluck out their sensors before they landed a sufficient hit on me to kill me. If they did, reload. Could always get one by using the guard booth for cover, but the others usually leave me exposed.

And of course, I could always skip it, but there's good stuff to be had there (plasma rifle)
For as far as I know this is doable as long as your gun has sufficient range, the small guns skill doesn't seem to affect this.
A scoped hunting rifle or sniper rifle always works for me. I'm not sure about a normal hunting rifle, though.
A scoped hunting rifle has a base accuracy mod of +60% as far as I know, works absolute wonders on turrets, including the ones at Navarro. Make sure to make called shots at the sensor lenses though.
Got a few hours in. So far so good. Finished up through repairing the Gecko plant, becoming a VC citizen and getting the car part. I've killed everybody along the way who has had it coming (Tyler's gang, golden gecko cave, Keeng Rat, brahmin killing dogs, Metzger and Co.)

Two issues:

1. Made a tactical mistake with Metzger and had nowhere to run in order to restrict fire on me. Wound up surviving but blew through all but one of my stims and superstims. Was only in the danger zone one round (under 30 HP) and fortunately they didn't crit hit me. However was quite satisfying to blow a hole through the head of the guy that landed crit hits on me in successive turns.

2. Regretting not modding the random encounter file. Have only had two (not counting the scripted one) so far and neither required battle. I realize that sounds a bit arrogant since it sounds like I'm claiming it's too easy, but without lots of randoms, it's at least easy to anticipate impending danger.

So far have taken Toughness, Awareness and Dodger as perks. Am planning on taking two levels of Lifegiver. Going with a 2 Charisma character so I could load up Endurance.

I'm guessing I won't make it as I'll probably make another tactical mistake like the one with Metzger's gang and it will probably cost me more. Maybe then I'll mod the random encounters file and try again.

All and all, a lot of fun so far. Changes the decision making in the game immensely, IMO.
That's one thing about this type of game, you become a lot less frugal with your money. You see better armor than what you're wearing, you buy it. You clean the merchants in Vault City and Gecko out of their stim supplies, etc.. When in doubt, protect yourself.

Got a few more hours in for this weekend. Left off having picked off the SAD turrets from a distance as suggested. Wasn't good enough to use targeted shots, so I just wasted .223 rounds killing them off plink by plink, using cars and buildings as cover.

One downside. Due to the lack of random encounters, I felt it was only fair to expose myself to some random danger by taking the caravan from Broken Hills to NCR. Bad idea... for the caravan. I came away mostly intact. The rest of the caravan was not so fortunate. A pack of dogs got most of them as I could only kill them one at a time. A dozen mercenaries finished the rest. I stood by the exit grid trying to take out as many as I could. But when three guys with H&Ks got in range and started burst firing at me, I decided my caravan duties were over. Fired one last round at them and stepped onto the exit grid.

I'm not welcome in the Caravan room at Broken Hills anymore. :)
Well it looks good for finishing the game. I did come very close to biting it on a random encounter (remnants of the masters army). The Super Mutants with the Laser Rifles didn't bother me, but the one with the Rocket Launcher did. I was near my car ready to get out of town, when he hit me for 104 hit points and knocked me a good 14 spaces from my car. I used my last superstim and ran back as far as I could. He hit me again for 70 HPs and I managed to get in my car the next turn and leave.

In any event, I've finished the Super Mutant base (blew through all of my superstims except the one mentioned above) and also Navarro (was much easier as I had acquired Sniper between the two) and don't actually have to leave San Francisco now if I don't want to.

If I finish successfully, I'll post the build stats and perk progression in case somebody at some points wants to reference it.
Combat and Game difficulty set at hardest levels.

Won the game. Thinking about maybe putting a short FAQ on neoseeker. It helps a lot to have good knowledge of the game so that you know when and how to get yourself out of tight spots.
Heck, write a good, condensed piece on things to consider and look out for and I'll put it in my guide.
Will do, Per. At the moment I can only vouch for a sniper build as I assume a melee build would be significantly harder as getting up close and personal can subject you to increased risk from enemy attacks.
Capt Vee said:
Combat and Game difficulty set at hardest levels.

Won the game.

Well done, I didn't give you many chances when I read your reports about the turrets from SAD or about travelling with caravans.
Could you, please, put your stats, skills, ... here?
Unfortunately the time may come when you
have to abandon the car and the bodies of your NPCs to save your own life. If
it's in a random encounter, they're gone forever.

It is not like that. In fact, it is impossible to leave your car in a random encounter, even if you just walk away.