FO2 Serious WORLD MAP Error.


First time out of the vault
In Fallout 2, after I downloaded the Restoration patch, it keeps on just stopping me in the Wastes. I've tried on 3 separate files, and it all does the same thing. I'll walk for maybe 2 seconds on the World Map on my way somewhere, and then it's like I just clicked to stop at a random point. You know when the triangle comes up to stop? It's like I did that for a random space. It's not a random encounter, I think. Nothings there. PLEASE HELP!!! I can't play the game properly until this problem is fixed. I can't do any technical stuff...I can do patches but that's about it. I can also uninstall, but I don't know how to go into the files and change stuff. NOTE! It didn't do this BEFORE the Restoration patch. I also downloaded like v1.02 patch for it, but I don't think it went through. Help please!!!
Sorry! Wrong forum...I'm so sorry. Just...disregard where it is. If you can help, please do. If you can move it, that'd be great too.
Firstly, don't use the official patch and RP, it'll break things. Secondly, uninstall the game and remove the folder it was in (and everything in it), reinstall and try again. I think it may be the Kaga encounter from the RP gone bad, the script doesn't load fully or something. Perhaps something went wrong during the setup and it wasn't installed properly, or simply the game's messed up.

Anyway, reinstall the game and apply ONLY the Restoration Project. Then tell me if it worked.
Alright. I'll do that. I'll have to get past the Temple and get out, but I'll tell you when I get back.
That seemed to be it. Kaga like..raped me. I got down to 3 HP from 29 after one hit...but it was probably because I hadn't leveled or done any quests. Thanks for your help.