Got skills down. Now to find out the bytes before the skill

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RE: Got skills down. Now to find out the bytes before the s

Very nice :)

I'll put it up on the site if you want to finish it off and release it.

>Thanks for the tutorial ModSquad.
>Shade has all the skills of
>the whole team now, an
>M16A1 and about 1000 rounds
>of ammo. ;)
>My humble shrine to all things

[a href=//][IMG SRC=//" border=0][/a]

[a href="mailto:" style="font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;text-decoration:underline;]Smackrazor[/a]

[font style=font-family:arial;font-size: 9pt;color:#008DE6;]The Modding Kingpin​
Biggest thing is that I'm still learning to program. Figuri

I just needed a clearer description of the [vars] to understand that structure. If I could look into the files better and understand how they shortened the names of the skills and what that first [var] before the name is derived from I could make a file map.

I need to learn how to make a program that will go in and search and replace w/ a gui interface. Since I've only had one intro course to programming, my skills are very inadequate for that task.

My humble shrine to all things Fallout.
RE: Biggest thing is that I'm still learning to program. Fi

Elementary, my dear Watson. You don't need to be advanced in programming to do what you want. Hell, all I know is HTML, some javascript and Basic!

[img align=center" src="//]

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