Found the original inspiration for the Alien Blaster, it's based on a 1996 Mars Attacks! raygun toy

Crueler Johnny

First time out of the vault
I was fuckin' around looking up "skeletonizer raygun" because the idea of a raygun turning a person in a bear bones (literally haha) skeleton like in the old movies back then was quite humourous! I looked in google images when I saw something that caught my eye, it was a toy gun that looked like the Fallout 1/2 Alien Blaster, and it was made in 1996, a year or less before Fallout was even released.

The simularities are not a conidence

this toy isn't really based on anything in the movie. so it's most likely the devs got the design from this spefic toy. It's not that strange for game devs to use toys for weapons in games back then, as 80% of guns in Doom were made from Toys.


a complete indepth analysis of my studies on why the fallout 1 alien blaster is based on a real toy from a licensed movie in a 100 page book diagram below:

I’ve been trying to find this in F1, but no that blue police box keeps showing up, or it’s the used car salesman.