for those that do follow... its Dec 24th...

cratchety ol joe

Mildly Dipped
as Mr Holder once said..


Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. :evil:
I HATE christmas, why ?
A): It its a RELIGIOUS event, and because of it , i hate it. Me and religion do not mix
B): It is commercial, money stealing time of the year.PRACTICALLY EVERY corporation uses it to milk some cash.

I wanted to open a new topic for this but I might as well ask it here.

Where are you this Christmas eve?

Me, alone for the PC while the TV is running in the background, showing movies we have seen several times before like The Grinch, Freejack, Harry Potter etc.

Seeing as both my parents are dead and its difficult for me to travel I will not be visiting relatives.
Patton89 said:
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. :evil:
I HATE christmas, why ?
A): It its a RELIGIOUS event, and because of it , i hate it. Me and religion do not mix
B): It is commercial, money stealing time of the year.PRACTICALLY EVERY corporation uses it to milk some cash.


I always thought the commercial cancelled out the relgious bit.

I like crimbo because it's fun and I get free stuff. Also you can choose to ignore the whole bible mumbo jumbo and just celebrate the winter solstice instead which by an amazing coincidance is on the same day.

Also in reply to Ghosty, spending it with my family who I currently live with and my relatives who live in the next street. :P
Christmas eve isn't exactly special in the Netherlands. I'm not going anywhere tonight, but visiting family tomorrow.

In any case: merry Christmas, everyone.
I am not much into the religious value of it either but I simply like the decorations and such.

Okay I write Merry Christmas on the cards I send this year but it might as well be seasons greetings, its not implied that I think they are Christians and...


Damn it Patton89, now you have made me PC.

Anyway, yeah I do send gifts to people, partly because its nice to give but also because I also like it when someone sends me something for my birthday.
Merry Christmas. I still have to pick up something for my wife.
Oi, Lad, its imaginary saviour's not-really-birth-day!
At least last time i observed the streets, i didnt see merry gent's wearing uniforms and torching shops and synagogues.
But i could be mistaken , as my poor sight isn't as good as it used to be.
Happy radiated christimas, folks!

And now, some music:

Jingle Bombs

Dashing through the Wastes
In a rusty car we go.
Deeply in the caves
Trade is all we know.

Bombs is all we hear
make the sky looks so bright.
What fun it is to fight and sing
a radiation song tonight.

Oh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
falling from the sky.
Oh, what fun it is to see
all the nature dies.
Jingle bombs, jingle bombs
falling from the sky.
Oh, what fun it is to see
a mutant freak that laughs.

A day or two ago
I thought I`d killed`em all.
Beneath the remains I saw
the freakiest of them all.
The fight was bloody harsh
He refused to die.
We got into a lethal grip
And then I had survived.

Oh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
falling from the sky.
Oh, how fun it is to walk
under a nuclear sky.
Jingle bombs, jingle bombs
falling from the sky.
Oh, what fun it is to talk
with a skinless ghoul tonight.

by Brut from NMA
If you do not like christmas, then celebrate yule instead. THat is the ancient celebration that the christians tried to take over with christmas. That the sun comes back.
generalissimofurioso said:
Why, it's Kristallnacht good sir!

They're handing out bricks on the corner!

To think it was a condoned act. Not good.

Anyway, merry christmas to one and all. To those that dislike christmas due to the religion (Christ Mass), fair enough, thats not why I like it. To those that dislike it for its mass consumption aspects, again fair enough, I that aspect of it as well.

The reason I enjoy christmas is that it is just a nice time to come together with friends and family and enjoy life. My friends and family have never placed a religious aspect on it, or overly gone mad on gifts, in fact this year we're going without gifts and just having a nice couple days of getting together.

Anyway, wether you celebrate or not, I hope you're having a good time of year. Happy new year either way.
Merry Christmas everyone.

I was mildly amused by signs they've put up everywhere at the local beaches.

Something along the lines of:

"Alcohol is strictly prohibited on our beaches and coastal reserves.

Property of Waverly Council. Please do not steal."

People seem to be abiding by this rule for the moment. I'll see if I can get a pic of one tomorrow.

I spent Christmas supper ignoring a bunch of family friends speaking Polish together (I can only speak English) whilst I went over some data. I bet my notes were more interesting than whatever they were saying. I'll need to get back to the lab to crack the problem.

Weather's beautifully warm here.