Free copy of Fallout 1 Survival Guide if you scan it as PDF


Creator of Fallout Fixt
Hey everybody,

I have a copy of Fallout 1 Official Survival Guide that is in either Very Good or Like New condition, depending on your criteria. I would love to contribute a scanned PDF version of this to the community, but I haven't done that scanning process before, so I am pretty doubtful that I could do a great job.

So if you have the skills/time/ability to make a nice-looking quality PDF scan of this book, I'll send it to you.

This was purchased for $39.95 USD so I am hoping it's a pretty good trade, the book for your efforts. 8-)


EDIT: I would prefer sending to a reputable and well-known member of this community, as "insurance" that the scanning will actually be completed.
I just tried those from that exact thread about an hour ago and the scan is "meh". Most pages are sufficiently readable but there's some with definite issues.

At some point the person said they posted an improved version, but I can't seem to find that one. Just the malware and the version with errors.

EDIT: To be fair the issues aren't a big deal, but I would prefer this book to go to good use, and getting a quality scan of it seems like it would be good use 8-)
Would scanning in and post up the Pdf here cause any legal issues or is that only if you were making a profit?
Vice Gray said:
Would scanning in and post up the Pdf here cause any legal issues or is that only if you were making a profit?
I have no idea, hopefully someone else has the answer to that.

As far as I know, it's out of print and only available from third-party (i.e. people who have it laying around) so I'd be surprised if it's a legal issue. I would assume it's the equivalent of Abandonware, legally speaking.
The difference between this and abandonware is that abandonware is LEGALLY disconnected from its owners due to copyright laws, which are really snakey legal processes unto themselves. But that's for another topic. It's like suggesting that Wasteland was fair game... in 1997. Of course it wasn't, which is why Fallout was born. BUT! Fast-forward a decade later, and it was available to be obtained again. The rights to Fallout right now ARE owned, and the Ultimate Survival Guide being out of print doesn't change that. It's a pretty real concern as to whether Bethesda will sue over freely distributing high quality scans of the thing, because this is Bethesda we're talking about. Not a sane, logical collective, but a greedy, shifty, spiteful company that will twist written agreement into their favor until it destroys other groups that they THINK are contesting them. Just look at what they did to Interplay and what they seem to be doing right now to the guys over at Wayside (though that's mostly speculation at the moment, although it seems to be what's going on).

Tread lightly. I'd love to see this ambition bear fruit, as well. But lawsuit should be an ever-present concern, because it could happen.
That's what i was thinking. It might be safer to create a mailing list that no one would know about.
Blech. Another reason to hate Bethesda.

How would they own rights to it, though? It was manufactured and written and published by other companies, companies that were neither Interplay or Bethesda.

Do you mean because it was licensed/approved/whatever by Interplay back in the day, it might hypothetically now be licensed/whatever to Bethesda?

I suppose we could contact them and ask if it's okay, but that would probably just make them go "Oh yeah we forgot about that.... and No, fuck you." :roll:
Like I said, it's not a matter of arguing logic. Interplay signed a perfectly reasonable contract with Bethesda that they adhered to completely when they sold the non-MMO rights of Fallout to them. Then Bethesda poured all their financial resources into a massive lawsuit that forced Interplay into giving up the MMO rights to Fallout. It was disgusting. It was unconscionable. But it was technically legal. Right now, until hindsight can clear matters up, it might or it might not be a "coincidence" that they bought up the rights to any and all forms of media depictions of Fallout at the same time that Wayside's Kickstarter for the next season of Nuka Break wrapped up. But considering Bethesda's track record, I don't see it as a coincidence at all. It doesn't matter that Nuka Break was a fan project meant to be fan-funded and fan-produced and freely distributed for the fans. This wouldn't threaten them at all, but they interfered regardless. Even if it was a coincidence that their next action put a huge legal roadblock in Wayside's way RIGHT when they were about to begin production, then that's just sloppy and retarded planning on their parts. Either way you look at it, it's Bethesda's bad.

I'm only advocating caution and discretion, by the way. I'd LOVE to be able to "get my hands on" my own copies of the guide, copied and freely distributed, because I never owned my own. Even if it's rife with errors and is largely inferior to Per's guide because it was a single edition printing, and Per's Ultimate Guide underwent many edits to reach a form of "perfection", it's still something that has collectible value. But the possibility remains that no matter how harmless this is, legal fallout could ensue, if you'll pardon the pun. I'm not saying it will, nor am I saying it should (and I'm sure as HELL not saying it makes any fucking sense), just saying there's a possibility. So be careful, and best of luck.
Sounds like they are the Kraft or WalMart or ExxonMobil of video game companies.
More like they're a mini EA or Activision, which is really impressive, because at least those 2 monoliths have a complete lack of game awareness as a result of not being GAME DEVELOPERS as some form of excuse for their business practices. Bethesda has no such excuse. They aren't just a bunch of corporate suits that only see numbers and have no idea how video games as an interactive medium affects people. They're simultaneously a game Developer AND Producer, so they should know better. But they don't...
Hey everybody,

I have a copy of Fallout 1 Official Survival Guide that is in either Very Good or Like New condition, depending on your criteria. I would love to contribute a scanned PDF version of this to the community, but I haven't done that scanning process before, so I am pretty doubtful that I could do a great job.

So if you have the skills/time/ability to make a nice-looking quality PDF scan of this book, I'll send it to you.

This was purchased for $39.95 USD so I am hoping it's a pretty good trade, the book for your efforts. 8-)


EDIT: I would prefer sending to a reputable and well-known member of this community, as "insurance" that the scanning will actually be completed.

Is there any chance you still have that official Survival Guide and want to scan it, or are you interested in selling it?
Is there any chance you still have that official Survival Guide and want to scan it, or are you interested in selling it?
He hasn't logged in for a few years, not sure if he's possible to reach at all unfortunately...