FOT modding guide

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what exactly does [var2] means in the reference section?
It can't be less than 4,can it be more than 4 then?

i know these questions are silly,but im totally new to hex editing!

[font size=1" color="#FF0000]LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-01 AT 04:08PM (GMT)[p]>what exactly does <var2> means in
>the reference section?
>It can't be less than 4,can
>it be more than 4

It is a 4-byte value that describes the length of <var3>. It can't have more or less than 4 bytes. I doubt you will ever need more than 4 bytes (max value about 4 billion if I'm not mistaken) to describe the length.

>i know these questions are silly,but
>im totally new to hex

I'd say that you shouldn't be modding with tutorials in the first place, but then again - everybody has to learn sometime :-) Also, you can wait for upcoming editor(s) if it's too hard. On yet another hand, I doubt these editors will go public before the release of the final version of FT...

[img align=center" src="//]

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