Followup to 'Killing people is cool'...


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
I was banned from Dukeworld forum. I can't even apologize to them so everybody could see it - just because some idiots don't see political cartoon on 'monster next door' when they see it, and they are in such a hurry to tell me what a stupid motherfucker I am they don't read other replies, including my apology and comments.
Even though joke became WAY darker than I wanted, it is not something to ban me for.

You play with matches...

You get burned. I guess the guys at the duke forum have a shorter fuse then we do. Maybe it's cause they are under fire by the media a lot already. Or maybe they just don't have the same kind of humor you do. For what it's worth, if it'd become a flamewar here I wouldn't have banned you for it.