Has anyone waited for full release of wasteland 2 to buy?


First time out of the vault
I usually buy early access games but since wasteland 2 is going to be a story game like fallout 1 or 2 , I've put off buying it until it is fully released. I'd imagine a lot of you already bought it but how many of you are still waiting. Also to the ones who have already bought it do you wish you had waited until release?
Hmm, I am happy I participated in the Kickstarter.
Do I wish that I had waited with playing the game until it was released and not spoiled things with the Beta? Yes.
I also find it frustrating to have to wait until September when it is fully released, because if I play the game now my savegames will be useless again when the full game is out.
I just don't have the monies to buy the game even when it's released. Although I wish I could participate in the kickstarter.
I only played a part of the Arizona arc in the Early Acess but I don't think it spoiled anything ( at least for the story) for me.
So what's the general consensus on this game? I've been waiting for it to be finished before I bought it. Worth the price of admission?
Hi Korin, well if you liked Fallout Tactics or similar themed games I would recommend you give this game a try.
It does have RPG elements but I would not say that it's on the same level of Fallout 1 or 2 (that was also never the intention as it was trying to be like Wasteland 1 which was also more combat focused)
And if you expect something like Fallout 3 and New Vegas it is definitely not like those games.

If it is sold for 25/30 Dollars or Euros I think there aren't that much other games to spend on if you want something with a more old school vibe.
I liked Fallout 1 and 2 a lot but I couldn't get into Tactics which I'm not sure if that was an interface thing or the fact it was too much combat. So does Wasteland not have a whole lot of dialogue and quests and stuff?
About dialogs, it seems there are less player's line than Fo1-Fo2.
The key words system implies that most of dialogs are sort of exposition, with the characters saying entire paragraphs about topic X or Y while you are almost reduced to ask about X or Y without much responses to their answers. Some of the dialogs still involves choices. You can intimidate, pays, be submissing or attack some characters through dialogs, but it doesn't seems the norm.

Yet, you still have choices through your actions, who you attack, what you steal, where you go etc...
Some choices during a "mission" can have consequences during or at the end of that "mission".
I mention "missions" but it works less as sequence than FoT, with choices in the order you explore locations, with locations not even involved with your missions.

On the other hand, i can't talk much about long terms consequences, as i tried only a few locations so far. I wait for the release day (and maybe finishing WL1) before fully playing it.
I waited till the full version came out. I looked at very little of the development of the game besides a few screenshots. I feel very pleased with the game so far. I had forgotten Mark Morgan had done the soundtrack and this was very cool to recall when the game first started. All in all I'm enjoying discovering just how WL2 turned out on my own.
I'm proudly joining the ranks of the waiting crew! Wasteland 2 is finally available in local shops, with collector's box and all that jazz, for reasonable 30€ I'd gladly pay for it. Sadly, there's huge sign saying "STEAM NEEDED TO ACTIVATE THIS SHIT" which means I'd have to connect my gaming rig to the interwebz first, then registrate myself on some 3rd party site (STEAM) just to play single-player game I've paid for. Nah, fuck this bullshit, I'll pass on this one and rather wait for Underrail. Let's hope they wouldn't come with this online activation bullshit.
Thanks for heads up!
Any form of forced online activity in licensed software I've paid for just grinds my gears, I'm perfectly fine with GOG version though. (Yup, I'm well aware that this is not a DRM issue.)
I'm going to buy it, but have spent slightly more than I'm completely comfortable with in the last month or two. Gotta keep some cash around for when my stupid shit breaks, such as my pc or bike. A boxed copy for 25 buckaroos sounds enticing though. I'm itching for more squad based action.
I waited to play but I also didn't know it had been released due to my computer dying. Needless to say I bought it tonight and well its been a long time since I played a game like this so I am dying alot.
I'm proudly joining the ranks of the waiting crew! Wasteland 2 is finally available in local shops, with collector's box and all that jazz, for reasonable 30€ I'd gladly pay for it. Sadly, there's huge sign saying "STEAM NEEDED TO ACTIVATE THIS SHIT" which means I'd have to connect my gaming rig to the interwebz first, then registrate myself on some 3rd party site (STEAM) just to play single-player game I've paid for. Nah, fuck this bullshit, I'll pass on this one and rather wait for Underrail. Let's hope they wouldn't come with this online activation bullshit.
You could also get the game via GOG.com if you're concerned about DRM (we don't use Steam's DRM regardless).
It's funny, though, people complain about having to connect to Steam and login just to play their single-player game, yet you have to do the same thing with GOG versions too. You have to log into your account to buy a game, then you have to return to the site and login whenever you want to patch it. I don't think either thing is a problem, it's like complaining you also need a power source for your computer to work so you can't get too far from a power outlet.

Anyway, I actually got this game free after kickstarting Torment. I'd be happy with it if I'd paid for it, so needless to say I'm very happy with such a good game for free. And yes, I agree that you this kind of game is something you should enjoy properly rather than picking at it and nibbling at it endlessly in Early Access or beta.
It's funny, though, people complain about having to connect to Steam and login just to play their single-player game, yet you have to do the same thing with GOG versions too.
Nah. Stand-alone installation pack from GOG could be downloaded from anywhere and transferred to your gaming rig on flash drive or external drive, so unlike how STEAM works, you don't need to connect your gaming rig to interwebz at all.

You have to log into your account to buy a game, then you have to return to the site and login whenever you want to patch it.
Sorry, but no. You actually don't need your own account on GOG at all, all you need is giving your money to friend who is willing to buy it for you. Then you could download that shit from any place on fucking mother Earth, transfer it to your gaming rig and play without any future oppresion or forced online activity. (Which is pretty useful for people with limited bandwidth, mind you.)

I don't think either thing is a problem, it's like complaining you also need a power source for your computer to work so you can't get too far from a power outlet.
You can't be serious with this, are you? FFS
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GOG could be downloaded from anywhere
you don't need to connect your gaming rig to interwebz
Yeah, good luck with that.

Anyway, someone needs a GOG account and internet connection to buy the game and to update it, someone needs one with Steam. You can flip around who that someone is all you like, it's still true. You have to go into very peculiar hypothetical situations for there to be a difference, like "What if I download it from Steam but later my HDD fails, I buy a new one but coincidentally at this point I lose my internet connection?" Not to mention, if you include HDD failure or disc breakage/loss in the equation, that would also apply to GOG backups and you'd need to go online again to download. If you're going to say it's bad that you need Steam installed to even install the game, that's like complaining you need a browser installed to download GOG stuff the first time.

The power comparison makes sense. It's something you need to plug the device into for it to work in a given way, it's something that's incredibly common that you can take for granted but sometimes can go wrong (e.g. a power cut) and it's a service you pay a company for. It's just that you grew up accepting that you need electricity for these things, like people are growing up now taking the internet for granted. All this "but I need to have an internet connection for a little bit - HOW CAN I GUARANTEE THAT!?" talk sounds like a fan of boardgames refusing to play computer games because "what if there's a power cut!?" or a man with a horse refusing to buy a car because he might be in a position where he runs out of petrol and doesn't want to be "tethered" to petrol stations.
Alright, let it be, guys. I think I'll pass on this one after all, getting a little tired with this nonsense. Underrail looks much better anyway, so not a big deal for me.

The power comparison makes sense.
The power could be generated pretty easily with diesel generator, I don't know how you could generate internet connectivity though.
I still need my box damnit. Hasn't came in yet. Just started playing it. Loving it thus far. I really want my box though and I'm not sure what to do to check on that. The shipping was confirmed and it was supposed to have shipped. The no tracking thing is worrying me.

I came in fresh without having played the beta and I am happy for that. A lot of the complaints I have heard about the game haven't even bothered me. The camera for one isn't such a big deal as people made it out to be. No bugs so far but I'm not far in. I can already tell it will be one of my favorites. The minor inconvenience of downloading the game with my shitty internet was worth it.
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