FOX to develop live action Cowboy Bebop !?

Oh great. The hell does it need to be transferred from anime in the first place. What's wrong with it being anime? Gonna end up as an americanized retarded waste with shitty actors. Yay, let's wave little flags.

Fuck you, Fox.
I'm more interested in how the story is going to fit into the series than anything. Prelude? It definitely wouldn't work as a sequel.

Anyway, I agree that it should have stayed as anime. There's things you just can't do with live action without making it appear exaggerated.
Makagulfazel said:
I'm more interested in how the story is going to fit into the series than anything. Prelude? It definitely wouldn't work as a sequel.

I'm guessing it's not intended to fit into the series at all, but to supplant it for the benefit of a new audience. It wouldn't make any sense any other way. That is to say, it would make even less sense any other way. So expect it to run with the Spike/Julia plot and have none of the side tracks except what you can throw in as references. Oh, and a happy ending too.
I feel the same way about this as I do for the re-make of "Akira."


Leave anime alone. There is no need for it to be redone into a live action film.
I'm down. Cowboy Bebop is the only anime I've ever actually enjoyed (minus the Ghost in the Shell movie and Akira).

Even if the adaptation sucks at least it won't tarnish the cartoon.

Also - the Akira live action film sounds fucking rad. Dicaprio and Gordon-Levitt? Fuck yes.
Malky said:
I'm down. Cowboy Bebop is the only anime I've ever actually enjoyed (minus the Ghost in the Shell movie and Akira).

Even if the adaptation sucks at least it won't tarnish the cartoon.

Also - the Akira live action film sounds fucking rad. Dicaprio and Gordon-Levitt? Fuck yes.

Ugh... they're butchering the story to make it more appealing to the same "console-kiddies" whom are detested universally in this forum.

Last I heard, the story won't even take place in Tokyo.
rcorporon said:
Ugh... they're butchering the story to make it more appealing to the same "console-kiddies" whom are detested universally in this forum.

Last I heard, the story won't even take place in Tokyo.

Have you read a script or seen the movie yet? It's still in pre-pre-pre production. Don't get all upset just yet. I'm fine with them moving it from Tokyo.

(Also my 360 rules your PC)
rcorporon said:
Last I heard, the story won't even take place in Tokyo.
i don't quite see how that could be a major gripe.

when americunt production houses push for live action movie versions of something, you can be sure it wont be played by japs on location... seems rather obvious.