Help topic: Identifying books/comic books/movies/anything


I'm posting this as a more general topic for NMA users who seek help in identifying a piece of media they've long forgotten the name of.

I'll start the thread with a comic book.

I've been trying to find out the name of a particular American comic book I've read as a kid some 16-17 years ago at school.

It was a comic book in the action genre, featuring an art style strongly resembling that of the GI Joe comic book series (ca. issue #100). The storyline revolved around three modern-day ninjas: one of them was an Asian version of Charles Bronson, the second an Asian black-haired woman and the third a generic blonde American (?). The comic book (or at least that particular issue) focuses on them infiltrating an underground installation (may have been connected to biological weapons) via different means.

Asian Charles subdued a guard, took his clothes and body armor and infiltrated the base by using the guard's severed thumb. The blonde fellow went for a direct approach, bypassing microphones and IR cameras with trained crickets worn in a cage on his back (so that the wild ones wouldn't notify the security detail that something's amiss by going silent) and undergarments that prevent heat from going out. He later kills a scientists and dons his clothes on top. Can't recall what the woman did, though.

The cover featured the three of them, with Asian Bronson staring menacingly at the reader, holding a reel of rope (I think) and some kind of ninja blade and the other two behind.

Wish I remembered more about that. So, any help?
I am a huge comic geek, but I have no clue what comic that is. Do you remember the Publisher by any chance?
Yea a publisher would help, 3 martial arts dudes (and dudets) in a near future setting infiltrating corps is pretty common in comics. Especially in the 90's.

Any defining clothing?
I was eight back then. As for the clothing, it focused more on realism, without the over-the-top equipment characteristic to the GI Joe series. The three martial arts dudes under Asian Bronson wear typical camo clothing, single colour, broken up with black lines (the effect was kind of like an 80s version of MARPAT). I recall distinctive headgear: an NV cap with red lenses, rounded at the front, protruding forward, that looked as if they were pointing slightly crosseyed.

I do recall that the issue also included at least one page detailing the preparation stage, showing the three characters from the front, explaining the current meditation stance of each of them. I remember it distinctly because it wasn't as outlandish as most comics of this type, nor did it feature sci-fi weapons: just good old firearms and knives.
Is it Shang-Chi by any chance? Maybe Masters of Kung Fu....
Sounds like one, this may get messy. Only Image I liked is the later Pact stuff and oddly Super Patriot.
Sounds like an obscure title to me, but let's rule out a few things first:

Perhaps a year would help - you said you were 8, and I believe that was about two decades ago? I imagine late 80s, early 90s ish.

Here's a few different Shang-Chi covers for reference - anything look familiar-ish?

Also, just to rule out that it actually is not GI Joe, that description of the blond or whatever wouldn't happen to have actually had a face, would he? Or was he wrapped up, 'Invisible Man' style with his blond hair sticking out of the bandages?
I've checked GI Joe classic covers and it's not among them.

I've read it when I was in 2nd grade, so that corresponds to circa 1995. The comic book was already a bit worn by then, and given that it's Poland, it's probably a title from the mid-eighties/early nineties.

It wasn't Shang-Chi. It was very down to Earth, and while each of them was trained in martial arts, I recall them using primarily firearms and the occassional melee weapon (such as when Asian Bronson had to take the thumb; he used a combat knife, along with a remark along the lines of "Sorry, but I have to take something more; you'll live without it").

I do recall there was a personal motive in there somewhere. I think the woman had some kind of a revenge planned on the guy.

And the blonde guy definitely had a face. It was similiar (a bit) to Snake-Eyes' restored one, but if I recall correctly, he hardly got the opportunity to use it, before getting captured by Cobra.

It does sound somewhat similiar to Image, though I'm not sure we got them in Poland.
Not quite your description of the artwork, but does this jog any particular memories? Kinda going with shots in the dark here.

BINGO! That's exactly the series I've been looking for ALL THESE YEARS.

Thanks DTM and eveyone else who reached out to help me.
A cartoon. The main character is something like a very small yellow troll living in a house in the suburbs. His enemies are these dustball shaped dudes and every episode features a couple of minutes of cutscenes where said yellow troll protagonist is made out of play-do and all of the objects around him are real life shot items.
Moe Canibo said:
A cartoon. The main character is something like a very small yellow troll living in a house in the suburbs. His enemies are these dustball shaped dudes and every episode features a couple of minutes of cutscenes where said yellow troll protagonist is made out of play-do and all of the objects around him are real life shot items.

A side scroller PC game from the late 80s or early 90s. I believe you play as an alien and the graphics are pretty colorful. I feel like a lot of green and purple were used. 95% sure it was PC and 99% sure it wasn't cdrom. I played it in my mom's office in or around 1990. That's all I've got.
There was this creepy claymation movie/tv show (IDK) that freaked me out when I was a kid. There was 2 or 3 claymation kids that went through this portal to a completly black space except for this tiny floating island. There was a scary face telling the kids about the island. The claymation was pretty detailed. I'm guessing it was from the late 80's-early 90s. Can't remember if it was really for kids or more for adults.
mobucks said:
There was this creepy claymation movie/tv show (IDK) that freaked me out when I was a kid. There was 2 or 3 claymation kids that went through this portal to a completly black space except for this tiny floating island. There was a scary face telling the kids about the island. The claymation was pretty detailed. I'm guessing it was from the late 80's-early 90s. Can't remember if it was really for kids or more for adults.

Was Mark Twain and a comet involved?

Maybe it's "The Adventures of Mark Twain" aka "Comet Quest"


Youtube video link