Happy Veterans Day!


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
For all servicemen and women who have helped keep the wolf away from the door for over 200 years.

Thank you!
In Canada we're celebrating "Remembrance Day" and I'd also like to thank all of the Canadians who have paid the ultimate price for the nation that I proudly call home.
Ah yes, how the West was won and where it got us.

Saddest day in history. I salute no one. November the 11th is the day the future became bleak and miserable.

My two bottlecaps.
wtf alec? you'd have prefered to sieg heil to the kaiser and speak german? :P

no way to tell how that would've worked out, of course... but i don't know many people that lament winning over an invader.

I wish the Huns or the Mongols had finished us off long before that. Preferably the Huns, seeing they were atheists and all.

Also: Hitler was an okay dude. He invented the question mark and loved Bambi. See:

Nah, seriously: after WW2, America started to dominate the world. I don't see how that was a positive change. At all. And I mean it.
Lesser of two evils, had there been no counter balance to the Russians/Soviet Union....

Let's just say I believe that Soviet domination would have been far worse.
alec said:
Ah yes, how the West was won and where it got us.

Saddest day in history. I salute no one. November the 11th is the day the future became bleak and miserable.

My two bottlecaps.

In Canada the day was created originally to celebrate the end of WWI. Has nothing to do with American cultural imperialism.

The fact of the matter is that these men gave their lives for something noble and abstract, and have damn well earned at least one day of remembrance.
alec said:
Ah yes, how the West was won and where it got us.

Saddest day in history. I salute no one. November the 11th is the day the future became bleak and miserable.

My two bottlecaps.

I'm sorry your anarchism got crushed under the cold hard riding boot of reality that we humans aren't all that nice to each other some of the time.

Hats off to the doughboys. Hooah.
Fuck yeah, my mistake. WWI.

I feel like such a dumbass.

I always hated history. It shows.
rcorporon said:
In Canada the day was created originally to celebrate the end of WWI. Has nothing to do with American cultural imperialism.

The fact of the matter is that these men gave their lives for something noble and abstract, and have damn well earned at least one day of remembrance.
What was noble about ww1? What was noble about fighting for: British imperialism, that crappy piece of land between germany and france, russian continued domination of east europe, german imperialism and finally the austrian domination of the balkan peoples?

I think ww1 should be remembered, but not because people that died there fought for something "noble."

A toast to the boy who cried wolf and kept guard at the door for millions of years only to discover that there never was a wolf behind it. Through his fear of the unknown he had invented the wolf in his mind.
fedaykin said:
A toast to the boy who cried wolf and kept guard at the door for millions of years only to discover that there never was a wolf behind it. Through his fear of the unknown he had invented the wolf in his mind.

Nice try but I refuse to get involved in politics on this topic. :D

It was a great day tho, I was able to finally get in touch with my buddy in Iraq. Had not talked to him in ages and I was glad to get the chance.

On a fun side note he had an interesting day yesterday he told me about, while going up in a Cobra gunship to get some target practice at a bunch of old cars they keep on base for that very reason they spotted a couple of Iraqis trying to steal car parts

My friend got some moving targets to shoot at that day :lol:

I cant wait to get out of college and get over there!

Anyways thanks again for those who had nice things to say, I expected there not to be any on this forum at all and you surprised me :).

Carry on.

edit: Speaking of WW1, I am sure there is someone else here who appreciates Blackadder :P

A pretty emotional ending to a great comedy show that also was able to throw in a serious message about war.

Bal-Sagoth said:
fedaykin said:
A toast to the boy who cried wolf and kept guard at the door for millions of years only to discover that there never was a wolf behind it. Through his fear of the unknown he had invented the wolf in his mind.

Nice try but I refuse to get involved in politics on this topic. :D
Actually, that was a semi-random word association that just popped into my head when I read the topic. I hadn't gotten any sleep at night. :tired:
Bal-Sagoth said:
they spotted a couple of Iraqis trying to steal car parts

My friend got some moving targets to shoot at that day :lol:

I cant wait to get out of college and get over there!
This, however, makes you sound like one of those retarded military nuts. I mean, fuck...that's seriously why you want to go? To shoot at people? How does a guy like you get past the psychological exam, if there is one at all?
SuAside said:
wtf alec? you'd have prefered to sieg heil to the kaiser and speak german? :P
Sieg heil? Kaiser? Dude you just got the two world wars greatly mixed up.
alec said:
Fuck yeah, my mistake. WWI.

I feel like such a dumbass.

I always hated history. It shows.

have you no fucking decency?

Dragula said:
SuAside said:
wtf alec? you'd have prefered to sieg heil to the kaiser and speak german? :P
Sieg heil? Kaiser? Dude you just got the two world wars greatly mixed up.
euhm, you think "heil" was invented by Hitler or something?

no, i'm quite aware of both world wars and the differences between them, thank you very much.
SuAside said:
have you no fucking decency?
Last time I checked: no.

I suck at History. I'm a "look-it-up-in-the-books-or-the-interwebz-if- you-desperately-want-to-know" kind of guy.

Sometimes I still date my correspondence with 2007. That should say enough.

All in all, though, WWI and WWII followed each other pretty quickly. What's twenty, twenty-five years, eh?

fedaykin said:
This, however, makes you sound like one of those retarded military nuts. I mean, fuck...that's seriously why you want to go? To shoot at people? How does a guy like you get past the psychological exam, if there is one at all?

They were criminals, they got what they deserve. Live by the sword, die by the sword and all that jazz.

I do not only want to join for that reason alone but I will be lying if I did not say the way he described it sounded very entertaining. He said it was one of the biggest rushes he had ever experienced.

Besides that is not the point, You apparently have not talked to a lot of Marines if you have not heard more comments about "Har har I like to shoot me some Hadjis" or "The only thing I feel when I kill an Iraqi is recoil".

As far as psychological exam no they do not have one but if you are found to be mentally unfit you will be discharged.

It is important to note however that an eagerness to kill is not grounds for discharge. Civilians do not apply of course and that is a whole different ball game but my story did not deal with civilians at all.
funny how a terrorist and soldier are so different these days.

Occupying a country, when the people have a negative response to your occupation. Therefore causing fear in the general populace. Using force as a means for peace

A terrorist, being part of an opposing force, people also have a negative response, using force as a means for peace.

One has higher grade technology, the other uses maybe more underhanded techniques. What's worse, being open about your killings and using god as a crutch(i.e terrorists) or carpet bombing civilians to make a point about 9/11 and wmds and using the public and past greivances as a crutch(soldiers). In my mind, they are both terrorists.

Funny how the world has a different opinion.
I appreciate those that fought, bled, and died to defend a country, people, and/or ideals. All the same, it is true that who is a terrorist and who is a freedom fighter depends on the side you're on.
I will step down from my War Hawk/Warmonger attitude and agree to both above statements that one mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter.

I supported both wars just for the simple reason I wanted the followers of radical Islam and the families of the followers to suffer as much as humanly possible.

That being said the time to leave Iraq is now, The leaders are beginning to assert themselves and violence has plummeted after the surge. To quote Obama (and if he says it you know it must be true! :P) Obama: Surge Succeeded Beyond 'Wildest Dreams'

Sadly Afghanistan is a very different ballpark.