fps drops


Does anyone else get huge FPS drops in certain areas? Like I got 60 FPS constantly but then I enter a city it works fine for 2 mins and then the FPS dropws down bellow 10. WTF??

My specs:

i7 4790k
16gb DDR3 ram 1600mhz
Radeon R9 380 4gb

I tried lowering the graphics, hell I even turned everything off but it's still happening.
Does anyone else get huge FPS drops in certain areas? Like I got 60 FPS constantly but then I enter a city it works fine for 2 mins and then the FPS dropws down bellow 10. WTF??

My specs:

i7 4790k
16gb DDR3 ram 1600mhz
Radeon R9 380 4gb

I tried lowering the graphics, hell I even turned everything off but it's still happening.
This sounds like hard drive slowdown. The game is heavy on your HD. Try monitoring your hard drive usage in Windows Task Manager while running the game windowed and see if there's a spike when the slowdown happens.
Well, I haven't seen anything out of the ordinary. Hardware is pretty new, barely 2 months old. Maybe its just the game that runs like brahmin dung.
This sounds like hard drive slowdown. The game is heavy on your HD. Try monitoring your hard drive usage in Windows Task Manager while running the game windowed and see if there's a spike when the slowdown happens.

That just cannot be the case, as most of the information is loaded into the ram, unless there is some bad coding going on here, in which case it's the games fault.
Definitely had FPS drops in seemingly random areas too, runs about 45 FPS most of the time but it's dropped below 30 at certain points.

I've got an Intel i7 and an Nvidia 770M
The game is all over the place, mostly due to shadow draw distance, try putting them at medium. You will see shadows constantly "appearing" in bright sunlight, but at least the game will have a steady FPS.
This sounds like hard drive slowdown. The game is heavy on your HD. Try monitoring your hard drive usage in Windows Task Manager while running the game windowed and see if there's a spike when the slowdown happens.

That just cannot be the case, as most of the information is loaded into the ram, unless there is some bad coding going on here, in which case it's the games fault.
Bad coding? In a Bethesda game? Perish the thought...
Seriously though, I had some massive framerate tankings, too, although my computer isn't exactly top of the line anyway. Apparently even TotalBiscuit has framerate drops, and that guy has a beast of a computer. I'd say it's bad optimisation and just plain old shoddy programming. There are already unofficial patches out there to help with the performance.
Well I'm going to take a break from it then and play something else until Bethe$da fixes their shit. Or I will wait longer until the Editor is out.
It's not just you. I have two computers I tried Fallout 4 on, and the one with the SSD doesn't have FPS drops or stuttering but the one with mechanical hard drive does. Not saying this is the reason but that is what I have experienced. I also have WAY more graphics memory on the computer with the SSD so that might be the issue also.
This sounds like hard drive slowdown. The game is heavy on your HD. Try monitoring your hard drive usage in Windows Task Manager while running the game windowed and see if there's a spike when the slowdown happens.

That just cannot be the case, as most of the information is loaded into the ram, unless there is some bad coding going on here, in which case it's the games fault.
You're wrong about this. The game isn't loading 10-15 gigabytes of textures into memory, instead they are constantly being streamed in and out of memory from your disk (that's why you see the blurry textures sometimes which then become crisp). Sometimes this will cause trouble for your drive, especially with stuff such as Windows Search Indexer running in the background (that can slow down your computer to a crawl even with no programs running). I'm not excluding bad coding, but more likely there's a hard drive problem.
Eh, for the moment I had to lock the framerate to 30 because otherwise it would give me a headache with all the jumps it did, and downgrading graphics or view distance helped only marginally. Really shoddy work in terms of performance.

Anyone remebers this? :lol:


How do you lock it to 30 fps? I have an i5 4590, SSD, 390 GPU and 16 GB RAM, but this game cannot fucking run 60 fps consistently on my rig, even with godrays off and shadows to medium. It's just poorly optimized.