Handmade arts crafts sculpture textiles. Or is this dead and buried

william dempsey

Veteran of the psychic wars.
Do people still use their hands to make things, either practical or for pleasure ? I'm not Picasso or Frank Lloyd Wright. I do enjoy making stuff using a variety of media.
Please do not post pictures of dildos you have made from Play Dough or Plasticine.

No need to upload pictures. Just what you think. I know some Cottage Industries are making a bit of a comeback say in the field of knitting and weaving as Wool does not have value.

So small enterprises making woolen jumpers are surviving.
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I do.

It's a leather mask; one piece, hand shaped.



Here is another:

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There's no substitute for talent, as they say. The scales on the ' Dragons head ' are great, are they just gouged out like with lino cutting tools. I can see some tools on the table. You've done a top job.

are they just gouged out like with lino cutting
They can be (there are hand tools that do it), but this leather comes embossed from the distributor. The real trick is to not damage the embossing while shaping it.

As it happens the distributor has not shipped this particular pattern for six months; their retailers are out of stock. I might have to figure a way to do it by hand before October 31'st.
October 31'st.
Ah ok. So Halloween. I just took a few pics of this I did with leftover sprues ( the frames that hold plastic injected models ) plus polystyrene/stryofoam base, used matchsticks. Das clay for cabin roof and 2 pack putty for figurehead thingy. The joke was a woman at the cabin doorway holding a newborn kid but I rushed photos.

I feel a bit embarrassed cos in comparison to your handiwork they are poor lol


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I like them. I did something similar myself once, though I don't have the photos. This is better than mine.

Per topic, here is a fellow's sculpting work that is insanely impressive IMO.
nsanely impressive I
Yeah very impressive. I watched a few which used speeded up motion. The guy was carving a figure named (unsure) say ' Duke Nukem' and using just mainly a cocktail stick, sometimes a scalpel would take a bit of waste from say a face then stick the lump on a leg like a calf muscle. Then out of nothing seemingly he had made a rifle type weapon.

I've made loads of diorama stuff when bored. One was a Magritte painting I did in 3d. ( mens grooming or something.) A bed, wine glass, shaving brush and comb in slightly distorted cardboard box. I found it to stop me rabbiting lol.
R (1).jpg

Oops short lived thread hehe.


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I'll actually take a pic of a dumb thing I carved and post it here tomorrow if I get a chance.
I'll actually take a pic of a dumb thing I carved and post it here tomorrow if I get a chance.

Ta that's great. I posted on Zegh's dinosaur channel as I wondered was he wanting to post. An as you know if a person is last to post on his her thread it acts like a period/full stop.

I'm not bein weird but I thought some of the other dudes and dudettes may just blank me as I wind them up a bit.

Seriously though if smaller businesses making say ceramics get crushed we will end up buying off a handful of mega corporations. Tons of well known middle sized busunesses have closed in Britain, the high/ main streets are becoming empty. To me that's weirdsville.
PICS COMING SOON. REAL SOON. Maybe. I will take a pic of my talking stick. They look like this:


Except mine is not like that at all really.
i sew on a regular basis. i have two battle jackets and work on projects between music and upholstery
Post some pics if you get a chance. I take so long because I have to knock my wife out to use her phone.
View attachment 23671 View attachment 23671
i sew on a regular basis. i have two battle jackets and work on projects between music and upholstery

The jackets sound good. There is an independent upholsterer near me that still do the old techniques plus French polishing. Not sure if they tan the leather, I reckon they leave that to the Moroccans.

Post some pics if you get a chance. I take so long because I have to knock my wife out to use her phone.

Lol. Do you have smelling salts or let her kip for a while ;p
I made the chess table from cannibalized bits repro dining table and ceramic tiles.

The first set of pieces is from moulds I made and plastic egg boxes. The 2nd set is made from toilet roll and thinned PVA glue. A technique I developed while on remand in Walton jail :bow:. I fought the law but the law won. I walked out of court with a 22 month suspended sentence and the same length of probation ; not the 7 years the police pushed for. Amen

25 second, silent clip of the finished ' Motherboard City ' which is included in the chestikov2011 video masters of the universe
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That is excellent. The self portrait in red jumper is also a masterful piece. The 2nd pic of ' Mr Hanky the Christmas poo ' stands defiant against the Italian Marble. A fine piece of work sir.

I am grateful for your post that keeps this thread alive.
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Jeez, straight up (truth) I was thinking about casting one of those Easter Island heads for the communal gardens we have. A guy in the block had been making planters out of rough timber and doing general gardening. ( not sure if the housing association pay him )

Lots of sandstone walls close to me so I was thinking about making a mix with plaster of Paris and stone bits and make one for the garden for something to do.


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